Shocking Shirt Shuffle

Date: 18/07/2021

Location: Horseheath Racecourse

In our new exclusive Venue at Horseheath Racecourse, Cambridge, CB21 4QP

Pics and images are available at our Last race at Horseheath on 17th & 18th October here

This race is limited to 50 People. We will have virtual spaces available for the day for anyone who wants the run on the day for the medal but cannot get to the venue on the day.

It's a six hour event, run as far as you can during the six hours and a little bit more if you're lucky, as long as you are leaving the Base Camp by 5:59:59 you get to run another lap, we have designed a 5.3k route which encompasses the grounds of Horseheath racecourse, 90% of the route is within the grounds and a small portion is on a public footpath/Bridleway.

You can run as much or little as you want to, you can rest between laps if you like and take in the music at the aid station, all whilst socially distancing of course.

You may be completing your first official 5k,10k, Half Marathon, Full Marathon or even ultra-Marathon, or it may be your 100th or 1000th, the location is pretty self-contained, making this an intimate event with us having exclusive use of the main area. We have plenty of open space at the venue to ensure we can all stay socially distanced and space ourselves adequately,

This race is also ideal for those who want to try and achieve a Marathon distance and for those who also want the option to push a little further, possibly an ultra but without the complications of trail ultras, with next to no navigation, no kit required, an aid station every lap and straightforward logistics.

Parking is also included and secure on site, we will have a parking attendant showing you where to park. He will also check your name and let you know when to come to the Race HQ/Base Camp

This will be located at the start and Lap point where we will have our water/aid station, you will be able to pick up your race number and the Race director will call you in your coral of 5 or 6 people for the race briefing and to the start of the race.

You will be able to leave your bags and extra kit you want to bring in your car as it will be close to the start/Lap point of the race. If you are being dropped off we can find somewhere safe for it to be during the race.

Upon entry you will receive an email explaining the times and set up, if you are hoping to run with someone or possibly in a group, once you have entered, I suggest entering the event at the same time or please send me an email and I will do my best to organise it.

We have designed a large Bespoke medal for the event, which you will receive at the end of the race. Lucky Dip entries receive a "lucky dip medal" rather than the event specific medal.

The terrain has long slopes rather than hills, its a challenging course, there is a small public footpath/Bridleway yet whilst its undulated, its primarily flat. Mainly pathway with a small undulated section, our suggestion is to wear road trainers, but you may want to bring trails if you have them but not essential

Entries are non-refundable and the transfer window is now closed.

Your current entrants

Race Options

Name/Distance Start time Entrants
Shocking Shirt Shuffle 09:00 am
Affiliated £33.00
Unattached £35.00
Virtual £17.50
Lucky dip affiliated £23.00
Lucky dip unaffiliated £25.00