Norfolk Gazelles 'Big Stampede'

Location: Norfolk Showground


Championship Relay

Start time: 30/10/2022 10:00

PositionTeam NameCategoryLegs CompleteLeg 1Leg 2Leg 3Leg 4Team Time
1 Bungay Black Dog 1M-J400:17:2800:17:4100:17:4100:17:1001:10:02
2 Mick's NutsM-O400:17:1500:18:1200:18:4400:17:1201:11:25
3 Braydeston MilersM-O400:17:3500:18:0400:18:2600:18:0101:12:07
4 Bure Valley HaresM-V400:17:0600:19:0300:17:5200:18:1701:12:19
5 I thought this was a 5k!Mixed-V400:19:0700:18:3100:18:4600:16:4701:13:14
6 Bungay Black Dog 3M-O400:17:0400:20:2500:18:3400:17:5101:13:55
7 Locked in the bathroomM-O400:18:1400:18:5700:18:1300:18:3301:13:59
8 Gaskins GangMixed-O400:18:1500:19:0400:20:3500:16:5301:14:50
9 Ryston HaresMixed-O400:19:0200:20:0300:18:2400:17:3501:15:05
10 NNBR Rehab 1Mixed-V400:18:3300:17:4100:22:1200:16:3901:15:07
11 R.B.H.MM-O400:19:0700:20:0000:18:1200:18:5401:16:22
12 Lion FodderM-O400:18:4400:18:5400:20:0800:19:2801:17:17
13 The Run and OnlyMixed-O400:19:1500:21:2600:19:5700:18:1601:18:58
14 Aylsham Runners - Quads of FuryM-O400:18:0400:20:4100:19:0300:21:4801:19:38
15 Bure Valley HoundsMixed-O400:20:1900:20:4200:19:4600:19:5901:20:48
16 RUN DMJcEMixed-O400:19:3800:21:2400:20:2000:19:3701:21:04
17 Bungay Black Dog 6M-V400:20:0600:18:3700:22:1400:20:2601:21:26
18 3 Fast 1 FuriousM-O400:20:1400:21:4400:21:1600:18:2801:21:45
19 Bungay Black Dog 4F-O400:21:1000:21:2200:22:0100:17:5701:22:32
20 The silent assassinsM-O400:19:4500:21:0500:20:4400:21:0201:22:39
21 Two Fast, Two Furious.M-V400:20:3900:20:4000:20:4100:20:3601:22:41
22 NNBR Rehab 2M-V400:18:2200:23:4100:20:0800:20:3301:22:45
23 Speedy RntsM-V400:19:2700:20:5400:22:1600:20:0401:22:46
24 Team WhitingMixed-O400:19:3400:19:1000:23:1400:21:3001:23:31
25 Old horsesM-O400:23:0000:21:2500:20:2400:18:4901:23:46
26 Team LAPSMixed-O400:18:1700:22:2500:21:5800:21:4501:24:29
27 CLEM GirlzellesF-O400:22:4300:20:4200:21:1100:19:5101:24:33
28 Vintage Cake RunnersF-V400:20:0200:21:4000:22:0900:21:5201:25:47
29 Bungay Black Dog 2Mixed-J400:21:4000:21:5300:21:4200:20:3801:25:56
30 Panda PatrolMixed-O400:24:1200:20:4200:21:4400:19:1801:26:02
31 Legging itMixed-O400:21:5500:22:4300:21:5500:20:1801:26:54
32 We got the RunsMixed-O400:19:5800:22:0300:22:4100:22:2401:27:11
33 Worlingham RoadRunnerz Wonder VetsMixed-V400:22:4100:23:2200:23:4800:17:4601:27:45
34 Harling AC - 2M-O400:20:5100:23:0900:20:5200:22:5201:27:48
35 The Random HarriersMixed-O400:20:4800:23:3400:22:2500:21:4901:28:38
36 Pimp my StrideMixed-O400:19:0800:27:2100:20:5000:21:3001:28:52
37 The Geri-ActivesM-SV400:21:5000:22:3800:23:5400:20:2801:28:56
38 Almost ABBA Take TwoMixed-V400:19:3600:23:5800:22:2800:22:5701:29:02
39 Harling AC - 1Mixed-O400:19:1000:23:1500:27:1000:19:5501:29:34
40 WAC COMMON PEOPLEMixed-V400:21:4100:23:5100:24:1400:19:4901:29:40
41 Hooray HarriersMixed-J400:20:2100:21:5800:23:3700:23:4701:29:45
42 Scrambled LegsMixed-O400:23:0700:21:0400:23:0700:22:2201:29:48
43 Jacob's DRACkersM-O400:23:3200:22:5700:22:1300:21:2801:30:15
44 Ryston LeveretsF-J400:21:3400:23:2600:22:5700:22:2801:30:30
45 Double LP`s (LPLP)Mixed-V400:21:4600:24:0200:22:1400:22:2901:30:37
46 Big Bag of CANSF-O400:22:2700:23:2800:22:5100:21:5001:30:43
47 5k & SlayMixed-O400:21:2500:23:0100:24:1100:22:2101:31:04
48 Who’s leg is it anyway?Mixed-V400:25:0500:23:0400:23:3100:19:2001:31:13
49 Lost in PaceF-O400:21:0900:23:5000:24:0100:22:1901:31:23
50 Lingwood LegitsMixed-V400:23:2800:25:4800:22:0100:20:3101:31:52
51 Running on empty!!!Mixed-O400:24:4900:20:0400:26:4100:20:1301:32:00
52 Young at HeartMixed-SV400:22:0300:22:1900:25:0100:22:4801:32:17
53 Team 69Mixed-O400:23:2000:22:5600:23:3800:23:3301:33:34
54 The StarfishMixed-V400:23:1900:21:1700:24:2400:24:3401:33:42
55 SeMiCoCaM-O400:24:0800:23:4400:23:4300:22:0201:33:43
56 Time is IrrelevantM-V400:22:2800:22:2500:26:5100:22:0401:33:59
57 Pumped Up KicksMixed-O400:21:2900:24:3700:24:3300:24:0201:34:45
58 Three Men and a LadyMixed-V400:24:0600:24:2900:23:0000:23:3401:35:20
59 Bungay Black Dog 5F-V400:23:1900:23:0100:23:3100:25:5501:35:50
60 Jaguarettes The RemixF-O400:23:4800:24:2100:23:2700:24:2401:36:09
61 Ugly Toe NailsMixed-O400:24:2500:25:5300:23:1300:22:5901:36:43
62 Wayne waits on usMixed-O400:21:4600:24:1100:27:1200:23:3201:36:47
63 DRAC OLD G.I.T.SM-SV400:26:3800:22:4800:24:1400:23:1401:37:07
64 Bure Valley HedgehogsMixed-SV400:20:3300:26:4300:26:0100:23:4301:37:09
65 Lads on toureM-O400:26:4800:22:2700:21:0200:26:4501:37:14
66 Bungay Black Dog 7Mixed-SV400:23:4700:22:5200:26:3900:23:5601:37:17
67 SLAM dunk and runMixed-V400:25:5800:26:3600:21:4000:23:0301:37:25
68 Bure Valley HawksMixed-O400:20:3300:28:0900:25:4800:23:1101:37:45
69 Steph’s birthday herdMixed-O400:25:3300:26:5000:20:1300:25:1001:37:56
70 Moooooooooooooooooooooo!Mixed-O400:23:4000:21:3600:25:0900:27:4201:38:16
71 Bure Valley HyenasMixed-O400:22:1100:26:1500:27:3200:23:1401:39:19
72 Barking MadMixed-J400:24:0900:27:2900:23:2700:24:0801:39:20
73 Dont drop the baton!Mixed-O400:24:3500:25:1400:27:1800:22:4901:40:04
74 Don't Stop in the name of the law.Mixed-O400:23:5500:27:2200:23:4900:24:5201:40:09
75 Let’s do this againM-O400:30:4300:23:0000:23:3600:22:3601:40:10
76 Wikiwiki Tri TeamMixed-O400:23:2800:26:5900:29:5700:19:4301:40:18
77 Aylsham Runners - Not Fast, Just FuriousMixed-O400:24:5700:24:2000:26:2100:24:3401:40:20
78 Bungay Black Dog 9M-SV400:25:5800:25:0900:24:4300:23:0701:40:25
79 Bure Valley HamstersMixed-V400:21:1800:25:5500:27:4400:25:2401:40:27
80 Easier Said Than RunMixed-V400:26:5900:24:5400:26:0300:22:2901:40:35
81 Bin There Dunn ThatMixed-O400:28:2800:24:2000:24:1800:23:3901:40:51
82 This is NOT a double date !Mixed-O400:23:3500:24:5400:26:3100:26:0401:41:15
83 The Hot FlushesF-V400:24:1500:23:2200:27:2000:26:5401:41:58
84 Blister SistersF-V400:23:5100:27:1000:25:0600:25:4501:42:01
85 Golden GazellesMixed-V400:25:3400:28:0600:28:1500:22:3801:44:43
86 B CReWMixed-V400:25:5400:26:4200:26:3100:26:0101:45:15
87 Aylsham’s Aged & UncagedMixed-V400:29:0600:23:5900:24:3400:27:4301:45:31
88 Three Rings and a DunnettMixed-O400:30:3400:28:0800:27:1900:20:3601:46:47
89 NRR Normal Runners RacingMixed-O400:26:3200:28:2500:29:5600:22:1001:47:11
90 WestgatorsMixed-O400:24:5500:31:5400:23:3500:26:4401:47:15
91 Run now Moan LaterMixed-O400:28:5300:26:2500:28:4700:23:2401:47:41
92 RIOT (Running Is Our Therapy)F-V400:26:0100:25:5000:28:2500:27:3501:48:04
93 Coltishall StragglersMixed-O400:22:5100:29:2200:28:1800:28:3501:49:16
94 Captains CrewF-V400:28:5900:25:0600:27:2000:28:1401:49:51
95 NNBR KEEN STAMPEDEMixed-V400:25:1500:30:1900:29:2300:26:2301:51:29
96 Taxi for 4F-O400:33:0600:24:2700:29:0900:25:1001:52:03
97 The Preston PosseMixed-O400:28:3500:32:5300:29:5100:21:3801:53:09
98 Legs MiserablesF-V400:27:1700:26:5900:28:5600:30:1901:53:40
99 The Pesky SeagullsF-O400:29:2600:26:5400:30:4400:27:0701:54:21
100 3 Chiefs and an IndianMixed-O400:30:2400:34:4300:29:3000:20:2601:55:08
101 The HaribosF-V400:27:1200:30:4400:30:3400:27:1701:55:54
102 Foxtrotters Old FartsMixed-SV400:27:4200:30:0300:27:4200:30:5301:56:26
103 Bungay Black Dog 8F-SV400:30:0500:28:4500:29:5600:27:3801:56:38
104 Worst pace scenarioMixed-O400:25:5900:33:0400:32:1800:25:2601:57:17
105 3 hares and a tortoiseMixed-O400:28:5000:35:1900:26:3800:26:5301:57:49
106 The ploddersMixed-O400:28:5000:32:0300:31:0600:25:4401:57:54
107 J.A.M.M. SPREAD.Mixed-V400:36:4500:23:3400:35:1100:26:0302:01:51
108 The RunettesF-V400:28:3800:30:3200:31:2600:31:3702:02:24
109 Not in it to win it!F-V400:24:0700:25:1000:45:5000:29:5302:05:08
110 3 Women and a Baby!F-O400:34:4400:31:2800:30:4000:28:1902:05:24
111 Foxtrotters Spring ChickensMixed-V400:30:0900:34:0900:32:3000:28:3302:05:28
112 The After ThoughtsF-O400:42:5300:27:3300:31:0800:25:3402:07:23
113 Breast foot forwardF-V400:38:0100:31:1700:29:1300:29:3302:08:13
114 Run the WiserMixed-O400:34:4400:32:2800:30:4500:31:2702:09:40
115 You do not have to say anything….F-O400:31:3900:29:1500:35:2300:35:2202:11:52
116 Foxtrotters Golden OldiesMixed-SV400:35:5300:32:3200:34:1600:30:5902:13:49

Championship Relay

Start time: 30/10/2022 10:00

1 NeilAdamsMM40+NNBR Rehab 14North Norfolk Beach Runners2094 00:16:39.3
2 KevinHollandMM40+I thought this was a 5k!4Wymondham AC2054 00:16:47.6
3 JackStuttleMMOGaskins Gang4Coltishall Jaguars RC1634 00:16:52.6
4 MarcusSladdenMMOBungay Black Dog 31Bungay Black Dog RC1281 00:17:03.6
5 SimonPartridgeMM40+Bure Valley Hares1Bure Valley Harriers1441 00:17:05.9
6 PeterLowtherMMU18Bungay Black Dog 14Bungay Black Dog RC1244 00:17:09.6
7 LloydWilliamsMMOMick's Nuts4Norwich Road Runners1354 00:17:12.0
8 JohnHudsonMM40+Mick's Nuts1Norwich Road Runners1351 00:17:15.8
9 OliverGilbertMMU18Bungay Black Dog 11Bungay Black Dog RC1241 00:17:28.8
10 DanielSmithMMORyston Hares4Ryston Runners1754 00:17:35.1
11 StephenBalfeMM40+Braydeston Milers1Braydeston Milers1271 00:17:35.3
12 JackTeutenMMU18Bungay Black Dog 12Bungay Black Dog RC1242 00:17:40.2
13 StevenBaconMM40+NNBR Rehab 12North Norfolk Beach Runners2092 00:17:41.2
14 MatthewLightfootMMU18Bungay Black Dog 13Bungay Black Dog RC1243 00:17:41.8
15 EwanWinzor-SaileMM40+Worlingham RoadRunnerz Wonder Vets4Worlingham RoadRunnerz2154 00:17:45.3
16 JackSuttonMMU18Bungay Black Dog 34Bungay Black Dog RC1284 00:17:51.9
17 SimonBalesMM40+Bure Valley Hares3Bure Valley Harriers1443 00:17:52.0
18 JoAndrewsFF40+Bungay Black Dog 44Bungay Black Dog RC1034 00:17:56.8
19 CameronPantingMM40+Braydeston Milers4Braydeston Milers1274 00:18:00.7
20 ChristopherCoatesMMOAylsham Runners - Quads of Fury1Aylsham Runners1261 00:18:04.0
21 JakeGrandMMOBraydeston Milers2Braydeston Milers1272 00:18:04.4
22 IanBrayMMOMick's Nuts2Norwich Road Runners1352 00:18:11.5
23 MatthewBensonMMU18R.B.H.M3City of Norwich AC1373 00:18:12.3
24 HarryNealeMMOLocked in the bathroom3Norfolk Gazelles AC1343 00:18:13.5
25 John-DavidFisherMMOLocked in the bathroom1Norfolk Gazelles AC1341 00:18:13.8
26 DanielSmithMM40+Gaskins Gang1Coltishall Jaguars RC1631 00:18:14.9
27 PaulFairchildMM40+The Run and Only4Wymondham AC1844 00:18:16.0
28 SteveWoodcroftMM40+Team LAPS1Wymondham AC1791 00:18:17.4
29 RichardJohnsonMM40+Bure Valley Hares4Bure Valley Harriers1444 00:18:17.4
30 TonyWitmondMM40+NNBR Rehab 21North Norfolk Beach Runners1451 00:18:21.2
31 DanielYallopMMORyston Hares3Ryston Runners1753 00:18:24.2
32 PaulHighamMMOBraydeston Milers3Braydeston Milers1273 00:18:26.0
33 AlexArmesMMO3 Fast 1 Furious4Great Yarmouth Road Runners1254 00:18:28.3
34 JulietteWatkinsonFF40+I thought this was a 5k!2Wymondham AC2052 00:18:30.5
35 JohnMooreMM60+Locked in the bathroom4Norfolk Gazelles AC1344 00:18:32.2
36 TonyMcCullumMM40+NNBR Rehab 11North Norfolk Beach Runners2091 00:18:32.8
37 ByronMcGillMM40+Bungay Black Dog 33Bungay Black Dog RC1283 00:18:33.6
38 JulianDreweMM40+Bungay Black Dog 62Bungay Black Dog RC1432 00:18:37.1
39 RichardMeadMMOMick's Nuts3Norwich Road Runners1353 00:18:44.5
40 WilliamRobbMMOLion Fodder1Norfolk Gazelles AC1331 00:18:44.5
41 MarkBanfieldMM40+I thought this was a 5k!3Wymondham AC2053 00:18:46.3
42 MichalJakubiakMMOOld horses41364 00:18:48.9
43 CorbenReynoldsMMU18R.B.H.M4Great Yarmouth & District AC1374 00:18:53.8
44 MattCollierMM40+Lion Fodder2Norfolk Gazelles AC1332 00:18:54.0
45 DavidGibbs-KnellerMMOLocked in the bathroom2Norfolk Gazelles AC1342 00:18:57.0
46 JamesOrdMMORyston Hares1Ryston Runners1751 00:19:02.0
47 MattStoneMM40+Bure Valley Hares2Bure Valley Harriers1442 00:19:02.3
48 WilliamGeorgeMMOAylsham Runners - Quads of Fury3Aylsham Runners1263 00:19:03.5
49 DarrenTubbyMMOGaskins Gang2Coltishall Jaguars RC1632 00:19:04.6
50 SeanThompsonMM40+I thought this was a 5k!1Wymondham AC2051 00:19:07.2
51 PaulWardMM40+R.B.H.M1Bure Valley Harriers1371 00:19:07.3
52 SeanJermyMMOPimp my Stride1Great Yarmouth Road Runners1691 00:19:08.0
53 RobHamlenMM40+Harling AC - 11Harling Athletic Club1641 00:19:09.8
54 ThomasWhitingMMU18Team Whiting2City of Norwich AC1802 00:19:10.1
55 DanBrocklehurstMMOThe Run and Only1Wymondham AC1841 00:19:15.5
56 MattWebsterMMOPanda Patrol4Wymondham AC1684 00:19:18.2
57 MarkMardellMM40+Who’s leg is it anyway?4Norwich Road Runners2144 00:19:20.7
58 AnthonyCudeMM40+Speedy Rnts1Runners-Next-the-Sea1461 00:19:27.2
59 CraigSmithermanMM40+Lion Fodder4Norfolk Gazelles AC1334 00:19:27.6
60 PhilWhitingMM40+Team Whiting1Norfolk Gazelles AC1801 00:19:34.5
61 AndrewBakerMM40+Almost ABBA Take Two1Great Yarmouth Road Runners1971 00:19:36.3
62 MichaelEglingtonMM40+RUN DMJcE4Dereham Runners AC1714 00:19:36.6
63 JasonMattlessMM40+RUN DMJcE1Dereham Runners AC1711 00:19:37.7
64 AndrewSheperdMMOWikiwiki Tri Team4Wikiwiki Tri Team1904 00:19:43.0
65 JamieBurridgeMM40+The silent assassins1Great Yarmouth Road Runners1391 00:19:45.2
66 KirkBaggeMMOBure Valley Hounds3Bure Valley Harriers1583 00:19:46.5
67 DavePowlesMM40+WAC COMMON PEOPLE4Wymondham AC2134 00:19:48.3
68 MeghanMasonFFOCLEM Girlzelles4Norfolk Gazelles AC1044 00:19:51.0
69 LukePaveyMMOHarling AC - 14Harling Athletic Club1644 00:19:55.3
70 PeterMorganMMOThe Run and Only3Wymondham AC1843 00:19:56.8
71 MarkArmstrongMM40+We got the Runs11101 00:19:58.0
72 GregHowardMMOBure Valley Hounds4Bure Valley Harriers1584 00:19:59.0
73 RussellHopkinsMMOR.B.H.M2City of Norwich AC1372 00:19:59.9
74 AlexandraSmithFF40+Vintage Cake Runners1Wymondham AC1231 00:20:01.6
75 EmmaWoodFFORyston Hares2Ryston Runners1752 00:20:02.8
76 KyleHastingsMMORunning on empty!!!2Runners-Next-the-Sea1742 00:20:03.8
77 DavidCoslettMM40+Speedy Rnts4Runners-Next-the-Sea1464 00:20:04.2
78 BarrySmithMM40+Bungay Black Dog 61Bungay Black Dog RC1431 00:20:05.8
79 WilliamHowardMM40+NNBR Rehab 23North Norfolk Beach Runners1453 00:20:07.6
80 HarjitHullaitMMOLion Fodder3Norfolk Gazelles AC1333 00:20:07.8
81 FranklynPlumeMMOSteph’s birthday herd3Coltishall Jaguars RC1773 00:20:12.7
82 AndrewSuttonMMORunning on empty!!!4Runners-Next-the-Sea1744 00:20:13.0
83 BenStoneMMO3 Fast 1 Furious1Great Yarmouth Road Runners1251 00:20:14.0
84 JasonCornerMM40+Legging it41654 00:20:17.4
85 MichaelSwindellsMMU18Bure Valley Hounds1Bure Valley Harriers1581 00:20:18.6
86 ElizabethDalyFF40+RUN DMJcE3Dereham Runners AC1713 00:20:20.2
87 AvaMearsFFU18Hooray Harriers1North Norfolk Harriers Athletics Club1511 00:20:20.5
88 MarekHalickiMM40+Old horses31363 00:20:24.2
89 JonnyReadMMOBungay Black Dog 32Bungay Black Dog RC1282 00:20:24.8
90 SteveNewmanMM40+Bungay Black Dog 64Bungay Black Dog RC1434 00:20:25.8
91 StephenPointerMMO3 Chiefs and an Indian4Coltishall Jaguars RC1524 00:20:26.0
92 StephenDixonMM60+The Geri-Actives4Wymondham AC1424 00:20:27.9
93 OwenHudsonMM40+Lingwood Legits4Lingwood Leg-its2074 00:20:31.2
94 PhilHurrMM60+Bure Valley Hedgehogs1Bure Valley Harriers1931 00:20:32.5
95 MatthewCraneMM40+Bure Valley Hawks1Bure Valley Harriers1571 00:20:33.0
96 DeanHowardMM40+NNBR Rehab 24North Norfolk Beach Runners1454 00:20:33.7
97 EllieGaskinsFFOGaskins Gang3Coltishall Jaguars RC1633 00:20:35.0
98 JamesDunnettMMOThree Rings and a Dunnett41864 00:20:35.7
99 MarkGarrettMM40+Two Fast, Two Furious.4Norwich Road Runners1484 00:20:36.3
100 MatthewSmithMMU18Bungay Black Dog 24Bungay Black Dog RC1504 00:20:37.6
101 NickRandallMM40+Two Fast, Two Furious.1Norwich Road Runners1481 00:20:39.5
102 DavidCrotchMM40+Two Fast, Two Furious.2Norwich Road Runners1482 00:20:40.0
103 SteveClevelandMM40+Two Fast, Two Furious.3Norwich Road Runners1483 00:20:40.3
104 ChrisBakerMMOAylsham Runners - Quads of Fury2Aylsham Runners1262 00:20:40.8
105 JoanneWatkinsFFOBure Valley Hounds2Bure Valley Harriers1582 00:20:41.7
106 AlisonArmstrongFF40+Panda Patrol2Wymondham AC1682 00:20:41.9
107 LauraSmithermanFF40+CLEM Girlzelles2Norfolk Gazelles AC1042 00:20:42.7
108 AndrewThomasMM40+The silent assassins3Great Yarmouth Road Runners1393 00:20:44.0
109 EsmeJonasFFU18The Random Harriers1North Norfolk Harriers Athletics Club1831 00:20:48.2
110 TerryHubbardMM40+Pimp my Stride3Great Yarmouth Road Runners1693 00:20:49.7
111 MartinGooderhamMMOHarling AC - 21Harling Athletic Club1291 00:20:51.7
112 JoeDentonMM40+Harling AC - 23Harling Athletic Club1293 00:20:52.0
113 MathewEyreMM40+Speedy Rnts2Runners-Next-the-Sea1462 00:20:53.3
114 ChristopherFryerMMOThe silent assassins4Great Yarmouth Road Runners1394 00:21:02.0
115 JohnAlgarMMOLads on toure3Great Yarmouth Road Runners1313 00:21:02.2
116 BeckyWillettFFOScrambled Legs21762 00:21:03.3
117 JamesBoolMM40+The silent assassins2Great Yarmouth Road Runners1392 00:21:05.2
118 NicolaHillFF40+Lost in Pace1Norwich Road Runners1061 00:21:09.2
119 SophieBarnardFFOBungay Black Dog 41Bungay Black Dog RC1031 00:21:10.0
120 EmeseBarthaFFOCLEM Girlzelles3Norfolk Gazelles AC1043 00:21:11.0
121 DanielPalfreyMMO3 Fast 1 Furious3Great Yarmouth Road Runners1253 00:21:16.0
122 JakeWhitbreadMM40+The Starfish2North Norfolk Beach Runners2112 00:21:17.0
123 FranCookeFF40+Bure Valley Hamsters1Bure Valley Harriers2001 00:21:18.0
124 ImogenSuttonFFOBungay Black Dog 42Bungay Black Dog RC1032 00:21:21.6
125 DaisyMattlessFFORUN DMJcE21712 00:21:24.0
126 MichalGrucelskiMM40+Old horses21362 00:21:25.2
127 JoDelfFFOThe Run and Only2Wymondham AC1842 00:21:25.8
128 LukeGuyMMO5k & Slay11541 00:21:25.7
129 JacobLastMMU18Jacob's DRACkers4Dereham Runners AC1304 00:21:27.6
130 AdrianSlatteryMM40+Pimp my Stride4Great Yarmouth Road Runners1694 00:21:29.6
131 StuartOxboroughMMOPumped Up Kicks1Waveney Valley AC1701 00:21:29.5
132 FaithPearceFF40+Team Whiting4Norfolk Gazelles AC1804 00:21:29.8
133 AmyDewartFFU18Ryston Leverets1Ryston Runners1001 00:21:34.3
134 NathanAdamsMMOMoooooooooooooooooooooo!2Coltishall Jaguars RC1662 00:21:36.2
135 LouisPrestonMMU18The Preston Posse4Dereham Runners AC1824 00:21:38.2
136 TessAndrewsFFU18Bungay Black Dog 21Bungay Black Dog RC1501 00:21:40.2
137 GoodingKateFF40+Vintage Cake Runners2Wymondham AC1232 00:21:40.2
138 AdyJayMM40+SLAM dunk and run3Aylsham Runners2103 00:21:40.7
139 RobbieStarlingMM40+WAC COMMON PEOPLE1Wymondham AC2131 00:21:41.3
140 AnnabelleJacksonFFU18Bungay Black Dog 23Bungay Black Dog RC1503 00:21:42.4
141 KevinFrazerMM40+Panda Patrol3Wymondham AC1683 00:21:43.6
142 LeeSymondsMMO3 Fast 1 Furious2Great Yarmouth Road Runners1252 00:21:44.2
143 PaulJonesMM40+Team LAPS4Wymondham AC1794 00:21:45.0
144 LiamDawsonMM40+Double LP`s (LPLP)1Runners-Next-the-Sea2011 00:21:46.0
145 WayneRamsbottomMM40+Wayne waits on us1Dereham Runners AC1881 00:21:46.0
146 JasonGibbonsMMOAylsham Runners - Quads of Fury4Aylsham Runners1264 00:21:48.0
147 DarrenEdridgeMM40+The Random Harriers41834 00:21:48.3
148 CoraO'MahonyFFOBig Bag of CANS4Norfolk Gazelles AC1024 00:21:49.3
149 KeithBlakeMM60+The Geri-Actives1Wymondham AC1421 00:21:50.2
150 ClaireBrownFF60+Vintage Cake Runners4Wymondham AC1234 00:21:52.0
151 BeatriceWellsFFU18Bungay Black Dog 22Bungay Black Dog RC1502 00:21:52.8
152 NeilOxburyMM40+Legging it11651 00:21:55.0
153 HarveyWadeMMU18Legging it3Coltishall Jaguars RC1653 00:21:55.7
154 LouiseStevensFFOTeam LAPS3Wymondham AC1793 00:21:58.0
155 MiloDebbageMMU18Hooray Harriers2North Norfolk Harriers Athletics Club1512 00:21:58.6
156 JamesPallantMM40+Lingwood Legits3Lingwood Leg-its2073 00:22:00.3
157 AmyHannerFF40+Bungay Black Dog 43Bungay Black Dog RC1033 00:22:01.0
158 CamRavenMMOSeMiCoCa4Runners-Next-the-Sea1384 00:22:02.0
159 ClaireWoodcroftFF40+We got the Runs2Wymondham AC1102 00:22:02.3
160 RolyCookMM60+Young at Heart1Norwich Road Runners1961 00:22:02.4
161 AlanDiaperMM40+Time is Irrelevant4Great Yarmouth Road Runners1474 00:22:04.5
162 JoanneJacksonFF40+Vintage Cake Runners3Wymondham AC1233 00:22:09.2
163 FrankieCamplingMMONRR Normal Runners Racing4Norwich Road Runners1674 00:22:10.2
164 MarkCrookesMM40+Bure Valley Hyenas1Bure Valley Harriers1591 00:22:10.8
165 NessDentFF40+NNBR Rehab 13North Norfolk Beach Runners2093 00:22:11.3
166 NeilRiversMM40+Jacob's DRACkers3Dereham Runners AC1303 00:22:13.7
167 LorraineHuntFF40+Double LP`s (LPLP)3Runners-Next-the-Sea2013 00:22:14.2
168 NickGoodgeMM40+Bungay Black Dog 63Bungay Black Dog RC1433 00:22:14.3
169 TomRivettMM40+Speedy Rnts3Runners-Next-the-Sea1463 00:22:16.0
170 MarianneArmstrongFF40+Lost in Pace4Norwich Road Runners1064 00:22:18.3
171 MartinHowardMM60+Young at Heart2Norwich Road Runners1962 00:22:19.2
172 SeviMarshallFFO5k & Slay41544 00:22:21.2
173 MattHowesMM40+Scrambled Legs4Norwich Road Runners1764 00:22:22.0
174 ZoeWebsterFFOWe got the Runs4Wymondham AC1104 00:22:24.0
175 MarkCollinsMM40+Time is Irrelevant2Great Yarmouth Road Runners1472 00:22:24.6
176 AndrewMundyMMOTeam LAPS2Wymondham AC1792 00:22:25.0
177 VickiTovellFF40+The Random Harriers3Coltishall Jaguars RC1833 00:22:25.7
178 EddieGreenlandMM40+Lads on toure2Great Yarmouth Road Runners1312 00:22:26.8
179 AmyWrightFFOBig Bag of CANS1Norfolk Gazelles AC1021 00:22:27.0
180 AmyDewartFFU18Ryston Leverets4Ryston Runners1004 00:22:27.6
181 JoAnveraliFF40+Almost ABBA Take Two3Great Yarmouth Road Runners1973 00:22:28.0
182 KevinStarkMM40+Time is Irrelevant1Great Yarmouth Road Runners1471 00:22:28.4
183 PaulWoodhouseMM60+Double LP`s (LPLP)4Runners-Next-the-Sea2014 00:22:28.6
184 MarkStoneMM40+Easier Said Than Run4Great Yarmouth Road Runners2024 00:22:29.5
185 SimonHowardMM40+Let’s do this again41324 00:22:35.8
186 StephenDadyMM60+The Geri-Actives2Wymondham AC1422 00:22:38.0
187 ChrisMooreMM60+Golden Gazelles4Norfolk Gazelles AC2044 00:22:38.2
188 AndrewOwenMM40+Worlingham RoadRunnerz Wonder Vets1Worlingham RoadRunnerz2151 00:22:41.2
189 KathrynHeaneyFFOWe got the Runs3Wymondham AC1103 00:22:41.2
190 RachelJacksonFF40+Legging it2Coltishall Jaguars RC1652 00:22:42.3
191 ClaireLawrensonFF40+CLEM Girlzelles1Norfolk Gazelles AC1041 00:22:42.8
192 WillBuckMM60+Young at Heart4Norwich Road Runners1964 00:22:48.0
193 PeterSwalesMM60+DRAC OLD G.I.T.S2Dereham Runners AC1412 00:22:48.0
194 KeithBrightyMM40+Dont drop the baton!4Coltishall Jaguars RC1624 00:22:48.8
195 NegarMirshekarFFOBig Bag of CANS3Norfolk Gazelles AC1023 00:22:51.4
196 KarlWalkerMM40+Harling AC - 24Harling Athletic Club1294 00:22:51.8
197 DougieBarberMM60+Coltishall Stragglers1Coltishall Jaguars RC1601 00:22:51.7
198 RobHallMM60+Bungay Black Dog 72Bungay Black Dog RC1922 00:22:52.1
199 GordanaSucur-HillsFF40+Team 692Runners-Next-the-Sea1782 00:22:55.8
200 AdrianHollisMM40+Jacob's DRACkers2Dereham Runners AC1302 00:22:56.3
201 RichardBeevorMM40+Almost ABBA Take Two4Great Yarmouth Road Runners1974 00:22:56.6
202 RubySmithFFU18Ryston Leverets3Ryston Runners1003 00:22:57.0
203 ScottAndrewsMMOUgly Toe Nails4Great Yarmouth Road Runners1874 00:22:59.1
204 DavidBellMM40+Three Men and a Lady3Norwich Road Runners2123 00:23:00.0
205 ChrisHowardMM40+Let’s do this again21322 00:23:00.2
206 TomaszKwiatkowskiMM40+Old horses11361 00:23:00.2
207 TimothyKeyMMO5k & Slay21542 00:23:00.8
208 JustineFawcettFF40+Bungay Black Dog 52Bungay Black Dog RC1152 00:23:00.8
209 MylesHagueMM40+SLAM dunk and run4Aylsham Runners2104 00:23:03.0
210 CarolineYoungmanFF40+Who’s leg is it anyway?2Norwich Road Runners2142 00:23:03.7
211 RobHallMM60+Bungay Black Dog 94Bungay Black Dog RC1404 00:23:06.8
212 AndyTibbleMM40+Scrambled Legs11761 00:23:07.0
213 DanielleRackhamFFOScrambled Legs31763 00:23:07.2
214 JamesGranthamMM40+Harling AC - 22Harling Athletic Club1292 00:23:09.0
215 AliceGrantFFOBure Valley Hawks4Bure Valley Harriers1574 00:23:10.6
216 SarahLauchalnFFOUgly Toe Nails3Great Yarmouth Road Runners1873 00:23:13.1
217 AmeliaWhitingFF40+Team Whiting3Norfolk Gazelles AC1803 00:23:14.0
218 SriTenjarlaMMOBure Valley Hyenas4Bure Valley Harriers1594 00:23:14.2
219 PeterSwalesMM60+DRAC OLD G.I.T.S4Dereham Runners AC1414 00:23:14.5
220 JulianBlakeMM60+Harling AC - 12Harling Athletic Club1642 00:23:14.8
221 BexMaunFF40+The Starfish1North Norfolk Beach Runners2111 00:23:18.4
222 EmmaMeiringFF40+Bungay Black Dog 51Bungay Black Dog RC1151 00:23:19.2
223 AndyPayneMM40+Team 691Runners-Next-the-Sea1781 00:23:20.0
224 ChristianDraneMM40+Worlingham RoadRunnerz Wonder Vets2Worlingham RoadRunnerz2152 00:23:21.8
225 SandraRobertsFF40+The Hot Flushes2Coltishall Jaguars RC1212 00:23:21.8
226 RobJackmanMM40+Run now Moan Later4Runners-Next-the-Sea1724 00:23:24.5
227 OliviaOrdFFU18Ryston Leverets2Ryston Runners1002 00:23:26.2
228 RhysEdmondsMMU18Barking Mad3Bungay Black Dog RC1493 00:23:26.7
229 AmyFulcherFFOJaguarettes The Remix3Coltishall Jaguars RC1053 00:23:27.2
230 SineadRoganFFOBig Bag of CANS2Norfolk Gazelles AC1022 00:23:27.8
231 MartinTrueloveMM40+Lingwood Legits1Lingwood Leg-its2071 00:23:28.7
232 LorenSearsFFOWikiwiki Tri Team1Wikiwiki Tri Team1901 00:23:28.7
233 JoannaKillingworthFF40+Who’s leg is it anyway?3Norwich Road Runners2143 00:23:30.9
234 JoanneCoxFF40+Bungay Black Dog 53Bungay Black Dog RC1153 00:23:31.5
235 PhilipWebsdaleMM40+Wayne waits on us4Dereham Runners AC1884 00:23:31.8
236 RobertLastMM40+Jacob's DRACkers1Dereham Runners AC1301 00:23:32.1
237 MandyJonasFF40+The Random Harriers21832 00:23:33.3
238 Sarah-JaneSmithFFOTeam 694Runners-Next-the-Sea1784 00:23:33.2
239 MikeWatersMM40+Three Men and a Lady4Norwich Road Runners2124 00:23:33.9
240 AdrianWatersMM40+J.A.M.M. SPREAD.22062 00:23:34.4
241 MichaelGreenMM40+This is NOT a double date !1Great Yarmouth Road Runners1851 00:23:34.8
242 WilliamMacklinMMU18Westgators31893 00:23:35.5
243 RhysHowardMMU18Let’s do this again31323 00:23:35.8
244 EloiseEdridgeFFU18Hooray Harriers3North Norfolk Harriers Athletics Club1513 00:23:36.4
245 BobHumphriesMM60+Team 693Runners-Next-the-Sea1783 00:23:37.8
246 SamGallantMMOBin There Dunn That4PCR Runsters 1564 00:23:38.8
247 PaulTaylorMM40+Moooooooooooooooooooooo!1Coltishall Jaguars RC1661 00:23:39.8
248 JonathanPhillipsMM40+NNBR Rehab 22North Norfolk Beach Runners1452 00:23:41.5
249 KevinHardinghamMM60+Bure Valley Hedgehogs4Bure Valley Harriers1934 00:23:43.0
250 ColinMarshallMM40+SeMiCoCa3Runners-Next-the-Sea1383 00:23:43.1
251 SeanLynnMM40+SeMiCoCa2Runners-Next-the-Sea1382 00:23:44.3
252 TerryGarrityMM60+Bungay Black Dog 71Bungay Black Dog RC1921 00:23:46.5
253 TobyNealeMMU18Hooray Harriers4North Norfolk Harriers Athletics Club1514 00:23:46.8
254 SonjaWhiteFF40+Jaguarettes The Remix1Coltishall Jaguars RC1051 00:23:47.8
255 TrudiFosterFF40+Worlingham RoadRunnerz Wonder Vets3Worlingham RoadRunnerz2153 00:23:48.5
256 PeterLaddimanMM60+Don't Stop in the name of the law.3Norfolk Harriers RC1613 00:23:49.0
257 ChloeWebsterFFOLost in Pace2Norwich Road Runners1062 00:23:49.3
258 CassieBarkerFF40+Blister Sisters1Wymondham AC1131 00:23:50.6
259 MichelleBarkerFF40+WAC COMMON PEOPLE2Wymondham AC2132 00:23:51.0
260 AndrewLaneMM60+The Geri-Actives3Wymondham AC1423 00:23:54.0
261 TomSmithMM40+Don't Stop in the name of the law.1Norfolk Harriers RC1611 00:23:55.2
262 StephenPulferMM60+Bungay Black Dog 74Bungay Black Dog RC1924 00:23:56.2
263 AnnaCoulbornFF60+Almost ABBA Take Two2Great Yarmouth Road Runners1972 00:23:58.0
264 IanMorlandMM40+Aylsham’s Aged & Uncaged2Aylsham Runners1982 00:23:59.0
265 PaulaSmithFF40+Double LP`s (LPLP)2Runners-Next-the-Sea2012 00:24:01.6
266 SophieMooreFFOPumped Up Kicks41704 00:24:01.6
267 NikiParkFF40+Lost in Pace3Norwich Road Runners1063 00:24:01.7
268 AndreaBellFF40+Three Men and a Lady1Norwich Road Runners2121 00:24:06.2
269 LouiseIsherwoodFF40+Not in it to win it!1Norfolk Gazelles AC1181 00:24:07.5
270 MichaelTurnerMM40+SeMiCoCa1Runners-Next-the-Sea1381 00:24:07.8
271 EmilyLowtherFFU18Barking Mad4Bungay Black Dog RC1494 01:39:20.3
272 MillieHannerFFU18Barking Mad1Bungay Black Dog RC1491 00:24:09.7
273 KareanaSymondsFF40+Wayne waits on us2Dereham Runners AC1882 00:24:10.8
274 AndrewHaineMMO5k & Slay31543 00:24:10.8
275 JamesHeaneyMMOPanda Patrol1Wymondham AC1681 00:24:12.3
276 PaulRichardsonMM60+DRAC OLD G.I.T.S3Dereham Runners AC1413 00:24:14.0
277 HilaryByrneFF40+WAC COMMON PEOPLE3Wymondham AC2133 00:24:14.2
278 RuthGainsfordFF40+The Hot Flushes1Coltishall Jaguars RC1211 00:24:14.8
279 SeanDunnMM40+Bin There Dunn That3Norsuf Run Group 1563 00:24:18.2
280 DaveClarkMM40+Bin There Dunn That2Norsuf Run Group 1562 00:24:19.8
281 JemmaCollinsFFOAylsham Runners - Not Fast, Just Furious2Aylsham Runners1552 00:24:20.0
282 SarahCircuitFF40+Jaguarettes The Remix2Coltishall Jaguars RC1052 00:24:21.0
283 MeganSwainFFOJaguarettes The Remix4Coltishall Jaguars RC1054 00:24:23.6
284 KarenBalcombeFF40+The Starfish3North Norfolk Beach Runners2113 00:24:24.0
285 LaurelAndrewsFFOUgly Toe Nails1Great Yarmouth Road Runners1871 00:24:25.2
286 NikGreenoughFF40+Taxi for 42Tri-Anglia Triathlon Club1072 00:24:26.8
287 ChrisAmosMM40+Three Men and a Lady2Norwich Road Runners2122 00:24:29.7
288 CorbinGriffenMMOPumped Up Kicks31703 00:24:33.5
289 DianneBirdFF40+Aylsham’s Aged & Uncaged3Aylsham Runners1983 00:24:34.0
290 TomJonesMM40+Aylsham Runners - Not Fast, Just Furious4Aylsham Runners1554 00:24:34.2
291 DavidDawberMM40+The Starfish4North Norfolk Beach Runners2114 00:24:34.2
292 EllyYoungFF40+Dont drop the baton!1Coltishall Jaguars RC1621 00:24:35.4
293 EllieOxboroughFFOPumped Up Kicks2Waveney Valley AC1702 00:24:36.3
294 Terry.GarrityMM60+Bungay Black Dog 93Bungay Black Dog RC1403 00:24:43.2
295 GemmaPickeringFF40+Running on empty!!!1Runners-Next-the-Sea1741 00:24:49.0
296 LucyCampbellFF40+Don't Stop in the name of the law.4Norfolk Harriers RC1614 00:24:52.0
297 GavinSargeantMMOThis is NOT a double date !2Great Yarmouth Road Runners1852 00:24:54.2
298 RichardMoyseMM40+Easier Said Than Run2Great Yarmouth Road Runners2022 00:24:54.4
299 RebeccaMacklinFF40+Westgators11891 00:24:55.2
300 AbigailPriceFFOAylsham Runners - Not Fast, Just Furious1Aylsham Runners1551 00:24:56.9
301 AlisonStewartFF60+Young at Heart3Norwich Road Runners1963 00:25:01.5
302 TheresaDooleyFF40+Captains Crew2Norfolk Gazelles AC1162 00:25:05.3
303 RobHardyMM40+Who’s leg is it anyway?12141 00:25:05.2
304 WendyBurgessFF40+Blister Sisters3Wymondham AC1133 00:25:06.0
305 GrahamFryerMM40+Moooooooooooooooooooooo!3Coltishall Jaguars RC1663 00:25:08.8
306 StephenReadMM60+Bungay Black Dog 92Bungay Black Dog RC1402 00:25:09.2
307 DebbiePowlesFF40+Not in it to win it!2Norfolk Gazelles AC1182 00:25:09.5
308 SharonJonesFF40+Steph’s birthday herd4Coltishall Jaguars RC1774 00:25:10.4
309 CarriVendyFF40+Taxi for 44Tri-Anglia Triathlon Club1074 00:25:10.5
310 HattieSwainFFODont drop the baton!2Coltishall Jaguars RC1622 00:25:13.9
311 SalRyderFF40+NNBR KEEN STAMPEDE1North Norfolk Beach Runners2081 00:25:15.2
312 ScottChapmanMM40+Bure Valley Hamsters4Bure Valley Harriers2004 00:25:24.0
313 ShanonHodgsonFFOWorst pace scenario41914 00:25:25.8
314 StephanieHallFFOSteph’s birthday herd1Coltishall Jaguars RC1771 00:25:33.2
315 MarkThorpeMM60+Golden Gazelles1Norfolk Gazelles AC2041 00:25:34.3
316 CarolineFletcherFFOThe After Thoughts4Dereham Runners AC1084 00:25:34.7
317 ErinKelfFFOThe plodders4Great Yarmouth Road Runners1814 00:25:44.0
318 RachaelLockwoodFF40+Blister Sisters4Wymondham AC1134 00:25:44.3
319 SophieHudsonFF40+Lingwood Legits2Lingwood Leg-its2072 00:25:48.0
320 LeanneBotwrightFFOBure Valley Hawks3Bure Valley Harriers1573 00:25:48.2
321 AnnaLittleFF40+RIOT (Running Is Our Therapy)2Runners-Next-the-Sea1192 00:25:50.0
322 HelenMcCallFF40+Ugly Toe Nails2Great Yarmouth Road Runners1872 00:25:53.2
323 StephanieEllisFF40+Bure Valley Hamsters2Bure Valley Harriers2002 00:25:54.3
324 BobLyddonMM60+B CReW1Runners-Next-the-Sea1991 00:25:54.2
325 MichelleLightfootFF40+Bungay Black Dog 54Bungay Black Dog RC1154 00:25:54.6
326 SarahJayFF40+SLAM dunk and run1Aylsham Runners2101 00:25:57.6
327 MikCarrMM60+Bungay Black Dog 91Bungay Black Dog RC1401 00:25:58.2
328 JohnWhitehouseMM40+Worst pace scenario11911 00:25:58.6
329 BobCarterMM60+Bure Valley Hedgehogs3Bure Valley Harriers1933 00:26:00.5
330 JulieFisherFF60+RIOT (Running Is Our Therapy)1Runners-Next-the-Sea1191 00:26:01.0
331 WillAyley-DoddMM40+B CReW4Runners-Next-the-Sea1994 00:26:01.2
332 FionaWilliamsFF40+Easier Said Than Run3Great Yarmouth Road Runners2023 00:26:02.6
333 MarriannePageFF40+J.A.M.M. SPREAD.42064 00:26:02.6
334 CourteneyJacobsFFOThis is NOT a double date !4Great Yarmouth Road Runners1854 00:26:04.5
335 CharlotteHarris-CookFF40+Bure Valley Hyenas2Bure Valley Harriers1592 00:26:15.2
336 EmmaPainFFOAylsham Runners - Not Fast, Just Furious3Aylsham Runners1553 00:26:20.8
337 SimonSelfMM40+NNBR KEEN STAMPEDE4North Norfolk Beach Runners2084 00:26:23.2
338 LucyMcCallumFFORun now Moan Later2Runners-Next-the-Sea1722 00:26:24.6
339 RachelDawsonFF40+B CReW3Runners-Next-the-Sea1993 00:26:30.8
340 HarrietBrookeFFOThis is NOT a double date !3Great Yarmouth Road Runners1853 00:26:30.8
341 TabithaKeebleFF40+NRR Normal Runners Racing1Norwich Road Runners1671 00:26:32.1
342 LucyBakerFF40+SLAM dunk and run2Aylsham Runners2102 00:26:35.6
343 AmyleighWattsFFO3 hares and a tortoise31533 00:26:37.3
344 StuartBizleyMM60+DRAC OLD G.I.T.S1Dereham Runners AC1411 00:26:37.3
345 HazelGarrityFF60+Bungay Black Dog 73Bungay Black Dog RC1923 00:26:38.9
346 LauraWatsonFFORunning on empty!!!3Runners-Next-the-Sea1743 00:26:40.6
347 ChrisLubbockMM60+B CReW2Runners-Next-the-Sea1992 00:26:42.0
348 GailHardinghamFF60+Bure Valley Hedgehogs2Bure Valley Harriers1932 00:26:43.8
349 RebeccaMacklinFF40+Westgators41894 00:26:44.0
350 AlanHattonMM40+Lads on toure4Great Yarmouth Road Runners1314 00:26:44.6
351 TonyLudlamMM40+Lads on toure1Great Yarmouth Road Runners1311 00:26:48.5
352 KarenBradleyFF40+Steph’s birthday herd2Coltishall Jaguars RC1772 00:26:50.2
353 ChrisDyeMM40+Time is Irrelevant3Great Yarmouth Road Runners1473 00:26:51.0
354 IanJarvisMM40+3 hares and a tortoise4Lonely Goat RC1534 00:26:52.8
355 AdeleBushellFF40+The Hot Flushes4Coltishall Jaguars RC1214 00:26:53.3
356 CharlotteBeevorFFOThe Pesky Seagulls2Great Yarmouth Road Runners1092 00:26:54.2
357 HayleyGerrardFF40+Wikiwiki Tri Team2Wikiwiki Tri Team1902 00:26:58.6
358 LorrainDawsonFF60+Easier Said Than Run1Great Yarmouth Road Runners2021 00:26:58.8
359 KerryClarkeFF40+Legs Miserables2Aylsham Runners1172 00:26:59.2
360 VickiSymondsFFOThe Pesky Seagulls4Great Yarmouth Road Runners1094 00:27:06.5
361 SamDealFFOHarling AC - 13Harling Athletic Club1643 00:27:10.0
362 CharlotteRichardsonFF40+Blister Sisters2Wymondham AC1132 00:27:10.5
363 KatieWhitmoreFF40+The Haribos1Wymondham AC1201 00:27:11.6
364 NatishaRamsbottomFFOWayne waits on us3Dereham Runners AC1883 00:27:12.7
365 LynOttawayFF40+The Haribos4Wymondham AC1204 00:27:16.6
366 TanyaMannersFF40+Legs Miserables1Aylsham Runners1171 00:27:17.0
367 LauraJohnsonFFODont drop the baton!3Coltishall Jaguars RC1623 00:27:18.2
368 LucyRingFFOThree Rings and a Dunnett31863 00:27:18.8
369 EmmaJordanFF40+The Hot Flushes3Coltishall Jaguars RC1213 00:27:20.5
370 PippaFranceFF40+Captains Crew3Norfolk Gazelles AC1163 00:27:20.5
371 JamesKingMMODon't Stop in the name of the law.2Norfolk Harriers RC1612 00:27:21.3
372 AliceWrightFFOPimp my Stride2Great Yarmouth Road Runners1692 00:27:21.5
373 MillieLamsFFU18Barking Mad2Bungay Black Dog RC1492 00:27:29.2
374 SimonAlcockMM40+Bure Valley Hyenas3Bure Valley Harriers1593 00:27:31.8
375 SusanSwalesFF40+The After Thoughts2Dereham Runners AC1082 00:27:32.3
376 LibbyWoodhouseFF40+RIOT (Running Is Our Therapy)4Runners-Next-the-Sea1194 00:27:34.3
377 BobbieSauerzapfFF60+Bungay Black Dog 84Bungay Black Dog RC1124 00:27:38.2
378 SusanKayFF60+Foxtrotters Old Farts11951 00:27:41.9
379 RachelRobsonFF40+Moooooooooooooooooooooo!4Coltishall Jaguars RC1664 00:27:42.0
380 GaryWardMM60+Foxtrotters Old Farts31953 00:27:42.5
381 DavidPlattenMM40+Aylsham’s Aged & Uncaged4Aylsham Runners1984 00:27:43.7
382 KatherineGarwoodFF40+Bure Valley Hamsters3Bure Valley Harriers2003 00:27:44.2
383 SusanMooreFF60+Golden Gazelles2Norfolk Gazelles AC2042 00:28:05.8
384 AmyRingFFOThree Rings and a Dunnett2Norwich Road Runners1862 00:28:07.6
385 SallyPorterFF40+Bure Valley Hawks2Bure Valley Harriers1572 00:28:09.2
386 RebeccaParkeFF40+Captains Crew4Norfolk Gazelles AC1164 00:28:13.8
387 CarolCooperFF40+Golden Gazelles3Norfolk Gazelles AC2043 00:28:15.2
388 KellyPiesseFFOColtishall Stragglers3Coltishall Jaguars RC1603 00:28:18.0
389 SusanBondFF40+3 Women and a Baby!4Great Yarmouth Road Runners1014 00:28:19.0
390 OliviaHodgsonFFONRR Normal Runners Racing2Norwich Road Runners1672 00:28:25.0
391 NitaJackmanFF40+RIOT (Running Is Our Therapy)3Runners-Next-the-Sea1193 00:28:25.0
392 IreneBrownFF60+Bin There Dunn That1PCR Runsters 1561 00:28:28.2
393 MelanieGreenFF40+Foxtrotters Spring Chickens42034 00:28:33.5
394 MarkPrestonMM40+The Preston Posse1Dereham Runners AC1821 00:28:34.3
395 AndySmithMM40+Coltishall Stragglers4Coltishall Jaguars RC1604 00:28:35.0
396 LeanneWadsworthFF40+The Runettes1Great Yarmouth Road Runners1221 00:28:37.6
397 JackieBellFF60+Bungay Black Dog 82Bungay Black Dog RC1122 00:28:44.6
398 HayleyEyreFF40+Run now Moan Later3Runners-Next-the-Sea1723 00:28:46.8
399 RosalindJarvisFFO3 hares and a tortoise11531 00:28:49.4
400 StuartSadlerMM40+The plodders1Great Yarmouth Road Runners1811 00:28:50.2
401 KerrieCoslettFF40+Run now Moan Later1Runners-Next-the-Sea1721 00:28:53.0
402 TrudiBradleyFF40+Legs Miserables3Aylsham Runners1173 00:28:55.8
403 JulieLondonFF40+Captains Crew1Norfolk Gazelles AC1161 00:28:59.3
404 AlisonReadFF40+Aylsham’s Aged & Uncaged1Aylsham Runners1981 00:29:06.0
405 KayleighCreweFFOTaxi for 43Thetford AC1073 00:29:09.0
406 LisaGrandFF40+Breast foot forward3Aylsham Runners1143 00:29:13.7
407 FelicityHopperFFOYou do not have to say anything….2Norfolk Harriers RC1112 00:29:14.8
408 HayleySmithFFOColtishall Stragglers2Coltishall Jaguars RC1602 00:29:21.6
409 SarahKeenFF40+NNBR KEEN STAMPEDE3North Norfolk Beach Runners2083 00:29:22.6
410 TraceyCampbellFF40+The Pesky Seagulls1Great Yarmouth Road Runners1091 00:29:26.0
411 KarenWoodsFF40+3 Chiefs and an Indian3PCR Runsters1523 00:29:29.8
412 JennyPulfordFF40+Breast foot forward4Aylsham Runners1144 00:29:32.8
413 EllisPrestonMMOThe Preston Posse31823 00:29:51.5
414 RachelPetersFF40+Not in it to win it!4Norfolk Gazelles AC1184 00:29:53.0
415 SusanGlazerFF60+Bungay Black Dog 83Bungay Black Dog RC1123 00:29:55.8
416 LizBrowneFF40+NRR Normal Runners Racing3Norwich Road Runners1673 00:29:55.8
417 JanineDaynesFF40+Wikiwiki Tri Team3Wikiwiki Tri Team1903 00:29:57.5
418 EddieTheakerMM60+Foxtrotters Old Farts21952 00:30:03.0
419 JayneCapps-JennerFF60+Bungay Black Dog 81Bungay Black Dog RC1121 00:30:05.2
420 TamsinYoungFF40+Foxtrotters Spring Chickens12031 00:30:09.7
421 SaraWestwoodFF40+Legs Miserables4Aylsham Runners1174 00:30:19.0
422 KarenWestFF60+NNBR KEEN STAMPEDE2North Norfolk Beach Runners2082 00:30:19.2
423 EmmaBishopFF40+3 Chiefs and an Indian1Great Yarmouth Road Runners1521 00:30:24.0
424 KellyStoneFF40+The Runettes2Great Yarmouth Road Runners1222 00:30:31.8
425 LaurainePowlesFF40+The Haribos3Wymondham AC1203 00:30:34.0
426 JoanneRingFF40+Three Rings and a Dunnett1Norwich Road Runners1861 00:30:34.0
427 AlisonBilyardFF40+3 Women and a Baby!3Great Yarmouth Road Runners1013 00:30:40.5
428 GreameHallMM40+Let’s do this again11321 00:30:43.0
429 LucyHollidayFF40+The Pesky Seagulls3Great Yarmouth Road Runners1093 00:30:44.2
430 HannahHarveyFF40+The Haribos2Wymondham AC1202 00:30:44.5
431 JoRaynerFF40+Run the Wiser3Wymondham AC1733 00:30:45.5
432 HeatherWardFF60+Foxtrotters Old Farts41954 00:30:52.8
433 ColinJenkinsMM60+Foxtrotters Golden Oldies41944 00:30:59.5
434 DebbieWillimentFF40+The plodders3Great Yarmouth Road Runners1813 00:31:06.2
435 SamanthaLingwoodFF40+The After Thoughts3Dereham Runners AC1083 00:31:08.0
436 NicolaHartleyFF40+Breast foot forward2Aylsham Runners1142 00:31:16.3
437 ClareHodgesFF60+The Runettes3Great Yarmouth Road Runners1223 00:31:26.0
438 ChloeGreenFFU183 Women and a Baby!21012 00:31:27.3
439 PaulTimsonMM40+Run the Wiser4Wymondham AC1734 00:31:27.2
440 SarahCuthbertsonFF40+The Runettes4Great Yarmouth Road Runners1224 00:31:37.5
441 SamBarwickFF40+You do not have to say anything….1Norfolk Harriers RC1111 00:31:38.8
442 HarryMacklinMMU18Westgators21892 00:31:53.8
443 AnnetteBaxterFF40+The plodders2Great Yarmouth Road Runners1812 00:32:02.5
444 FrancescaBennettFFOWorst pace scenario31913 00:32:17.5
445 AmandaGrayFF60+Run the Wiser2Wymondham AC1732 00:32:27.6
446 RuthLoganFF40+Foxtrotters Spring Chickens32033 00:32:29.6
447 BelindaSearsFF60+Foxtrotters Golden Oldies21942 00:32:32.5
448 CarolePrestonFF40+The Preston Posse2Dereham Runners AC1822 00:32:53.0
449 StephanieAtkinsonFFOWorst pace scenario21912 00:33:04.5
450 SuzanneFleetFF40+Taxi for 41Thetford AC1071 00:33:06.3
451 AlistairFitzgeraldMM40+Foxtrotters Spring Chickens22032 00:34:08.8
452 NickyGingerFF60+Foxtrotters Golden Oldies31943 00:34:16.2
453 BelindaDaviesFF40+3 Chiefs and an Indian2Lonely Goat RC1522 00:34:43.0
454 GemmaHollandFFORun the Wiser1Wymondham AC1731 00:34:44.0
455 LisaGreenFF40+3 Women and a Baby!1Great Yarmouth Road Runners1011 00:34:44.2
456 JenniferBurfootFF60+J.A.M.M. SPREAD.3Norfolk Gazelles AC2063 00:35:11.5
457 EleanorJarvisFFO3 hares and a tortoise2Norwich Road Runners1532 00:35:19.7
458 IsabelRoweFF40+You do not have to say anything….4Norfolk Harriers RC1114 00:35:22.5
459 ClaireCollinsFF40+You do not have to say anything….3Norfolk Harriers RC1113 00:35:23.2
460 JulieFinnisFF60+Foxtrotters Golden Oldies11941 00:35:52.8
461 MichelleWatersFF40+J.A.M.M. SPREAD.12061 00:36:45.2
462 CatherineTownsendFF40+Breast foot forward1Aylsham Runners1141 00:38:01.0
463 TerriReadFF40+The After Thoughts1Dereham Runners AC1081 00:42:53.0
464 AmberleyFitzalan-CranFF40+Not in it to win it!3Norfolk Gazelles AC1183 00:45:50.7

Individual 5k Dash

Start time: 30/10/2022 10:00

PositionForenameSurnameGenderCategoryClubTagGun TimeChip Time
1 SimonCookMM40-44Lowestoft Road Runners122 00:17:42.6 00:17:39.9
2 MatthewWiggMMO108 00:18:58.6 00:18:56.8
3 LeeWilsonMM45-4984 00:20:01.0 00:19:54.6
4 SarahBarrettFFU18City of Norwich AC89 00:20:32.0 00:20:28.5
5 StevenEverettMM45-49TRISudbury85 00:20:36.9 00:20:34.9
6 GaryPearsonMM55-5986 00:20:46.6 00:20:43.4
7 AndrewBarrettMM50-54Wymondham AC118 00:20:47.9 00:20:44.0
8 KevinPowlesMM55-59Wymondham AC115 00:20:49.6 00:20:43.7
9 MattEarlMM40-4475 00:20:54.8 00:20:49.7
10 SteveBlomfieldMM55-59Norfolk Gazelles AC81 00:20:58.9 00:20:52.4
11 TomSmithMMONorwich Road Runners93 00:21:18.2 00:21:05.1
12 NeilBunnageMM55-59Norwich Road Runners141 00:21:32.0 00:21:24.2
13 KatyOldmanFF45-49Lowestoft Road Runners103 00:21:52.2 00:21:42.8
14 RichardCreweMM50-54Thetford AC127 00:22:09.0 00:22:04.8
15 ChrisChorleyMM55-59Bungay Black Dog RC110 00:22:21.6 00:22:07.1
16 KevinFinchMMO97 00:22:40.6 00:22:31.3
17 PhilBeecherMMO116 00:22:44.6 00:22:26.8
18 AngelaRansomeFF55-59Lonely Goat RC123 00:22:51.8 00:22:47.1
19 StuartCharlesworthMM40-44Norfolk Gazelles AC124 00:23:11.0 00:23:03.3
20 SamYeomansMMO106 00:23:39.8 00:23:27.3
21 WarrenNewellMM60-64Lonely Goat RC125 00:23:54.0 00:23:37.8
22 AndrewChargeMM45-49Waveney Valley AC131 00:24:16.0 00:24:06.1
23 JulieLincolnFFO129 00:24:18.0 00:24:02.3
24 PeterRiceMM50-54Norfolk Gazelles AC92 00:24:28.0 00:24:17.6
25 KevinDenmarkMM65-69Wymondham AC126 00:24:48.5 00:24:42.0
26 RonBloomfieldMM45-49130 00:25:13.3 00:24:59.1
27 BrettNunnMMO111 00:25:49.9 00:25:33.6
28 DanielleCraneFF40-44Norwich Road Runners87 00:25:53.0 00:25:41.3
29 LauraMulleyFF40-44119 00:26:18.2 00:26:06.9
30 AndrewSuttonMM40-44121 00:26:18.8 00:26:07.1
31 EstherSkelhornFFONorfolk Gazelles AC91 00:26:31.3 00:26:19.1
32 RachelBoyceFF40-44101 00:26:34.0 00:26:21.5
33 DaniellaLiffenFFO100 00:27:01.8 00:26:51.6
34 SuzyGrantFF45-49Lowestoft Road Runners77 00:27:06.6 00:26:56.3
35 RachelTarkenterFF45-49Dereham Runners AC134 00:27:11.0 00:26:57.8
36 KarenGlenisterFF45-49135 00:27:14.0 00:26:56.8
37 AlexandraCrossleyFF55-59117 00:27:18.0 00:27:14.8
38 BobbieSauerzapfFF60-64Bungay Black Dog RC107 00:27:18.0 00:27:04.5
39 JohnCauserMM70+Norwich Road Runners142 00:27:19.6 00:27:08.5
40 JohnGriceMM65-69Lowestoft Road Runners120 00:27:35.2 00:27:23.8
41 SophiaHorton-JonesFFO99 00:28:55.9 00:28:39.5
42 CarolineRobertsFF50-54Norfolk Gazelles AC102 00:29:10.6 00:28:57.3
43 Theresa MaeNobleFFO80 00:29:39.2 00:29:22.6
44 EvaOsborneFF70+Wymondham AC82 00:29:51.2 00:29:35.6
45 HelenFitzhughFFONorfolk Gazelles AC94 00:30:42.0 00:30:33.6
46 StewartIngramMM70+Norwich Road Runners88 00:31:05.8 00:30:50.3
47 BethanyStuddFFO98 00:32:42.0 00:32:28.0
48 SarahFleetFFU1878 00:33:18.6 00:33:07.3
49 AndrewHinsleyMM50-5479 00:33:31.6 00:33:16.8
50 HelenHinsleyFF50-54112 00:33:32.6 00:33:17.5
51 PhilipNeaveMM70+Bungay Black Dog RC128 00:33:47.0 00:33:32.8
52 MichaelRadbourneMM50-54Lonely Goat RC95 00:35:45.8 00:35:29.5
53 JaneMulleyFF60-6490 00:40:19.0 00:40:05.1
54 PaulHieronsMM65-69Waveney Valley AC113 00:43:36.2 00:43:25.6

Fawns 2k Trot

Start time: 30/10/2022 09:15

PositionForenameSurnameGenderCategoryClubTagGun TimeChip Time
1 EloiseTerryFF6-7Norfolk Gazelles AC5 00:09:33.7 00:09:32.0
2 HarrisSmithermanMM6-714 00:09:56.7 00:09:53.9
3 HenleyHunterMM8-911 00:10:25.7 00:10:21.8
4 EvieHannerFF8-9Bungay Black Dog RC19 00:10:46.5 00:10:45.0
5 ForrestNealeMM6-7140 00:10:51.5 00:10:49.3
6 JessicaCracknellFF8-9Bungay Black Dog RC18 00:10:51.7 00:10:49.9
7 Esme KatherineGoodsonFF6-7Bungay Black Dog RC17 00:11:06.7 00:11:05.0
8 PhoebeWoodFF4-51 00:11:10.1 00:11:09.1
9 HollyBarkerFF6-7Wymondham AC10 00:11:20.5 00:11:13.4
10 ErinWoodcroftFF8-9City of Norwich AC138 00:11:28.5 00:11:25.0
11 EsméCracknellFF6-7Bungay Black Dog RC9 00:11:33.5 00:11:31.2
12 JemimaAndrewsFF6-73 00:11:37.7 00:11:31.0
13 LoganArmstrongMM4-5Wymondham AC15 00:12:09.7 00:12:03.2
14 HollyHunterFF6-72 00:12:25.0 00:12:20.5
15 AoifeSweeneyFF6-716 00:12:44.1 00:12:38.1
16 CecilyHazletonFF6-74 00:12:45.1 00:12:43.0
17 ArloStuttleMM4-56 00:12:49.7 00:12:46.4
18 RosieGilsonFF6-712 00:12:58.0 00:12:55.0
19 EvelynWoodcroftFF4-5139 00:13:42.0 00:13:37.5
20 ElodieSweetmanFF4-513 00:13:42.1 00:13:37.1
21 SethTownshendMM6-77 00:13:54.7 00:13:51.5
22 ReubenCracknellMM4-58 00:14:02.5 00:13:55.0
23 EzraHeaneyMM4-5Wymondham AC137 00:14:56.4 00:14:50.4

Calves 2k Canter

Start time: 30/10/2022 09:15

PositionForenameSurnameGenderCategoryClubTagGun TimeChip Time
1 FinleyWinshipMM10-12City of Norwich AC60 00:06:59.8 00:06:59.8
2 OliverBoyceMM10-12Norwich Road Runners40 00:07:36.7 00:07:36.7
3 RoryWoodMM10-12Ryston Runners21 00:07:44.2 00:07:44.3
4 LeoWoodMM10-12Ryston Runners50 00:07:57.2 00:07:57.3
5 AlfredGoodsonMM8-9Bungay Black Dog RC62 00:08:04.2 00:08:04.3
6 BillyFinchMM10-12City of Norwich AC22 00:08:10.8 00:08:10.8
7 JasminBensonFF10-12City of Norwich AC37 00:08:18.2 00:08:18.3
8 AshtonCollinsMM10-1274 00:08:22.0 00:08:22.0
9 FergusSmithermanMM8-9City of Norwich AC31 00:08:24.8 00:08:24.8
10 JacobMannMM10-12Norwich Road Runners34 00:08:32.8 00:08:32.8
11 LiamDurrantMM10-12Beccles & Bungay Harriers66 00:08:33.2 00:08:33.3
12 RileyLawrenceMM8-9Harling Athletic Club44 00:08:37.7 00:08:37.7
13 MorrisBarkerMM8-948 00:08:38.7 00:08:38.7
14 TabathaOppenheimFF8-9City of Norwich AC55 00:08:40.0 00:08:40.0
15 FreddiePowlesMM8-9Wymondham AC57 00:08:44.7 00:08:44.7
16 HarrySmithMM8-9Coltishall Jaguars RC68 00:08:48.0 00:08:48.0
17 EvaTownshendFF10-12North Norfolk Harriers Athletics Club42 00:08:54.0 00:08:53.1
18 OliverSilvesterMM8-951 00:08:54.2 00:08:54.3
19 MaisyCooperFF10-12North Norfolk Harriers Athletics Club69 00:08:55.5 00:08:54.8
20 AshleyHernandezMM8-9Bungay Black Dog RC32 00:08:56.0 00:08:56.0
21 TobyMannMM10-12Norwich Road Runners61 00:09:00.8 00:09:00.8
22 JacobFowlerMM8-933 00:09:03.5 00:09:02.2
23 KobiPearsonMM10-12Norwich Road Runners39 00:09:15.5 00:09:15.5
24 AprilGreenFF10-12City of Norwich AC52 00:09:26.8 00:09:26.8
25 LeonJohnsMM10-1273 00:09:45.5 00:09:45.5
26 FlorenceBaconFF10-12City of Norwich AC28 00:09:50.7 00:09:50.2
27 GeorgeHootonMM10-1224 00:09:59.0 00:09:58.6
28 CameronFowlerMM8-9Norfolk Gazelles AC72 00:10:11.2 00:10:10.8
29 JoelCraneMM10-12Norwich Road Runners38 00:10:11.7 00:10:10.2
30 EnzoCullMM8-963 00:10:21.5 00:10:19.1
31 HarveyHumphriesMM6-747 00:10:22.5 00:10:20.3
32 EleanorGoodsonFF8-943 00:10:22.8 00:10:22.5
33 PhoebeSmithFF8-9City of Norwich AC65 00:10:26.7 00:10:26.7
34 TroySmithMM10-12Ryston Runners20 00:10:34.7 00:10:34.7
35 WilliamLincolnMM10-1270 00:10:35.3 00:10:30.7
36 AlexPowlesMM6-7Wymondham AC30 00:10:49.7 00:10:49.2
37 ErnestMcGillMM6-7Bungay Black Dog RC54 00:10:53.5 00:10:53.3
38 DaisyMcGillFF8-925 00:11:01.5 00:11:01.1
39 WillowPallantFF8-9Lonely Goat RC26 00:11:07.2 00:11:04.2
40 RubyLambourneFF8-927 00:11:14.5 00:11:14.5
41 PoppyFinchFF8-949 00:11:16.7 00:11:16.7
42 LeoCraneMM10-12Norwich Road Runners67 00:11:27.5 00:11:26.0
43 LanaTownshendFF8-946 00:11:37.5 00:11:36.1
44 NathanEdmondsMM6-7Bungay Black Dog RC58 00:11:38.5 00:11:38.2
45 OliverLincolnMM8-945 00:11:40.5 00:11:37.0
46 ImogenGreenFF6-723 00:11:53.0 00:11:53.0
47 OliverMacklinMM8-936 00:11:57.0 00:11:50.6
48 EmiahCullFF8-941 00:12:01.0 00:11:58.6
49 AsherBennettMM4-529 00:12:37.7 00:12:36.8
50 Summer-LeighBloomfieldFF10-1259 00:12:51.1 00:12:48.5
51 LaraArmstrongFF8-9Wymondham AC71 00:13:01.0 00:12:54.7
52 RowanPallantFF6-7Lonely Goat RC53 00:14:15.5 00:14:11.0
53 IsaacBennettMM10-1256 00:16:14.7 00:16:14.1