Norfolk Gazelles 'Big Stampede'

Location: Norfolk Showground


Championship Relay

Start time: 06/10/2024 10:00

PositionTeam NameCategoryLegs CompleteLeg 1Leg 2Leg 3Leg 4Team Time
1 NNBR Open BlueM-O400:16:3200:17:0400:17:2200:16:4601:07:46
2 Schwarzer HundMixed-V400:17:5200:18:1600:18:0600:18:3801:12:54
3 CoNAC open maleM-O400:18:5700:18:3400:18:2100:17:2801:13:23
4 Perros NegrosM-O400:17:4700:17:4500:20:2400:18:1601:14:14
5 North Norfolk HarriersM-J400:19:1000:18:4000:18:5600:18:5201:15:40
6 Brewed for SpeedMixed-O400:18:4600:18:5000:20:1100:18:2901:16:20
7 GYDAC RabbitsMixed-J400:17:5700:18:1100:22:2300:17:5601:16:29
8 Gazelles: Two and Two Moore (s)M-O400:19:4700:19:5300:18:3400:18:1501:16:32
9 SS3 - THE YOUNG ONESM-O400:16:5800:20:1500:19:2500:21:1201:17:52
10 5k - It's Herder Than It LooksM-V400:19:2100:21:0500:19:5000:18:1801:18:38
11 NNBR Mixed YellowMixed-O400:18:5100:19:2000:21:4700:18:3801:18:39
12 Team Trackless(1)M-O400:19:5900:19:0600:19:5400:19:5001:18:51
13 Masters at workM-O400:20:2000:20:2200:21:0000:17:2401:19:11
14 RntS RunnersM-O400:18:5300:21:2800:20:0900:19:5001:20:23
15 The Garmin UnproductivesM-O400:20:4300:20:0800:20:5100:18:4301:20:28
16 Happy FeetMixed-V400:20:3500:22:3600:18:4200:18:4001:20:37
17 GYDAC FoxesM-O400:18:2700:20:1600:25:1900:17:2001:21:24
18 Scrambled LegsM-O400:20:3100:20:2800:21:1400:19:2301:21:40
19 CoNAC Open MixedMixed-V400:21:5400:20:5200:19:2900:20:0801:22:27
20 The Calendar BoysM-O400:26:4600:17:2000:19:3100:18:5701:22:45
21 CoNAC Mixed VetMixed-V400:18:1500:21:3800:22:5600:20:0701:22:58
22 Harling ACMixed-O400:22:3100:20:3800:20:2500:19:1801:22:59
23 Team Trackless GirlsF-O400:19:5100:22:5000:21:1400:19:1901:23:17
24 Lightening leg-itsMixed-O400:19:3700:19:1400:23:3000:20:5801:23:24
25 Better Lace Than NeverMixed-O400:20:0100:21:0200:21:3700:21:2501:24:13
26 The Geri-ActivesM-SV400:22:4400:21:2800:21:1400:19:0701:24:39
27 Reepham EducatorsMixed-O400:23:1600:20:4600:23:0000:18:0001:25:09
28 Green DragonsMixed-O400:23:3000:21:1000:19:5600:20:4201:25:24
29 Reepham Chair & his glamourous assistantsMixed-V400:17:5800:23:1400:22:3500:21:4701:25:36
30 Hound DogsM-J400:20:1300:22:1100:22:1200:21:2601:26:05
31 Black ShucksMixed-V400:19:3800:26:0400:20:0200:20:2301:26:10
32 THE OLD GITSM-SV400:20:5400:21:4400:22:2800:21:1101:26:24
33 The InbetweenersM-O400:20:4500:23:3600:21:3000:20:5701:26:53
34 Crisp Malt 2Mixed-O400:22:2600:28:2700:20:2900:16:3501:28:08
35 Reepham sponsored by TRTMixed-V400:20:1800:25:4900:19:5800:22:0501:28:13
36 The Golden TrianglesMixed-O400:22:5800:21:0100:21:0300:23:0501:28:15
37 Young at HeartMixed-SV400:20:4200:24:3600:23:3100:19:2701:28:22
38 Smiles for MilesF-O400:21:4100:21:0000:23:1400:22:3601:28:38
39 Worlie WhirlwindsM-V400:23:3800:21:5600:21:0500:22:3401:29:18
40 SS2 -SWIFTIESF-V400:22:3600:22:0400:22:4300:21:5401:29:23
41 Genuine HelmetsM-O400:22:1600:22:5300:22:2400:21:4701:29:32
42 Crisp Malt 1M-O400:24:3200:22:4200:23:0800:19:2201:29:56
43 Team rnts 2Mixed-V400:20:5900:22:5600:24:3200:21:3201:30:05
44 SS4 - FAB 4M-V400:22:4100:21:4500:22:5100:22:5301:30:15
45 The Jammy FlappersMixed-O400:22:5200:24:3900:22:1800:20:2701:30:24
46 NNH girlsF-J400:21:3800:23:5700:23:2100:21:5201:30:50
47 Karen and her Beach BoysMixed-SV400:24:1900:22:2500:21:5600:23:3001:32:19
48 DRAC Easier Said than RunMixed-V400:22:2100:24:4300:23:3600:21:5701:32:44
49 SS5 - THE LONG RUNM-V400:23:3800:23:1700:22:5300:22:5501:32:50
50 Trackless couplesMixed-V400:25:0600:20:3000:26:1100:21:4801:33:39
51 The LassiesMixed-V400:23:1900:23:1500:23:0100:23:5901:33:42
52 The unpredictablesM-O400:23:5700:24:2300:22:1700:22:5101:33:45
53 Captain MarvelsMixed-O400:23:1000:27:2100:23:0900:20:4701:34:34
54 Worst Pace ScenarioMixed-O400:26:1500:23:3700:25:4200:19:1101:34:54
55 Hot DogsF-V400:21:4800:24:0900:22:3000:26:2701:34:58
56 SS9 - HAPPY FEETMixed-J400:24:0800:26:4800:23:1900:20:4501:35:05
57 Scrambled Legs WrrMixed-O400:18:1900:26:0000:28:0000:22:5001:35:11
58 The Doe NutsF-O400:23:2100:22:3000:23:2400:26:1701:35:40
59 Barking MadMixed-J400:22:5400:24:2700:21:2800:27:0001:35:53
60 The LatecomersMixed-O400:23:5100:27:1200:24:0200:20:3801:35:56
61 Team Trackless (2)Mixed-O400:20:5600:24:2900:25:1200:25:1801:35:58
62 Reepham GallopersMixed-O400:24:3200:24:2700:25:5500:20:5901:36:02
63 Reepham RunnersMixed-O400:22:3400:29:0300:20:2800:23:5401:36:03
64 Running on EmptyMixed-O400:20:4300:20:5800:24:4000:29:5701:36:21
65 Nothing To See Here.Mixed-O400:24:4700:28:1100:22:3300:20:4001:36:28
66 Lingwood Leg-itsMixed-V400:26:1900:25:4900:23:1700:20:5301:36:28
67 SS8 - JLSMixed-O400:19:4300:25:5800:23:1900:27:3701:36:42
68 Wacky RacersM-V400:25:1200:25:4400:23:2700:22:4301:37:19
69 Coach & Horses WrrMixed-O400:23:3900:28:2200:24:3200:20:5301:37:33
70 JagettesF-O400:24:2500:23:1600:25:1800:24:2801:37:35
71 GYDAC HaresMixed-J400:25:4900:26:1500:22:1600:23:0701:37:37
72 Reepham CouplesMixed-V400:21:4800:22:0200:24:0500:30:0701:38:07
73 Chafing the DreamMixed-O400:25:1500:24:5900:23:3400:24:1201:38:09
74 Las PerritasF-J400:22:5300:22:5900:25:2100:26:5401:38:11
75 #PosterboysontourM-V400:25:4000:25:4100:24:3300:22:3501:38:39
76 MISSION Made YellowsMixed-O400:22:1800:31:0800:22:0100:23:0601:38:41
77 Yarcos On TourMixed-V400:29:3600:20:1100:24:1400:24:3901:38:51
78 4 forks sakeMixed-V400:27:3300:24:0800:24:0000:23:3201:39:22
79 Team rnts 1Mixed-O400:24:0600:23:3800:28:0100:24:2101:40:15
80 CoNAC female openF-O400:23:3500:25:1900:26:2900:24:5301:40:21
81 Trackless time flies when you have the runsMixed-V400:25:3100:28:1500:25:1600:21:1901:40:25
82 Trackless Dream TeamMixed-O400:26:0800:23:3400:25:1100:25:3301:40:30
83 We Run for Cake (The Sequel)Mixed-O400:23:3900:27:4800:26:1900:22:4401:40:40
84 GLOW (WAC)F-O400:23:2400:25:2600:27:3200:24:2401:40:52
85 Three Lee's and a JMixed-V400:28:3900:27:5200:22:0500:22:1101:40:56
86 Cani NeriMixed-SV400:24:4900:29:0900:23:4000:23:2201:41:08
87 MISSION Made RedsMixed-O400:21:4300:29:3600:23:4800:25:5501:41:10
88 Easier Said Than RunMixed-O400:29:2300:24:0300:27:3200:20:2101:41:30
89 MISSION Made BluesMixed-V400:20:3400:30:3300:30:3300:19:5001:41:38
90 CoNAC 1Mixed-O400:30:2700:23:5100:25:0600:22:2601:41:55
91 Reepham SuperheroesM-SV400:22:1600:30:0100:26:2100:23:1501:41:58
92 Where is crispy duck?Mixed-O400:26:3100:25:5800:25:1400:24:0601:42:02
93 Stampeding for sauvignonF-O400:28:1900:24:4300:24:4700:25:0101:43:03
94 SS1 - TEAM HEEKSMixed-O400:22:2900:28:3700:25:4100:26:3101:43:24
95 SS7 - YOUNG AT HEARTMixed-SV400:21:4100:26:0500:30:1700:25:4201:43:51
96 Bang to rightsMixed-V400:21:2400:31:5700:27:5800:23:2401:44:57
97 Charge of the GY BrigadeMixed-V400:26:4600:27:2300:26:4400:24:0701:45:10
98 Ladies In RedF-V400:25:1900:28:0200:26:5900:25:2101:45:48
99 Awesome 4someM-V400:27:1900:26:1900:26:0600:26:2301:46:17
100 GYRR LadiesF-O400:25:3300:29:5800:25:2000:25:2801:46:30
101 Quadram InstituteMixed-O400:22:3600:30:1100:25:2800:28:2801:46:48
102 The Golden OldiesF-V400:26:5400:28:5600:27:1900:23:3701:46:55
103 SS6 - AGA DOOF-V400:28:4600:21:4400:27:1800:29:3501:47:32
104 The ShufflersF-V400:27:0400:27:2800:27:2000:27:2401:49:27
105 The Perfect MixF-O400:29:3600:24:2700:27:0500:29:4201:51:01
106 The Flying Feet of the LawMixed-O400:27:2400:29:0200:28:3400:26:0201:51:18
107 Shane and the Tudor TrioMixed-V400:22:0100:33:3000:35:0900:21:4601:52:35
108 GYRR STARsMixed-O400:25:0500:28:2300:31:1600:27:5501:52:50
109 Lost in Pace WrrMixed-V400:35:5200:30:0200:29:0800:18:3201:53:48
110 Perras Viejas F-SV400:25:4900:30:4600:26:1400:30:5301:53:49
111 Chiens NoirsMixed-O400:32:3800:23:2800:30:2100:27:5201:54:30
112 WAC Wonder WomenF-V400:30:5900:28:4600:27:3900:27:2001:54:58
113 Gazelles Work In ProgressF-O400:29:3200:28:3400:30:2700:28:0201:56:43
114 Legs Miserables WrrMixed-O400:25:2100:32:3600:34:3300:25:0801:57:45
115 HRC Super VsM-SV400:30:4000:28:1500:30:2000:28:3201:57:53
116 Dream Team WrrMixed-O400:26:4100:37:3200:29:4100:23:5601:57:58
117 WRR Fab FourMixed-V400:26:0400:31:3100:35:4200:25:4101:59:04
118 Worlie Whizz kidsMixed-O400:26:2600:34:2400:32:0800:27:0902:00:15
119 Norwich Social Joggers 1Mixed-O400:32:0000:33:2500:31:4100:23:5102:01:09
120 It seemed a good idea at the timeF-O400:31:4600:34:1000:27:5000:28:0702:02:08
121 Faster than sitting on a sofaMixed-O400:34:1700:34:1000:34:0400:25:2902:08:15
122 Not Fast, Just FabulousF-V400:33:4700:34:4100:31:3600:28:4302:09:01
123 Wear the Damn Shorts !F-V400:34:1700:34:1400:32:1200:35:2202:16:20
124 Chafe the DreamM-O0

Championship Relay

Start time: 06/10/2024 10:00

PositionForenameSurnameGenderCategoryClubTagGun TimeChip Time
1 NeilAdamsMM40+255 - NNBR Open Blue2551 00:16:34.0 00:16:32.8
2 GeorgeGayMMO222 - Crisp Malt 22224 01:28:07.4 00:16:34.7
3 StevenBaconMM40+255 - NNBR Open Blue2554 01:07:46.0 00:16:46.0
4 JakeHaywardMMO281 - SS3 - THE YOUNG ONES2811 00:16:59.2 00:16:57.8
5 JackStuttleMMO255 - NNBR Open Blue2552 00:33:37.7 00:17:03.8
6 CorbenReynoldsMMO294 - The Calendar Boys2942 00:44:16.3 00:17:19.9
7 DanielHarrisonMMO232 - GYDAC Foxes2324 01:21:23.9 00:17:20.1
8 LukeWilliamsonMMO255 - NNBR Open Blue2553 00:51:00.0 00:17:22.4
9 CorbenReynoldsMMO251 - Masters at work2514 01:19:10.7 00:17:24.4
10 TomNewmanMMO219 - CoNAC open male2194 01:13:22.2 00:17:27.9
11 MattLightfootMMO263 - Perros Negros2632 00:35:33.2 00:17:45.1
12 MarcoStrak*MMO263 - Perros Negros2631 00:17:48.2 00:17:46.8
13 ShaunAldousMM40+274 - Schwarzer Hund2741 00:17:54.0 00:17:52.6
14 WilliamWassmerMMU18234 - GYDAC Rabbits2344 01:16:28.6 00:17:55.9
15 HarryDoranMMU18234 - GYDAC Rabbits2341 00:17:58.4 00:17:57.3
16 Markvan ReeMM40+265 - Reepham Chair & his glamourous assistants2651 00:17:59.8 00:17:57.8
17 JimmyTubbMMO267 - Reepham Educators2674 01:25:08.8 00:18:00.2
18 ByronMcGillMM40+274 - Schwarzer Hund2743 00:54:15.5 00:18:05.7
19 TomBarberMMU18234 - GYDAC Rabbits2342 00:36:09.5 00:18:11.2
20 JimmyHowesMM40+218 - CoNAC Mixed Vet2181 00:18:16.1 00:18:14.3
21 DavidMooreMMO228 - Gazelles: Two and Two Moore (s)2284 01:16:32.0 00:18:15.8
22 JoAndrewsFF40+274 - Schwarzer Hund2742 00:36:09.9 00:18:15.9
23 PeterLowtherMMO263 - Perros Negros2634 01:14:13.6 00:18:16.0
24 SimonWrightMM40+202 - 5k - It's Herder Than It Looks2024 01:18:37.8 00:18:18.1
25 EwanWinzor SaileMM40+276 - Scrambled Legs Wrr2761 00:18:20.7 00:18:18.8
26 JonCarterMMO219 - CoNAC open male2193 00:55:54.4 00:18:20.4
27 MarkThompsonMM40+232 - GYDAC Foxes2321 00:18:29.0 00:18:27.4
28 MarcusSladdenMMO208 - Brewed for Speed2084 01:16:19.7 00:18:29.1
29 EwanWinzor SaileMM40+250 - Lost in Pace Wrr2504 01:53:48.0 00:18:32.5
30 MatthewWiggMM40+228 - Gazelles: Two and Two Moore (s)2283 00:58:16.4 00:18:33.8
31 TobyArmigerMMO219 - CoNAC open male2192 00:37:34.0 00:18:34.9
32 JulianBrainheadMM40+274 - Schwarzer Hund2744 01:12:53.2 00:18:37.7
33 TonyMcCallumMM40+256 - NNBR Mixed Yellow2564 01:18:38.7 00:18:38.3
34 TobiasNealeMMU18258 - North Norfolk Harriers2582 00:37:51.1 00:18:39.5
35 AlexElyFF40+237 - Happy Feet2374 01:20:36.7 00:18:40.2
36 PaulFairchildMM40+237 - Happy Feet2373 01:01:56.5 00:18:41.7
37 DavidGibbs-KnellerMMO297 - The Garmin Unproductives2974 01:20:27.6 00:18:42.6
38 PatrickMatthewsMMO208 - Brewed for Speed2081 00:18:49.8 00:18:46.2
39 AlexSaint-AblettMMO208 - Brewed for Speed2082 00:37:39.3 00:18:49.6
40 DarrenTubbyMMO256 - NNBR Mixed Yellow2561 00:18:53.3 00:18:50.5
41 JoshTinsdaleMMU18258 - North Norfolk Harriers2584 01:15:40.0 00:18:52.1
42 AlexWalpoleMMO272 - RntS Runners2721 00:18:55.4 00:18:52.8
43 JonahLifeMMU18258 - North Norfolk Harriers2583 00:56:47.9 00:18:56.9
44 AdamBamfordMMO219 - CoNAC open male2191 00:18:59.2 00:18:56.9
45 ChristianEllisMMO294 - The Calendar Boys2944 01:22:44.2 00:18:57.1
46 DanBarnesMMO293 - Team Trackless(1)2932 00:39:07.0 00:19:06.8
47 ToddLakeMM60+298 - The Geri-Actives2984 01:24:38.6 00:19:07.2
48 MiloDebbageMMU18258 - North Norfolk Harriers2581 00:19:11.7 00:19:10.1
49 RobertMooreMMO320 - Worst Pace Scenario3204 01:34:54.0 00:19:11.7
50 HarveyWadeMMU18248 - Lightening leg-its2482 00:38:55.9 00:19:14.7
51 KatieVargesonFFO292 - Team Trackless Girls2924 01:23:16.5 00:19:18.5
52 LukePaveyMM40+238 - Harling AC2384 01:22:58.8 00:19:18.5
53 DarylLondonMM40+256 - NNBR Mixed Yellow2562 00:38:13.3 00:19:20.0
54 SeanDonoghueMM40+202 - 5k - It's Herder Than It Looks2021 00:19:24.7 00:19:20.8
55 TomGayMMO221 - Crisp Malt 12214 01:29:55.5 00:19:21.6
56 KyleArmstrongMMO275 - Scrambled Legs2754 01:21:39.9 00:19:23.4
57 MorganMooreMMO281 - SS3 - THE YOUNG ONES2813 00:56:39.4 00:19:24.3
58 JonathanCordleMM60+323 - Young at Heart3234 01:28:21.5 00:19:27.0
59 PerryMannMM40+220 - CoNAC Open Mixed2203 01:02:18.3 00:19:28.4
60 PhilipPearsonMMO294 - The Calendar Boys2943 01:03:47.2 00:19:30.9
61 JasonCornerMM40+248 - Lightening leg-its2481 00:19:41.2 00:19:36.5
62 RichardAuklandMM40+207 - Black Shucks2071 00:19:40.5 00:19:37.5
63 TomAttwellMMU18286 - SS8 - JLS2861 00:19:47.9 00:19:43.8
64 PhilWhitingMM40+228 - Gazelles: Two and Two Moore (s)2281 00:19:49.4 00:19:46.3
65 RichardAllenMM40+293 - Team Trackless(1)2934 01:18:50.2 00:19:49.5
66 DavidCoslettMM40+272 - RntS Runners2724 01:20:22.8 00:19:49.9
67 CliveCartnerMM40+202 - 5k - It's Herder Than It Looks2023 01:00:19.7 00:19:50.3
68 DominicCoppingMM40+252 - MISSION Made Blues2524 01:41:37.6 00:19:50.5
69 BethModenFFO292 - Team Trackless Girls2921 00:19:53.5 00:19:51.2
70 JosephMooreMMO228 - Gazelles: Two and Two Moore (s)2282 00:39:42.6 00:19:53.3
71 DamianOwnerMM40+293 - Team Trackless(1)2933 00:59:00.7 00:19:53.7
72 LaceyBarehamFFO231 - Green Dragons2313 01:04:41.8 00:19:56.4
73 JonBeverleyMM40+270 - Reepham sponsored by TRT2703 01:06:07.4 00:19:58.2
74 GaryBlighMM40+293 - Team Trackless(1)2931 00:20:00.2 00:19:58.3
75 LiamDawsonMM40+206 - Better Lace Than Never2061 00:20:09.0 00:20:01.3
76 SteveNewmanMM40+207 - Black Shucks2073 01:05:46.4 00:20:01.4
77 NeilWalpoleMM40+218 - CoNAC Mixed Vet2184 01:22:57.1 00:20:07.0
78 UdemeInyang-UdohMMO297 - The Garmin Unproductives2972 00:40:53.4 00:20:07.6
79 SteveElyMM40+220 - CoNAC Open Mixed2204 01:22:26.3 00:20:08.0
80 KevinHeyhoeMM40+272 - RntS Runners2723 01:00:33.0 00:20:09.0
81 ZoeStibyFFO208 - Brewed for Speed2083 00:57:50.6 00:20:11.3
82 TerryHubbardMM40+322 - Yarcos On Tour3222 00:49:57.9 00:20:11.5
83 CameronBlackMMU18240 - Hound Dogs2401 00:20:15.3 00:20:13.2
84 DuncanNgMMO281 - SS3 - THE YOUNG ONES2812 00:37:15.0 00:20:15.10
85 SteveBarberMM40+232 - GYDAC Foxes2322 00:38:45.0 00:20:16.1
86 RoryCameronMM40+270 - Reepham sponsored by TRT2701 00:20:20.6 00:20:18.1
87 KarlCoulsonMM40+251 - Masters at work2511 00:20:24.5 00:20:19.8
88 LloydChettleMMO225 - Easier Said Than Run2254 01:41:29.3 00:20:20.7
89 DylanNeeveMM40+251 - Masters at work2512 00:40:46.6 00:20:22.2
90 BarrySmithMM40+207 - Black Shucks2074 01:26:09.8 00:20:23.5
91 MaryannePetersFF40+238 - Harling AC2383 01:03:40.3 00:20:24.4
92 MattSmithMMU18263 - Perros Negros2633 00:55:57.6 00:20:24.4
93 NicholasRandallMM40+302 - The Jammy Flappers3024 01:30:23.8 00:20:27.6
94 OllieKingMMO269 - Reepham Runners2693 01:12:08.1 00:20:27.8
95 DylanGuyMMU18275 - Scrambled Legs2752 00:41:02.8 00:20:27.8
96 ChrisParkerMM40+222 - Crisp Malt 22223 01:11:32.8 00:20:29.6
97 RichardGoodleyMM40+310 - Trackless couples3102 00:45:39.8 00:20:29.8
98 StevenGuyMM40+275 - Scrambled Legs2751 00:20:35.0 00:20:31.6
99 RichardMitchelsonMM40+252 - MISSION Made Blues2521 00:20:41.7 00:20:34.2
100 DanBrocklehurstMM40+237 - Happy Feet2371 00:20:39.0 00:20:35.4
101 GinnyFellowsFFO304 - The Latecomers3044 01:35:55.4 00:20:37.7
102 MartinGooderhamMMO238 - Harling AC2382 00:43:16.0 00:20:38.7
103 SimonRay-JonesMMO261 - Nothing To See Here.2614 01:36:27.3 00:20:39.4
104 KevinSimpsonMMO231 - Green Dragons2314 01:25:24.0 00:20:42.3
105 RolyCookMM60+323 - Young at Heart3231 00:20:47.8 00:20:42.3
106 LiamFrostMMO273 - Running on Empty2731 00:20:45.3 00:20:42.5
107 PaulJonesMM40+297 - The Garmin Unproductives2971 00:20:45.8 00:20:42.9
108 PeterMinnsMMO301 - The Inbetweeners3011 00:20:49.2 00:20:44.7
109 LucaKadingMMU18287 - SS9 - HAPPY FEET2874 01:35:04.5 00:20:45.0
110 ChrisJohnsonMMO267 - Reepham Educators2672 00:44:08.9 00:20:46.4
111 WayneRamsbottomMM40+210 - Captain Marvels2104 01:34:34.0 00:20:47.0
112 ScottBelmonteMM40+297 - The Garmin Unproductives2973 01:01:45.0 00:20:51.8
113 MarkSolwayMM40+220 - CoNAC Open Mixed2202 00:42:50.0 00:20:52.5
114 SamGrimmerMMO215 - Coach & Horses Wrr2154 01:37:32.3 00:20:53.0
115 PaulParkerMM60+305 - THE OLD GITS3051 00:21:00.2 00:20:53.2
116 OwenHudsonMM40+249 - Lingwood Leg-its2494 01:36:28.0 00:20:53.4
117 StuartMartinMM40+291 - Team Trackless (2)2911 00:20:58.4 00:20:55.7
118 OliverDurrantMMU18301 - The Inbetweeners3014 01:26:52.6 00:20:56.7
119 NeilOxburyMM40+248 - Lightening leg-its2484 01:23:23.4 00:20:57.6
120 MarcusWestgateMM40+273 - Running on Empty2732 00:41:44.0 00:20:58.8
121 RobJackmanMM40+290 - Team rnts 22901 00:21:04.3 00:20:59.0
122 AndrewThomasMM40+251 - Masters at work2513 01:01:46.4 00:20:59.8
123 TimSuswainMM40+268 - Reepham Gallopers2684 01:36:02.0 00:20:59.8
124 LauraSmithermanFF40+278 - Smiles for Miles2782 00:42:47.7 00:20:59.9
125 ClareSandallFF40+300 - The Golden Triangles3002 00:44:06.5 00:21:00.8
126 WilliamBoud-SelfMMU18206 - Better Lace Than Never2062 00:41:11.0 00:21:02.0
127 BeckyWillettFFO300 - The Golden Triangles3003 01:05:09.6 00:21:03.2
128 DavidBradbeerMM40+202 - 5k - It's Herder Than It Looks2022 00:40:29.5 00:21:04.8
129 MartyWilsonMM40+318 - Worlie Whirlwinds3183 01:06:43.5 00:21:05.3
130 ClaireWoodcroftFF40+231 - Green Dragons2312 00:44:45.4 00:21:09.4
131 RodByeMM60+305 - THE OLD GITS3054 01:26:23.2 00:21:10.2
132 LewisHallidayMMO281 - SS3 - THE YOUNG ONES2814 01:17:51.7 00:21:12.4
133 PaulRogersonMM40+275 - Scrambled Legs2753 01:02:16.5 00:21:13.7
134 YitzhakBen-AroyaMM60+298 - The Geri-Actives2983 01:05:31.4 00:21:14.3
135 MichelleBrownFFO292 - Team Trackless Girls2923 01:03:58.0 00:21:14.4
136 MarkModenMM40+312 - Trackless time flies when you have the runs3124 01:40:24.8 00:21:18.8
137 JulietteBringloeFF40+204 - Bang to rights2041 00:21:37.1 00:21:23.3
138 WilliamAyley-DoddMM40+206 - Better Lace Than Never2064 01:24:12.9 00:21:25.7
139 RhysEdmondsMMU18240 - Hound Dogs2404 01:26:04.9 00:21:26.7
140 KevinFrazerMM60+298 - The Geri-Actives2982 00:44:17.2 00:21:27.6
141 TeddyHuttonMMU18205 - Barking Mad2053 01:08:52.7 00:21:28.4
142 StuartWilliamsMM40+272 - RntS Runners2722 00:40:24.0 00:21:28.6
143 ArchieChipperfieldMMU18301 - The Inbetweeners3013 01:05:55.9 00:21:30.1
144 MikeJonesMM40+290 - Team rnts 22904 01:30:04.8 00:21:31.8
145 GordanaSucur-HillsFF40+206 - Better Lace Than Never2063 01:02:47.3 00:21:36.3
146 AvaMearsFFU18257 - NNH girls2571 00:21:39.5 00:21:38.0
147 FionaCressy-RobertsFF40+218 - CoNAC Mixed Vet2182 00:39:54.1 00:21:38.0
148 StephenMeadMM60+285 - SS7 - YOUNG AT HEART2851 00:21:46.4 00:21:41.0
149 AmyWrightFFO278 - Smiles for Miles2781 00:21:47.9 00:21:41.1
150 LauraBrowneFFO253 - MISSION Made Reds2531 00:21:50.4 00:21:42.9
151 GemmaWardFF40+284 - SS6 - AGA DOO2842 00:50:38.3 00:21:44.2
152 PeterWarlandMM40+282 - SS4 - FAB 42822 00:44:30.6 00:21:44.6
153 KeithBrightyMM60+305 - THE OLD GITS3052 00:42:44.8 00:21:44.7
154 AlanBrailsfordMM40+265 - Reepham Chair & his glamourous assistants2654 01:25:35.2 00:21:46.4
155 ShaneHuntMM40+277 - Shane and the Tudor Trio2774 01:52:35.0 00:21:46.6
156 CharlotteNealeFFO256 - NNBR Mixed Yellow2563 01:00:00.5 00:21:47.3
157 FinbarrO'BrienMM40+229 - Genuine Helmets2294 01:29:31.6 00:21:47.4
158 AmyHannerFF40+239 - Hot Dogs2391 00:21:51.4 00:21:48.0
159 AndyHawesMM40+266 - Reepham Couples2661 00:21:52.2 00:21:48.0
160 DeanMarkillieMM40+310 - Trackless couples3104 01:33:38.4 00:21:48.2
161 AliceThompson-ReadFFU18257 - NNH girls2574 01:30:49.2 00:21:51.6
162 TaraAdamsFF40+220 - CoNAC Open Mixed2201 00:21:57.5 00:21:54.0
163 JulietGarnhamFF40+280 - SS2 -SWIFTIES2804 01:29:22.9 00:21:54.6
164 RichardAveryMM60+318 - Worlie Whirlwinds3182 00:45:38.2 00:21:56.0
165 KennyBaldingMM60+244 - Karen and her Beach Boys2443 01:08:48.7 00:21:56.5
166 NeilRiversMM40+223 - DRAC Easier Said than Run2234 01:32:43.4 00:21:56.6
167 LorraineHuntFF40+277 - Shane and the Tudor Trio2771 00:22:09.5 00:22:01.0
168 RichardLaceyMMO254 - MISSION Made Yellows2543 01:15:34.8 00:22:01.5
169 DanielHobdayMM40+266 - Reepham Couples2662 00:43:54.1 00:22:02.0
170 KarenOffordFF40+280 - SS2 -SWIFTIES2802 00:44:45.6 00:22:04.4
171 StefanWhiteMM40+309 - Three Lee's and a J3093 01:18:44.2 00:22:04.5
172 GregPearsonMM40+270 - Reepham sponsored by TRT2704 01:28:12.4 00:22:05.0
173 CharlieStevensonMMU18240 - Hound Dogs2402 00:42:26.6 00:22:11.3
174 ArthurStevensonMMU18240 - Hound Dogs2403 01:04:38.2 00:22:11.7
175 LeeBryerMM40+309 - Three Lee's and a J3094 01:40:56.0 00:22:11.10
176 GregQuinnMM60+271 - Reepham Superheroes2711 00:22:20.3 00:22:15.5
177 ChrisReidMM40+229 - Genuine Helmets2291 00:22:27.5 00:22:15.8
178 ArchieCharlesMMU18233 - GYDAC Hares2333 01:14:29.9 00:22:16.6
179 RhysHowardMMO308 - The unpredictables3083 01:10:53.4 00:22:16.8
180 MarkTownsendMM40+302 - The Jammy Flappers3023 01:09:56.2 00:22:17.2
181 MattIsherwoodMM40+254 - MISSION Made Yellows2541 00:22:25.5 00:22:17.6
182 MartinScothernMM60+223 - DRAC Easier Said than Run2231 00:22:27.4 00:22:20.3
183 MattDykeMMO229 - Genuine Helmets2293 01:07:44.2 00:22:23.1
184 FayeNottageFFU18234 - GYDAC Rabbits2343 00:58:32.7 00:22:23.2
185 PhilKingMM60+244 - Karen and her Beach Boys2442 00:46:52.2 00:22:24.3
186 HarryMuterMMO216 - CoNAC 12164 01:41:55.0 00:22:26.3
187 MartyMooreMM40+222 - Crisp Malt 22221 00:22:36.8 00:22:26.7
188 NickEleyMM60+305 - THE OLD GITS3053 01:05:13.0 00:22:28.2
189 KateHeeksFFO279 - SS1 - TEAM HEEKS2791 00:22:35.0 00:22:29.4
190 JustineFawcettFF40+239 - Hot Dogs2393 01:08:30.8 00:22:30.4
191 HeatherSmithFF40+295 - The Doe Nuts2952 00:45:58.9 00:22:30.7
192 JulianBlakeMM60+238 - Harling AC2381 00:22:37.3 00:22:30.8
193 StevenNewsonMM40+261 - Nothing To See Here.2613 01:15:48.0 00:22:33.3
194 MartinLawMM40+269 - Reepham Runners2691 00:22:37.9 00:22:34.4
195 LukeMorfittMM40+318 - Worlie Whirlwinds3184 01:29:18.0 00:22:34.5
196 CarlWillimottMM40+265 - Reepham Chair & his glamourous assistants2653 01:03:48.8 00:22:34.8
197 MarkCollinsMM40+200 - #Posterboysontour2004 01:38:38.8 00:22:35.3
198 JoHaywardFF40+280 - SS2 -SWIFTIES2801 00:22:41.3 00:22:35.5
199 MarkPhiloMM40+264 - Quadram Institute2641 00:22:40.6 00:22:35.6
200 BarthaEmeseFFO278 - Smiles for Miles2784 01:28:37.1 00:22:35.6
201 JoDelfFF40+237 - Happy Feet2372 00:43:14.9 00:22:36.0
202 PhilGreenMM40+282 - SS4 - FAB 42821 00:22:46.0 00:22:41.8
203 JohnGayMM60+221 - Crisp Malt 12212 00:47:25.3 00:22:41.9
204 RachelTerryFF40+280 - SS2 -SWIFTIES2803 01:07:28.4 00:22:42.8
205 StephenDixonMM60+298 - The Geri-Actives2981 00:22:49.7 00:22:43.6
206 RayGayneMM40+314 - Wacky Racers3144 01:37:18.8 00:22:43.7
207 StuartSimpsonMM40+315 - We Run for Cake (The Sequel)3154 01:40:40.0 00:22:44.5
208 CassandraBadgerFFO276 - Scrambled Legs Wrr2764 01:35:10.4 00:22:49.9
209 AmyBaxterFF40+292 - Team Trackless Girls2922 00:42:43.7 00:22:50.2
210 PiersMorganMM40+282 - SS4 - FAB 42823 01:07:22.0 00:22:51.5
211 BenShearingMMO308 - The unpredictables3084 01:33:44.8 00:22:51.5
212 BenKendallMM40+302 - The Jammy Flappers3021 00:22:59.3 00:22:51.9
213 DanielSelfeMM40+283 - SS5 - THE LONG RUN2833 01:09:54.4 00:22:52.7
214 DarinGearyMM40+282 - SS4 - FAB 42824 01:30:14.9 00:22:52.9
215 GeorgeHannerMMU18205 - Barking Mad2051 00:22:57.4 00:22:53.4
216 RikiChaseMM40+229 - Genuine Helmets2292 00:45:21.0 00:22:53.7
217 EmilyLowtherFFU18246 - Las Perritas2461 00:22:57.0 00:22:53.8
218 AndrewLongMM40+283 - SS5 - THE LONG RUN2834 01:32:49.7 00:22:55.4
219 ClaireMccormickFF40+218 - CoNAC Mixed Vet2183 01:02:50.1 00:22:56.0
220 SeanMM60+290 - Team rnts 22902 00:44:00.6 00:22:56.3
221 AndyTibbleMM40+300 - The Golden Triangles3001 00:23:05.8 00:22:58.0
222 MillieHannerFFU18246 - Las Perritas2462 00:45:55.3 00:22:58.4
223 KateKingFFO267 - Reepham Educators2673 01:07:08.7 00:22:59.8
224 AmeliaWhitingFF40+303 - The Lassies3033 01:09:42.6 00:23:00.9
225 MatthewHowesMM40+300 - The Golden Triangles3004 01:28:14.7 00:23:05.1
226 MattIsherwoodMM40+254 - MISSION Made Yellows2544 01:38:40.9 00:23:06.2
227 LucyThompsonFFU18233 - GYDAC Hares2334 01:37:36.4 00:23:06.5
228 GregWardMM40+221 - Crisp Malt 12213 01:10:33.9 00:23:08.6
229 StevenRixMM40+210 - Captain Marvels2103 01:13:47.0 00:23:09.3
230 KareanaSymondsFF40+210 - Captain Marvels2101 00:23:16.4 00:23:10.3
231 LouiseIsherwoodFF40+278 - Smiles for Miles2783 01:06:01.6 00:23:13.9
232 JulieGowlandFF40+265 - Reepham Chair & his glamourous assistants2652 00:41:14.0 00:23:14.4
233 DuncanSmithMM60+271 - Reepham Superheroes2714 01:41:58.0 00:23:15.1
234 MeganSwainFFO243 - Jagettes2432 00:47:48.2 00:23:15.2
235 FaithPearceFF40+303 - The Lassies3032 00:46:41.8 00:23:15.6
236 EllenaWhiteFFO267 - Reepham Educators2671 00:23:22.6 00:23:16.0
237 JamesPallantMM40+249 - Lingwood Leg-its2493 01:15:34.7 00:23:16.7
238 RichardAttwellMM40+283 - SS5 - THE LONG RUN2832 00:47:01.7 00:23:16.9
239 RobertBurkettMM40+303 - The Lassies3031 00:23:26.2 00:23:18.7
240 EllaKadingFFU18287 - SS9 - HAPPY FEET2873 01:14:19.6 00:23:19.4
241 LewisSelfMMU18286 - SS8 - JLS2863 01:09:04.8 00:23:19.5
242 RachelMitchellFFO295 - The Doe Nuts2951 00:23:28.3 00:23:20.5
243 EvaTownshendFFU18257 - NNH girls2573 01:08:57.6 00:23:21.2
244 RobHallMM60+209 - Cani Neri2094 01:41:07.6 00:23:21.8
245 PeterLaddimanMM60+204 - Bang to rights2044 01:44:56.1 00:23:23.4
246 CharlieLadymanFF40+295 - The Doe Nuts2953 01:09:22.6 00:23:23.7
247 DanielleGilbertFFO230 - GLOW (WAC)2301 00:23:29.4 00:23:23.8
248 KevinGarwoodMM60+314 - Wacky Racers3143 01:14:35.2 00:23:26.6
249 TomDuttonMM40+214 - Chiens Noirs2142 00:56:16.3 00:23:27.7
250 KarenBalcombeFF60+244 - Karen and her Beach Boys2444 01:32:18.3 00:23:29.7
251 RachelJacksonFF40+248 - Lightening leg-its2483 01:02:25.9 00:23:30.0
252 KevinDenmarkMM60+231 - Green Dragons2311 00:23:36.0 00:23:30.7
253 AlisonStewartFF60+323 - Young at Heart3233 01:08:54.6 00:23:31.4
254 GaryMannMM40+201 - 4 forks sake2014 01:39:22.0 00:23:32.2
255 SamDuvallFF40+212 - Chafing the Dream2123 01:13:56.1 00:23:33.4
256 StevenStockMMO311 - Trackless Dream Team3112 00:49:45.6 00:23:33.7
257 LauraParryFFO217 - CoNAC female open2171 00:23:39.4 00:23:34.9
258 HelenScothernFF40+223 - DRAC Easier Said than Run2233 01:10:46.8 00:23:36.4
259 PaulDurrantMM40+301 - The Inbetweeners3012 00:44:25.9 00:23:36.7
260 RuthGainsfordFF60+299 - The Golden Oldies2994 01:46:54.6 00:23:37.0
261 AlasdairRowlandsMMO320 - Worst Pace Scenario3202 00:50:01.0 00:23:37.2
262 FreyaFFO289 - Team rnts 12892 00:47:52.2 00:23:37.7
263 ChristianDraneMM40+318 - Worlie Whirlwinds3181 00:23:42.2 00:23:37.9
264 RichardSmithMM40+283 - SS5 - THE LONG RUN2831 00:23:44.8 00:23:38.1
265 AntonyCroucherMMO315 - We Run for Cake (The Sequel)3151 00:23:48.8 00:23:39.3
266 CarlyGrimmerFFO215 - Coach & Horses Wrr2151 00:23:45.8 00:23:39.7
267 BruceRaynorMM60+209 - Cani Neri2093 01:17:45.8 00:23:40.2
268 JackWilliams DoddMM40+253 - MISSION Made Reds2533 01:15:14.3 00:23:47.9
269 DavidBuckMM60+304 - The Latecomers3041 00:24:03.3 00:23:50.4
270 KatToddFFO216 - CoNAC 12162 00:54:22.2 00:23:50.8
271 LeoOsborneMMU18259 - Norwich Social Joggers 12594 02:01:09.0 00:23:51.7
272 PeterGowingMM40+269 - Reepham Runners2694 01:36:02.1 00:23:54.1
273 DarrenTameMM40+224 - Dream Team Wrr2244 01:57:58.0 00:23:56.3
274 EloiseEdridgeFFU18257 - NNH girls2572 00:45:36.5 00:23:57.1
275 ChrisHowardMM40+308 - The unpredictables3081 00:24:14.0 00:23:57.3
276 HelenTerryFF40+303 - The Lassies3034 01:33:42.0 00:23:59.6
277 TheresaFlintFF40+201 - 4 forks sake2013 01:15:49.9 00:24:00.1
278 StuartWardropeMM40+304 - The Latecomers3043 01:15:17.7 00:24:02.4
279 JadeAndersonFFO225 - Easier Said Than Run2252 00:53:37.0 00:24:03.5
280 HeidiHobdayFF40+266 - Reepham Couples2663 01:08:00.0 00:24:05.9
281 MattMMO289 - Team rnts 12891 00:24:14.6 00:24:05.9
282 AndrewChargeMM40+213 - Charge of the GY Brigade2134 01:45:09.2 00:24:06.1
283 NaomiCooperFFO317 - Where is crispy duck?3174 01:42:02.0 00:24:06.1
284 SethGreenMMU18287 - SS9 - HAPPY FEET2871 00:24:12.5 00:24:08.0
285 PaulRussellMM40+201 - 4 forks sake2012 00:51:49.9 00:24:08.0
286 EmmaMeiring*FF40+239 - Hot Dogs2392 00:46:00.4 00:24:09.1
287 WillGhairiMMO212 - Chafing the Dream2124 01:38:09.0 00:24:12.9
288 AlisonSmithFF40+322 - Yarcos On Tour3223 01:14:11.6 00:24:13.7
289 GaryLinderMM60+244 - Karen and her Beach Boys2441 00:24:27.9 00:24:19.7
290 OllieMMO289 - Team rnts 12894 01:40:15.0 00:24:21.7
291 SimonHowardMM40+308 - The unpredictables3082 00:48:36.6 00:24:22.7
292 KimberleyPowlesFF40+230 - GLOW (WAC)2304 01:40:51.9 00:24:24.5
293 AmyFulcherFF40+243 - Jagettes2431 00:24:33.0 00:24:25.4
294 AshleyHernandezMMU18205 - Barking Mad2052 00:47:24.4 00:24:27.0
295 SonjaWhiteFF40+243 - Jagettes2434 01:37:34.1 00:24:27.3
296 RobertGreevesMMO268 - Reepham Gallopers2682 00:49:07.9 00:24:27.4
297 MichelleHoddsFF40+306 - The Perfect Mix3062 00:54:13.8 00:24:27.6
298 WillHornMM40+291 - Team Trackless (2)2912 00:45:27.8 00:24:29.4
299 MattSwainMM40+221 - Crisp Malt 12211 00:24:43.5 00:24:32.0
300 JedSaundersMMO215 - Coach & Horses Wrr2153 01:16:39.4 00:24:32.1
301 HilaryHarmer-JonesFF40+268 - Reepham Gallopers2681 00:24:40.5 00:24:32.2
302 PaulaFF40+290 - Team rnts 22903 01:08:33.0 00:24:32.5
303 GaryAldredMM40+200 - #Posterboysontour2003 01:16:03.5 00:24:33.2
304 MartinHowardMM60+323 - Young at Heart3232 00:45:23.3 00:24:35.5
305 FionaWilliamsFF40+322 - Yarcos On Tour3224 01:38:50.3 00:24:38.8
306 ChloeWebsterFFO302 - The Jammy Flappers3022 00:47:39.0 00:24:39.8
307 KeithMoyseMM40+273 - Running on Empty2733 01:06:23.9 00:24:39.8
308 JocelynLawsFFO288 - Stampeding for sauvignon2882 00:53:14.7 00:24:43.1
309 DanielHawkingMM40+223 - DRAC Easier Said than Run2232 00:47:10.5 00:24:43.2
310 NaomiHallamFF40+261 - Nothing To See Here.2611 00:25:03.7 00:24:46.7
311 CarolineFletcherFF40+288 - Stampeding for sauvignon2883 01:18:01.9 00:24:47.2
312 TerryGarrityMM60+209 - Cani Neri2091 00:24:56.3 00:24:49.1
313 ElinAndersonFFO217 - CoNAC female open2174 01:40:21.0 00:24:53.7
314 JoshHerringMMO212 - Chafing the Dream2122 00:50:22.8 00:24:59.2
315 LouiseRoweFF40+288 - Stampeding for sauvignon2884 01:43:02.3 00:25:00.5
316 JohnSaggersMMO236 - GYRR STARs2361 00:25:16.0 00:25:05.1
317 DawnGoodleyFF40+310 - Trackless couples3101 00:25:10.0 00:25:06.0
318 JackWatlingMMO216 - CoNAC 12163 01:19:28.7 00:25:06.6
319 MaxJackmanMM60+247 - Legs Miserables Wrr2474 01:57:45.0 00:25:08.9
320 TomMclureMMO311 - Trackless Dream Team3113 01:14:56.4 00:25:10.8
321 ErinGodfreyFFO291 - Team Trackless (2)2913 01:10:39.6 00:25:11.9
322 DaveEvansMM60+314 - Wacky Racers3141 00:25:24.8 00:25:12.6
323 NathanSaundersMMO317 - Where is crispy duck?3173 01:17:56.0 00:25:14.8
324 EllyDaviesFFO212 - Chafing the Dream2121 00:25:23.6 00:25:15.2
325 JasonWesternMM40+312 - Trackless time flies when you have the runs3123 01:19:06.0 00:25:16.7
326 MikeLyonMMO291 - Team Trackless (2)2914 01:35:57.3 00:25:17.8
327 DanielWassmerMMO232 - GYDAC Foxes2323 01:04:03.8 00:25:18.8
328 SarahCircuitFF40+243 - Jagettes2433 01:13:06.9 00:25:18.8
329 LaurenSmithFFO217 - CoNAC female open2172 00:48:58.3 00:25:19.0
330 HelenHolmesFF40+245 - Ladies In Red2451 00:25:25.7 00:25:19.6
331 TerryBruntonFF40+245 - Ladies In Red2454 01:45:47.2 00:25:20.4
332 LauraJackmanFF60+247 - Legs Miserables Wrr2471 00:25:27.4 00:25:20.4
333 CourteneyJacobsFFO235 - GYRR Ladies2353 01:21:02.0 00:25:20.6
334 MillieLamsFFU18246 - Las Perritas2463 01:11:16.9 00:25:21.6
335 KerryMacRaeFFO230 - GLOW (WAC)2302 00:48:56.0 00:25:26.7
336 AliceWrightFFO235 - GYRR Ladies2354 01:46:29.4 00:25:27.5
337 JoshuaHortonMMO264 - Quadram Institute2643 01:18:19.3 00:25:28.0
338 AntonyCroucherMMO226 - Faster than sitting on a sofa2264 02:08:14.4 00:25:29.2
339 MarkCookMM60+312 - Trackless time flies when you have the runs3121 00:25:34.4 00:25:31.1
340 ErinKelfFFO235 - GYRR Ladies2351 00:25:43.1 00:25:32.9
341 KerryTaylorFFO311 - Trackless Dream Team3114 01:40:29.6 00:25:33.3
342 MichaelGreenMM40+200 - #Posterboysontour2001 00:25:49.5 00:25:40.2
343 ChloeHeeksFFO279 - SS1 - TEAM HEEKS2793 01:16:52.4 00:25:40.6
344 SimonSkinnerMM40+321 - WRR Fab Four3214 01:59:04.0 00:25:40.9
345 KevinStarkMM40+200 - #Posterboysontour2002 00:51:30.4 00:25:40.9
346 SamanthaCarterFFO320 - Worst Pace Scenario3203 01:15:42.4 00:25:41.4
347 SandraMayhewFF60+285 - SS7 - YOUNG AT HEART2854 01:43:50.5 00:25:42.1
348 GavinHallMM40+314 - Wacky Racers3142 00:51:08.7 00:25:43.9
349 RyanBullimoreMMU18233 - GYDAC Hares2331 00:25:58.1 00:25:48.4
350 DonnaCameronFF40+270 - Reepham sponsored by TRT2702 00:46:09.3 00:25:48.7
351 HazelGarrityFF60+262 - Perras Viejas 2621 00:25:55.5 00:25:49.1
352 SophieHudsonFF40+249 - Lingwood Leg-its2492 00:52:18.0 00:25:49.9
353 AbigailGrandFF40+268 - Reepham Gallopers2683 01:15:02.2 00:25:54.4
354 TimSmithMMO253 - MISSION Made Reds2534 01:41:09.8 00:25:55.5
355 HannahTaylorFFO317 - Where is crispy duck?3172 00:52:41.2 00:25:57.5
356 JamesEllisMM40+286 - SS8 - JLS2862 00:45:45.4 00:25:57.5
357 ClairBennettFFO276 - Scrambled Legs Wrr2762 00:44:20.8 00:26:00.2
358 TimCheesmanMM40+296 - The Flying Feet of the Law2964 01:51:17.5 00:26:01.5
359 KevinCopeman-lamoureuxMM60+321 - WRR Fab Four3211 00:26:09.8 00:26:04.2
360 JaneWoodFF40+207 - Black Shucks2072 00:45:45.0 00:26:04.6
361 ChrisGladwellMM60+285 - SS7 - YOUNG AT HEART2852 00:47:51.6 00:26:05.3
362 BarryWellsMM60+203 - Awesome 4some2033 01:19:53.2 00:26:06.0
363 TamaraBarnesFFO311 - Trackless Dream Team3111 00:26:11.9 00:26:08.0
364 VictoriaMayFF40+310 - Trackless couples3103 01:11:50.2 00:26:10.4
365 HazelGarrityFF60+262 - Perras Viejas 2623 01:22:55.6 00:26:13.6
366 AvaToddFFU18233 - GYDAC Hares2332 00:52:13.3 00:26:15.2
367 JamesDuvallMM60+320 - Worst Pace Scenario3201 00:26:24.0 00:26:15.5
368 JaneFreemanFF60+295 - The Doe Nuts2954 01:35:39.8 00:26:17.2
369 RoyBrownMM60+315 - We Run for Cake (The Sequel)3153 01:17:55.6 00:26:18.7
370 TrevorHorrexMM60+203 - Awesome 4some2032 00:53:47.3 00:26:18.8
371 MartinTrueloveMM40+249 - Lingwood Leg-its2491 00:26:28.3 00:26:18.9
372 MartinBagnallMM60+271 - Reepham Superheroes2713 01:18:43.0 00:26:21.1
373 MarkTaylerMM60+203 - Awesome 4some2034 01:46:16.9 00:26:23.7
374 HannahBlowersFF40+319 - Worlie Whizz kids3191 00:26:33.8 00:26:26.6
375 NaomiStockwellFF40+239 - Hot Dogs2394 01:34:58.0 00:26:27.3
376 MillieAmiesFFO217 - CoNAC female open2173 01:15:27.4 00:26:29.1
377 JamieBlythMMO317 - Where is crispy duck?3171 00:26:43.8 00:26:31.3
378 AmieeHeeksFFO279 - SS1 - TEAM HEEKS2794 01:43:24.0 00:26:31.7
379 StuGoveyMM40+224 - Dream Team Wrr2241 00:26:48.3 00:26:41.2
380 SamanthaWhiteFF40+213 - Charge of the GY Brigade2133 01:21:03.0 00:26:44.9
381 ChristopherGayMM60+213 - Charge of the GY Brigade2131 00:26:55.5 00:26:45.7
382 LiamJacobsMMO294 - The Calendar Boys2941 00:26:56.5 00:26:46.4
383 MaisieAblettFFU18287 - SS9 - HAPPY FEET2872 00:51:00.2 00:26:47.7
384 MatildaWebbFFU18246 - Las Perritas2464 01:38:10.8 00:26:53.9
385 JackieByeFF60+299 - The Golden Oldies2991 00:27:02.3 00:26:54.0
386 DawnProtheroeFF40+245 - Ladies In Red2453 01:20:26.9 00:26:59.4
387 SiennaStockwellFFU18205 - Barking Mad2054 01:35:52.3 00:26:59.6
388 JoannaDurrantFF40+307 - The Shufflers3071 00:27:15.0 00:27:04.5
389 CharlottePlayfordFFO306 - The Perfect Mix3063 01:21:18.6 00:27:04.9
390 JayLeicesterMMO319 - Worlie Whizz kids3194 02:00:14.8 00:27:09.0
391 VickyWardropeFF40+304 - The Latecomers3042 00:51:15.4 00:27:12.1
392 AmyKadingFF40+284 - SS6 - AGA DOO2843 01:17:56.5 00:27:18.3
393 GavinThoulessMM40+203 - Awesome 4some2031 00:27:28.5 00:27:18.7
394 RosemaryJacksonFF60+299 - The Golden Oldies2993 01:23:17.6 00:27:19.5
395 LynOttawayFF40+313 - WAC Wonder Women3134 01:54:57.8 00:27:19.7
396 PippaFranceFF40+307 - The Shufflers3073 01:22:03.0 00:27:20.3
397 NatishaRamsbottomFFO210 - Captain Marvels2102 00:50:37.8 00:27:21.5
398 PaulWestgateMM60+213 - Charge of the GY Brigade2132 00:54:18.2 00:27:22.8
399 JulieLondonFF40+307 - The Shufflers3074 01:49:26.8 00:27:23.8
400 JamesKingMMO296 - The Flying Feet of the Law2961 00:27:39.4 00:27:24.1
401 KellyTabinerFF40+307 - The Shufflers3072 00:54:42.7 00:27:27.7
402 KarenTaylorFFO230 - GLOW (WAC)2303 01:16:27.5 00:27:31.4
403 AmyRibbansFFO225 - Easier Said Than Run2253 01:21:08.6 00:27:31.7
404 ColinWithersMM40+201 - 4 forks sake2011 00:27:41.9 00:27:32.9
405 SharonWarlandFF40+286 - SS8 - JLS2864 01:36:41.9 00:27:37.1
406 KatieWhitmoreFF40+313 - WAC Wonder Women3133 01:27:38.0 00:27:39.6
407 VikkiSymondsFFO315 - We Run for Cake (The Sequel)3152 00:51:37.0 00:27:48.2
408 ZoeSmithFFO242 - It seemed a good idea at the time2423 01:34:00.4 00:27:50.2
409 JulianSuttonMM40+214 - Chiens Noirs2144 01:54:29.4 00:27:52.0
410 LeonaBroughtonFF40+309 - Three Lee's and a J3092 00:56:39.8 00:27:52.2
411 RobBaileyMM40+236 - GYRR STARs2364 01:52:49.4 00:27:55.2
412 LucyCampbellFF40+204 - Bang to rights2043 01:21:32.8 00:27:57.8
413 LaurenMilneFFO276 - Scrambled Legs Wrr2763 01:12:20.6 00:27:59.8
414 KatFFO289 - Team rnts 12893 01:15:53.4 00:28:01.2
415 JanTotterdaleFF60+245 - Ladies In Red2452 00:53:27.5 00:28:01.9
416 AbigailTrinderFF40+227 - Gazelles Work In Progress2274 01:56:42.5 00:28:02.0
417 NitaJackmanFF40+242 - It seemed a good idea at the time2424 02:02:07.7 00:28:07.4
418 SineadRoganFFO261 - Nothing To See Here.2612 00:53:14.7 00:28:11.0
419 NickStollsMM60+241 - HRC Super Vs2412 00:59:00.6 00:28:14.9
420 DonnaJohnsonFF40+312 - Trackless time flies when you have the runs3122 00:53:49.4 00:28:15.1
421 MeganOramFF40+288 - Stampeding for sauvignon2881 00:28:31.7 00:28:19.0
422 HayleySaundersFFO215 - Coach & Horses Wrr2152 00:52:07.3 00:28:21.5
423 TonyGentryMM40+236 - GYRR STARs2362 00:53:39.0 00:28:23.0
424 JodieHarveyFFO222 - Crisp Malt 22222 00:51:03.2 00:28:26.5
425 HeloiseVinetteFFO264 - Quadram Institute2644 01:46:48.0 00:28:28.8
426 PeterNiceMM60+241 - HRC Super Vs2414 01:57:52.3 00:28:31.5
427 CatherineSayerFFO227 - Gazelles Work In Progress2272 00:58:13.8 00:28:34.3
428 SophieGetleyFF40+296 - The Flying Feet of the Law2963 01:25:16.0 00:28:34.4
429 PaulHeeksMM40+279 - SS1 - TEAM HEEKS2792 00:51:11.9 00:28:37.0
430 JoanneWestFF60+309 - Three Lee's and a J3091 00:28:47.6 00:28:39.1
431 NicolaBowlerFF40+260 - Not Fast Just Fabulous2604 02:09:01.0 00:28:43.2
432 AgnieszkaAndrzejakFF40+284 - SS6 - AGA DOO2841 00:28:54.2 00:28:45.4
433 LouBoyceFF40+313 - WAC Wonder Women3132 00:59:58.5 00:28:45.9
434 EmmaJordanFF40+299 - The Golden Oldies2992 00:55:58.2 00:28:55.9
435 FelicityHopperFFO296 - The Flying Feet of the Law2962 00:56:41.6 00:29:02.3
436 LinBoltonFF40+269 - Reepham Runners2692 00:51:40.4 00:29:02.5
437 NicolaArmstrongFF40+250 - Lost in Pace Wrr2503 01:35:15.5 00:29:08.3
438 SueGlazerFF60+209 - Cani Neri2092 00:54:05.7 00:29:09.4
439 JamesBruceMMO225 - Easier Said Than Run2251 00:29:33.6 00:29:22.8
440 AmyDuxburyFFO227 - Gazelles Work In Progress2271 00:29:39.5 00:29:31.8
441 AngelaSelfeFF40+284 - SS6 - AGA DOO2844 01:47:31.8 00:29:35.3
442 SammiWillettFFO253 - MISSION Made Reds2532 00:51:26.5 00:29:36.1
443 MichelleHorganFF40+306 - The Perfect Mix3061 00:29:46.3 00:29:36.1
444 LucyHollidayFF40+322 - Yarcos On Tour3221 00:29:46.5 00:29:36.4
445 NeilDennisMM40+224 - Dream Team Wrr2243 01:34:01.8 00:29:41.2
446 TraceyCampbellFF40+306 - The Perfect Mix3064 01:51:01.0 00:29:42.4
447 KellyStoneFF40+273 - Running on Empty2734 01:36:20.6 00:29:56.8
448 AlisonBilyardFF40+235 - GYRR Ladies2352 00:55:41.4 00:29:58.3
449 SianBurnettFF40+250 - Lost in Pace Wrr2502 01:06:07.2 00:30:01.3
450 PeterBoltonMM60+271 - Reepham Superheroes2712 00:52:21.9 00:30:01.7
451 LindaHawesFF40+266 - Reepham Couples2664 01:38:06.2 00:30:06.3
452 HanahMorelliFFO264 - Quadram Institute2642 00:52:51.4 00:30:10.9
453 DeniseWrightFF60+285 - SS7 - YOUNG AT HEART2853 01:18:08.5 00:30:16.9
454 DavidMeltonMM60+241 - HRC Super Vs2413 01:29:20.8 00:30:20.2
455 VixBurdettFF40+214 - Chiens Noirs2143 01:26:37.4 00:30:21.1
456 Cristina NaiaraFernandesFFO216 - CoNAC 12161 00:30:31.5 00:30:26.5
457 KatieThompsonFFO227 - Gazelles Work In Progress2273 01:28:40.6 00:30:26.8
458 EllieEllisFF40+252 - MISSION Made Blues2523 01:21:47.2 00:30:32.8
459 ColinMcDonaldMM40+252 - MISSION Made Blues2522 00:51:14.4 00:30:32.8
460 GeraintCastleton-WhiteMM60+241 - HRC Super Vs2411 00:30:45.8 00:30:39.7
461 JackieBell*FF60+262 - Perras Viejas 2622 00:56:42.0 00:30:46.5
462 JayneCapps-JennerFF60+262 - Perras Viejas 2624 01:53:48.5 00:30:52.9
463 SaraShortenFF40+313 - WAC Wonder Women3131 00:31:12.7 00:30:59.5
464 BeckyMcKayFFO254 - MISSION Made Yellows2542 00:53:33.3 00:31:07.9
465 KellyBancroftFF40+236 - GYRR STARs2363 01:24:54.3 00:31:15.3
466 AnnetteCopeman-lamoureuxFF40+321 - WRR Fab Four3212 00:57:40.9 00:31:31.2
467 GinaShortenFF40+260 - Not Fast Just Fabulous2603 01:40:17.9 00:31:36.6
468 SarahBooneFF40+259 - Norwich Social Joggers 12593 01:37:17.4 00:31:41.2
469 LucyJonesFF40+242 - It seemed a good idea at the time2421 00:32:01.0 00:31:46.9
470 SamBarwickFF40+204 - Bang to rights2042 00:53:35.0 00:31:57.10
471 TrevorPotterMM60+259 - Norwich Social Joggers 12591 00:32:11.2 00:32:00.1
472 SarahNicholsFFO319 - Worlie Whizz kids3193 01:33:05.9 00:32:08.4
473 VikkiBrownsellFF40+316 - Wear the Damn Shorts !3163 01:40:57.7 00:32:11.9
474 CarlyCoutterFFO247 - Legs Miserables Wrr2472 00:58:03.4 00:32:36.1
475 FaySutton*FF40+214 - Chiens Noirs2141 00:32:48.7 00:32:38.1
476 JanineOsborneFF40+259 - Norwich Social Joggers 12592 01:05:36.2 00:33:25.1
477 MelissaTudorFF40+277 - Shane and the Tudor Trio2772 00:55:39.3 00:33:29.8
478 SueLyonsFF40+260 - Not Fast Just Fabulous2601 00:34:00.5 00:33:46.9
479 PandoraBuckFF60+226 - Faster than sitting on a sofa2263 01:42:45.3 00:34:03.9
480 SarahCoxonFF40+242 - It seemed a good idea at the time2422 01:06:10.3 00:34:09.3
481 ClairBaxterFF40+226 - Faster than sitting on a sofa2262 01:08:41.4 00:34:09.7
482 AnnieHallFF60+316 - Wear the Damn Shorts !3162 01:08:45.8 00:34:14.1
483 AngelaGreyFF40+316 - Wear the Damn Shorts !3161 00:34:31.8 00:34:17.2
484 MelodyBootyFFO226 - Faster than sitting on a sofa2261 00:34:31.8 00:34:17.3
485 AmandaMounserFF40+319 - Worlie Whizz kids3192 01:00:57.5 00:34:23.7
486 KimHarperFF40+247 - Legs Miserables Wrr2473 01:32:36.2 00:34:32.8
487 LisaGreenFF40+260 - Not Fast Just Fabulous2602 01:08:41.4 00:34:40.9
488 LucieTudorFF40+277 - Shane and the Tudor Trio2773 01:30:48.5 00:35:09.2
489 ElaineHaggartyFF60+316 - Wear the Damn Shorts !3164 02:16:19.1 00:35:21.5
490 MichelleHewittFF40+321 - WRR Fab Four3213 01:33:23.0 00:35:42.3
491 HelenEversonFF40+250 - Lost in Pace Wrr2501 00:36:05.9 00:35:52.8
492 FaronLillyFFO224 - Dream Team Wrr2242 01:04:20.7 00:37:32.4

Individual 5k Dash

Start time: 06/10/2024 10:00

PositionForenameSurnameGenderCategoryClubTagGun TimeChip Time
1 CorbenReynoldsMMOGreat Yarmouth Road Runners130 00:16:55.7 00:16:54.2
2 JamesTubbMMOReepham Runners60 00:17:52.8 00:17:50.5
3 OliverBoyceMMU18Norwich Road Runners7 00:18:06.0 00:18:03.2
4 LaceyBarehamFFOWymondham AC5 00:19:06.2 00:19:03.5
5 AndyForemanMM50-54Coltishall Jaguars RC3244 00:19:09.5 00:19:05.3
6 KevinSimpsonMMOWymondham AC3241 00:19:51.9 00:19:48.4
7 MathewGilbertMMO25 00:19:57.1 00:19:53.8
8 MillieAdamsFFU18City of Norwich AC1 00:20:18.8 00:20:16.8
9 PaulToddMM45-4959 00:20:28.8 00:20:23.3
10 NigelHorneyMM65-69Keswick AC32 00:20:49.2 00:20:45.3
11 AndrewCursonMM40-44Norfolk Gazelles AC13 00:20:56.6 00:20:51.5
12 ChrisGreenoughMM40-44Tri-Anglia Triathlon Club27 00:21:48.7 00:21:36.3
13 LiamDurrantMMU18Beccles & Bungay Harriers18 00:21:54.0 00:21:49.0
14 BeckyHillsFFO45 00:21:55.0 00:21:49.2
15 PatrickSwinleyMMO56 00:22:02.7 00:21:49.7
16 ChrisLinsteadMMO35 00:22:17.0 00:22:00.7
17 ColinLockwoodMMONorfolk Gazelles AC36 00:22:10.3 00:22:01.1
18 StaceyMockfordFF40-44Saint Edmund Pacers37 00:22:15.8 00:22:04.7
19 PeterCleavesMMOStowmarket Striders RC63 00:22:40.0 00:22:33.2
20 ImogenShawFFU1851 00:22:42.7 00:22:33.8
21 JovinMulloorMMO38 00:22:43.1 00:22:34.2
22 WarrenNewellMM60-64Lonely Goat RC40 00:22:52.6 00:22:43.0
23 KirstyWheelerFFOLowestoft Road Runners62 00:22:56.6 00:22:51.1
24 PhrancescaHarrisonFFOGreat Yarmouth & District AC29 00:23:04.2 00:22:54.6
25 MichaelPersichMM70-74Beccles & Bungay Harriers49 00:23:11.3 00:23:05.5
26 MaxPayneMMU18Aylsham Runners46 00:23:28.9 00:23:25.8
27 JonathanDickensMM60-6416 00:23:58.9 00:23:47.0
28 JacobFosterMMU18Aylsham Runners20 00:24:23.9 00:24:20.7
29 NicolaGreenoughFF40-44Tri-Anglia Triathlon Club28 00:24:49.3 00:24:38.1
30 DarrenTameMM40-4457 00:24:59.0 00:24:45.5
31 JosephStaceyMMOAylsham Runners53 00:25:10.5 00:24:58.1
32 DaleBullimoreMM45-49Great Yarmouth & District AC10 00:25:33.0 00:25:21.8
33 PeterLangMM55-59Waveney Valley AC33 00:26:15.6 00:26:00.6
34 MillieDoubledayFFU18Aylsham Runners17 00:26:53.5 00:26:45.8
35 LaurenCrispFFU18Aylsham Runners12 00:26:57.0 00:26:50.0
36 ShaneLawrenceMM65-69Eastern Masters AC34 00:27:15.0 00:27:12.3
37 RachelBoyceFF45-498 00:27:48.8 00:27:37.8
38 OliviaHodgsonFFOAylsham Runners31 00:27:56.6 00:27:49.0
39 JerryFreemanMM75+Norfolk Gazelles AC23 00:28:27.9 00:28:14.0
40 ChrisFouldsMMO21 00:28:35.5 00:28:22.2
41 ZacharyFouldsMMU1822 00:29:20.7 00:29:07.1
42 JasonGibbonsMMOAylsham Runners24 00:30:51.1 00:30:34.5
43 OlliePearsonMMU18Aylsham Runners48 00:30:51.2 00:30:34.8
44 EvaOsborneFF75+Wymondham AC43 00:31:02.8 00:30:50.6
45 KarenWatersFF55-59Beccles & Bungay Harriers61 00:31:31.3 00:31:17.3
46 MatthewBakerMMO4 00:33:01.7 00:32:47.8
47 SienaBullimoreFFU18Great Yarmouth & District AC11 00:33:05.3 00:32:54.6
48 LisaStearmanFFO54 00:33:04.1 00:32:58.8
49 ReeceBainesMMU18Aylsham Runners3 00:33:04.7 00:32:59.6
50 ChloeGreenFFU1826 00:34:00.6 00:33:46.4
51 BethanyStuddFFOBungay Black Dog RC55 00:34:16.0 00:34:03.3
52 PhilipNeaveMM75+Bungay Black Dog RC39 00:34:21.0 00:34:08.5
53 RachaelElliottFFOThree Counties Running Club19 00:34:55.0 00:34:45.1
54 IanTaylorMM50-5458 00:36:25.6 00:36:09.4
55 AnnePalmerFF55-5944 00:36:54.8 00:36:39.7
56 CaitlinOramFFU18Dereham Runners AC41 00:37:25.5 00:37:09.8
57 StephenOramMM45-49Dereham Runners AC42 00:37:25.9 00:37:10.2
58 PatBrightmanFF70-74Great Yarmouth & District AC9 00:39:10.5 00:38:58.2

Calves 2k Canter

Start time: 06/10/2024 09:15

PositionForenameSurnameGenderCategoryClubTagGun TimeChip Time
1 TeddyLawrenceMM10-12City of Norwich AC104 00:07:42.9 00:07:42.0
2 OliverBroughtonMM8-9Stowmarket Striders RC127 00:07:48.6 00:07:48.1
3 JacobKirkpatrickMM8-9Norwich Road Runners102 00:07:52.6 00:07:51.0
4 LeoBaconMM10-12North Norfolk Harriers Athletics Club66 00:07:52.8 00:07:52.3
5 FelicityAllenFF8-964 00:07:53.6 00:07:52.9
6 HarrisSmithermanMM8-9City of Norwich AC122 00:08:00.3 00:07:59.5
7 JudeOsborneMM10-12City of Norwich AC116 00:08:01.2 00:08:00.7
8 CharlieMitchellMM8-9Stowmarket Striders RC109 00:08:14.3 00:08:13.3
9 RyanBullimoreMM10-12Great Yarmouth & District AC77 00:08:16.0 00:08:14.2
10 AprilGreenFF10-12City of Norwich AC3242 00:08:16.7 00:08:16.1
11 TobyDrewsMM10-12North Norfolk Harriers Athletics Club85 00:08:31.5 00:08:30.4
12 RowanBaconMM8-9North Norfolk Harriers Athletics Club67 00:08:33.0 00:08:32.5
13 EvieHyettFF10-12Bungay Black Dog RC99 00:08:42.5 00:08:41.4
14 AlfieDickens-WattsMM8-984 00:08:50.7 00:08:49.0
15 WillArmshawMM8-965 00:08:59.7 00:08:57.7
16 AlbaBartlettFF10-12Great Yarmouth & District AC71 00:08:59.3 00:08:57.9
17 ErnieMcGillMM8-9Bungay Black Dog RC108 00:09:01.3 00:08:59.6
18 JamesGilbertMM8-991 00:09:12.1 00:09:09.8
19 FreddieFreeMM8-988 00:09:15.3 00:09:14.7
20 ArchieBlakeMM8-975 00:09:17.0 00:09:14.9
21 HarryPrenticeMM8-93243 00:09:21.7 00:09:19.3
22 NinaBroughtonFF8-9Stowmarket Striders RC128 00:09:27.0 00:09:25.8
23 ArloStuttleMM6-7123 00:09:38.4 00:09:37.4
24 JacobGreenMM6-792 00:09:39.7 00:09:38.6
25 EmilyBatchelorFF8-9Bungay Black Dog RC73 00:09:51.0 00:09:49.8
26 EloiseTerryFF8-9129 00:09:54.6 00:09:52.9
27 TheoBlakeMM8-976 00:10:05.1 00:10:02.9
28 SaverioIaccarinoMM6-7101 00:10:05.0 00:10:03.9
29 TheoDebbageMM8-983 00:10:15.0 00:10:13.4
30 LibbyCrispFF10-1281 00:10:17.0 00:10:15.8
31 JosephBatchelorMM8-9Bungay Black Dog RC74 00:10:24.0 00:10:20.1
32 SophiaBullimoreFF10-12Great Yarmouth & District AC78 00:10:24.1 00:10:22.2
33 FlorenceBartlettFF6-7Great Yarmouth & District AC72 00:10:28.7 00:10:26.7
34 TimothyBusbyMM8-9Norwich Road Runners79 00:10:40.4 00:10:38.8
35 ReggieCuleyMM6-782 00:10:46.4 00:10:44.3
36 SylvieHannerFF8-9Bungay Black Dog RC95 00:10:51.3 00:10:50.0
37 AilishSmithermanFF4-5121 00:10:54.5 00:10:51.8
38 ForrestNealeMM8-9115 00:11:18.3 00:11:15.7
39 NathanEdmondsMM8-9Bungay Black Dog RC86 00:11:37.3 00:11:36.1
40 IsabellaIaccarinoFF10-12100 00:11:43.0 00:11:41.6
41 FernSkinnerFF6-7Bure Valley Harriers119 00:11:43.0 00:11:41.9
42 OakleyFreeMM4-589 00:11:45.0 00:11:41.9
43 JasperHagueMM6-794 00:11:52.5 00:11:47.0
44 Leila-MaeMitchellFF10-12Stowmarket Striders RC110 00:12:06.0 00:12:04.4
45 ThomasHarrisMM6-798 00:12:45.3 00:12:43.3
46 TheaFouldsFF8-987 00:12:44.7 00:12:43.6
47 BeaudynLinsteadMM8-9106 00:13:02.0 00:12:56.2
48 TheoLinsteadMM8-9107 00:13:02.8 00:12:57.1
49 BonniePeachmentFF6-7117 00:13:32.2 00:13:27.4
50 AlissaWestFF8-9125 00:13:32.1 00:13:29.8
51 LanaMooreFF6-7112 00:13:37.1 00:13:32.6
52 AlfieBancroftMM10-1269 00:14:01.6 00:13:56.9
53 ImogenBainesFF4-568 00:14:03.1 00:13:59.7
54 JamesGibbs-KnellerMM6-790 00:14:04.6 00:13:59.9
55 HarvestMoonMM4-5Bure Valley Harriers111 00:14:35.6 00:14:32.6
56 MatildaBancroftFF6-770 00:14:38.3 00:14:34.1
57 FreddieWhyteMM4-5126 00:15:18.3 00:15:12.7
58 DanielHardinghamMM6-796 00:15:19.5 00:15:16.6
59 WilliamHardinghamMM8-9Bungay Black Dog RC97 00:15:24.0 00:15:20.8
60 EffieStuttleFF4-5124 00:15:47.9 00:15:44.6
61 IndiaGrimmerFF4-593 00:16:05.8 00:16:01.1
62 ErinLingwoodFF4-5105 00:16:41.2 00:16:36.9
63 GregoryCaleyMM4-580 00:16:51.4 00:16:46.8
64 AmeliaLaneFF4-5103 00:17:00.1 00:16:56.0
65 AvaRennieFF4-5118 00:19:09.6 00:19:06.3