Reedham Ten

Location: Reedham Village Hall


10 Miles

Start time: 19/01/2025 10:00

ClubTagGun TimeChip Time
1 LoganSmithM1MO 1City of Norwich AC468 00:49:54.9 00:49:53.4
2 CallumBowen-JonesM2MO 2Newham & Essex Beagles AC329 00:51:20.7 00:51:19.0
3 LukeAldenM3MO 3City of Norwich AC475 00:53:16.0 00:53:14.1
4 MichaelEcclesM4M40-44 1Bure Valley Harriers470 00:53:52.0 00:53:50.5
5 MarkChaney BaxterM5MO 4City of Norwich AC207 00:54:31.3 00:54:29.2
6 MartynBathM6MO 5Norwich Road Runners369 00:54:41.6 00:54:39.2
7 JamesJohnsonM7M45-49 1Highgate Harriers559 00:56:13.3 00:56:11.3
8 NeilAdamsM8M45-49 2North Norfolk Beach Runners164 00:56:23.2 00:56:21.5
9 MarkHaywardM9M40-44 2Newmarket Joggers126 00:56:39.8 00:56:37.5
10 SamuelCornforthM10MO 6City of Norwich AC579 00:56:49.4 00:56:47.2
11 JackNobleM11MO 7Bure Valley Harriers33 00:57:13.5 00:57:10.4
12 MitchellDannM12M45-49 3City of Norwich AC578 00:57:17.3 00:57:15.2
13 JamieRoseM13MO 8435 00:57:20.0 00:57:17.6
14 EmilyRuaneF1FO 1Cambridge & Coleridge AC453 00:57:29.9 00:57:27.0
15 CameronPantingM14MO 9133 00:57:36.5 00:57:34.5
16 JamesJarmyM15MO 10City of Norwich AC248 00:58:02.5 00:58:00.2
17 LeeCookM16MO 11City of Norwich AC431 00:58:02.9 00:58:00.4
18 EleanorGrubbF2FO 2City of Norwich AC563 00:58:17.3 00:58:14.6
19 JakeGrandM17MO 12Norwich Road Runners216 00:58:24.5 00:58:21.6
20 DanielMiddletonM18M40-44 31941 00:58:30.5 00:58:27.1
21 AdamBradshawM19MO 13160 00:58:41.7 00:58:38.3
22 GarySaggersM20M45-49 4Lowestoft Road Runners425 00:58:55.0 00:58:52.4
23 HarryNealeM21MO 14Norfolk Gazelles AC230 00:59:04.1 00:59:01.1
24 ByronMcGillM22M40-44 4Bungay Black Dog RC244 00:59:04.9 00:59:01.9
25 ThomasAbbsM23MO 15Bure Valley Harriers360 00:59:28.4 00:59:25.2
26 MarcColesM24M45-49 5Norwich Road Runners142 00:59:31.3 00:59:28.3
27 AaronWrightM25M40-44 51950 00:59:51.7 00:59:49.6
28 JamesPitcherM26MO 16Norfolk Gazelles AC561 00:59:59.9 00:59:56.6
29 JohnJervisM27M40-44 6Lowestoft Road Runners438 01:00:24.9 01:00:21.7
30 AndrewSoanesM28MO 17Waveney Valley AC441 01:00:51.4 01:00:47.6
31 NickMarriageM29M40-44 7City of Norwich AC521 01:00:57.3 01:00:54.5
32 SimonWrightM30M45-49 6Norfolk Gazelles AC456 01:01:01.3 01:00:57.9
33 RossPalgraveM31MO 18City of Norwich AC465 01:01:02.9 01:00:58.8
34 WayneHarrisonM32M40-44 8Lowestoft Road Runners432 01:01:15.0 01:01:11.4
35 OliverDackM33M40-44 9204 01:01:19.7 01:01:11.6
36 ChrisBullockM34M50-54 1Wymondham AC459 01:01:25.4 01:01:20.1
37 DarylBurlinghamM35MO 19223 01:01:35.6 01:01:31.3
38 DavidBurtonM36MO 20Norwich Road Runners516 01:01:50.4 01:01:44.5
39 DavidHoughtonM37M50-54 2Wymondham AC91 01:02:03.5 01:01:58.2
40 KateMurrellF3F40-44 1Norwich Road Runners592 01:02:08.1 01:02:03.4
41 OliverHoggM38M40-44 10576 01:02:11.9 01:02:07.8
42 MattJenkinsM39MO 21Norwich Road Runners303 01:02:16.2 01:02:10.1
43 ChrisHarrisonM40M40-44 11Norwich Road Runners500 01:02:19.9 01:02:15.4
44 JoshRussellM41MO 22Norwich Road Runners366 01:02:27.4 01:02:21.7
45 TomJordanM42MO 23Bure Valley Harriers562 01:02:30.0 01:02:23.2
46 CraigUpsonM43MO 24Norwich Road Runners506 01:02:34.4 01:02:27.8
47 DavidMooreM44MO 25Norfolk Gazelles AC388 01:02:36.6 01:02:32.3
48 MarkGoddardM45MO 26Norfolk Gazelles AC232 01:02:38.0 01:02:33.8
49 DavidGibbs-KnellerM46MO 27Norfolk Gazelles AC518 01:02:55.9 01:02:52.1
50 GarethSevilleM47MO 28Wymondham AC44 01:03:00.0 01:02:54.4
51 AdamBrownM48MO 29Lowestoft Road Runners416 01:03:09.7 01:03:05.5
52 RowanVan TrompM49MO 30134 01:03:24.6 01:03:17.6
53 WilliamWassmerM50MO 31Great Yarmouth & District AC173 01:03:33.2 01:03:22.1
54 GavDentM51M45-49 7North Norfolk Beach Runners16 01:03:29.9 01:03:25.2
55 RoseNicholsonF4FO 3Waveney Valley AC443 01:03:31.0 01:03:26.5
56 RonnieMountM52M45-49 8Norwich Road Runners476 01:03:36.0 01:03:31.0
57 WilliamMcMorrisM53M45-49 9North Norfolk Beach Runners176 01:03:46.3 01:03:41.7
58 ScottieBruceM54MO 32Waveney Valley AC439 01:03:56.9 01:03:47.1
59 CatCummingsF5F45-49 1City of Norwich AC236 01:04:00.0 01:03:55.2
60 WesleyBelstenM55MO 33Great Yarmouth Road Runners375 01:04:07.7 01:04:02.2
61 JonathanCordleM56M60-64 1Norwich Road Runners144 01:04:26.8 01:04:20.9
62 AaronPorterM57MO 34Fenland Running Club545 01:04:37.3 01:04:29.3
63 DanBrocklehurstM58M40-44 12Wymondham AC212 01:04:42.6 01:04:33.7
64 JamieSheehanM59MO 35300 01:04:40.9 01:04:36.2
65 AndrewHortonM60MO 36421 01:04:48.5 01:04:42.3
66 HarryArmesM61MO 37Norwich Road Runners315 01:04:57.2 01:04:50.5
67 StevenElvinM62M60-64 2Bure Valley Harriers226 01:04:58.2 01:04:52.0
68 JohnMooreM63M60-64 3Norfolk Gazelles AC308 01:04:59.3 01:04:53.5
69 AnthonyCudeM64M45-49 10Runners-Next-the-Sea338 01:05:08.0 01:04:55.1
70 GarethHuntM65MO 38Ryston Runners551 01:05:09.5 01:05:02.2
71 JayBrewsterM66MO 39Dereham Runners AC1927 01:05:22.6 01:05:09.0
72 JackGildingM67MO 40Dereham Runners AC1925 01:05:25.7 01:05:12.0
73 ChrisVernonM68MO 41318 01:05:27.4 01:05:20.8
74 DavidCoslettM69M45-49 11Runners-Next-the-Sea333 01:05:35.9 01:05:23.3
75 AlexanderMcCloskeyM70MO 42Bungay Black Dog RC227 01:05:29.6 01:05:24.5
76 JoannaColleyF6FO 4Cambridge & Coleridge AC599 01:05:28.6 01:05:24.8
77 DavidPowlesM71M45-49 12Wymondham AC96 01:05:41.6 01:05:32.4
78 AndrewNobleM72M60-64 4Folkestone Running & Athletics Club575 01:05:44.3 01:05:36.1
79 RoyRobertsM73MO 43Norfolk Gazelles AC472 01:05:47.4 01:05:37.2
80 PaulBullingM74M40-44 13Norwich Road Runners497 01:05:48.4 01:05:42.1
81 ColinStarkM75M50-54 3North Norfolk Beach Runners334 01:05:53.6 01:05:42.6
82 LaurenStroudM76M45-49 13Aylsham Runners159 01:05:50.0 01:05:44.5
83 JasonMattlessM77M50-54 4Dereham Runners AC51 01:06:11.3 01:06:01.4
84 ToddLakeM78M60-64 5Wymondham AC278 01:06:24.1 01:06:14.8
85 RichardHansonM79M60-64 6Norfolk Gazelles AC295 01:06:21.4 01:06:15.4
86 LeeQuibellM80M45-49 14Bure Valley Harriers312 01:06:41.9 01:06:34.1
87 MarkBettsM81M50-54 5Norwich Road Runners565 01:06:41.8 01:06:36.5
88 ChrisChaplinM82MO 44Ryston Runners542 01:06:50.3 01:06:37.6
89 MarkArmstrongM83M40-44 14Wymondham AC1913 01:06:49.1 01:06:40.1
90 ChrisParkerM84M40-44 15North Norfolk Beach Runners158 01:06:46.7 01:06:41.2
91 JamieChuiM85MO 45Norfolk Gazelles AC141 01:06:51.3 01:06:44.3
92 AlexWalpoleM86MO 46Runners-Next-the-Sea151 01:06:58.6 01:06:45.9
93 JennySteedmanF7FO 5Saint Edmund Pacers573 01:06:52.8 01:06:48.9
94 KevinHeyhoeM87M45-49 15Runners-Next-the-Sea335 01:07:03.9 01:06:52.0
95 LeeWilsonM88M45-49 16481 01:07:08.6 01:07:03.5
96 PaulOakleyM89M50-54 6Horsham Joggers145 01:07:11.9 01:07:03.9
97 GrahamJohnsonM90M55-59 1Coltishall Jaguars RC152 01:07:23.5 01:07:15.4
98 AdrianSlatteryM91M45-49 17Great Yarmouth Road Runners387 01:07:35.1 01:07:25.4
99 ClaireStroudF8F45-49 2526 01:07:43.9 01:07:35.4
100 AlastairRossM92M45-49 18Bure Valley Harriers175 01:07:53.0 01:07:41.5
101 TerryCollinsM93M40-44 16Coltishall Jaguars RC172 01:07:55.9 01:07:47.5
102 BarrySmithM94M55-59 2Bungay Black Dog RC219 01:07:59.8 01:07:52.5
103 TimSevilleM95M65-69 1Wymondham AC45 01:08:10.8 01:07:56.1
104 ShaunCleworthM96M45-49 19Norwich Road Runners487 01:08:04.3 01:07:56.5
105 AndrewMulliganM97MO 47283 01:08:27.8 01:08:21.1
106 SteveNewmanM98M55-59 3Bungay Black Dog RC118 01:08:34.4 01:08:27.2
107 LloydChettleM99MO 48Great Yarmouth Road Runners61 01:08:52.2 01:08:42.5
108 CharliSmithF9FO 6Norwich Road Runners138 01:08:57.0 01:08:50.7
109 NicholasRandallM100M50-54 7Norwich Road Runners505 01:09:18.9 01:08:51.0
110 BenStoneM101M40-44 17Great Yarmouth Road Runners353 01:09:05.5 01:08:57.0
111 PeterMorganM102M40-44 18Wymondham AC271 01:09:10.7 01:09:01.7
112 OliverBinghamM103MO 49Saint Edmund Pacers114 01:09:26.4 01:09:06.4
113 JakeMasonM104MO 50Norfolk Gazelles AC1936 01:09:59.5 01:09:24.2
114 AndrewHartM105MO 51537 01:09:45.0 01:09:33.2
115 BeckyHillsF10FO 7337 01:09:50.7 01:09:37.1
116 JonSalmonM106M40-44 19591 01:09:53.7 01:09:41.8
117 MarcusPearsonM107MO 52596 01:09:58.5 01:09:45.9
118 MarcusJollyM108MO 5368 01:10:00.5 01:09:53.0
119 TawaGroombridgeF11F45-49 3Norwich Road Runners572 01:10:03.5 01:09:55.1
120 MaxTaylorM109MO 54Lowestoft Road Runners79 01:10:16.7 01:10:01.6
121 BeckyWillettF12FO 8Norwich Road Runners514 01:10:51.0 01:10:23.5
122 MarcusWestgateM110M50-54 8Great Yarmouth Road Runners1946 01:10:51.1 01:10:34.2
123 DanRamsbottomM111M50-54 9Lowestoft Road Runners442 01:10:49.3 01:10:34.4
124 JustinDicksM112M55-59 4Tri-Anglia Triathlon Club94 01:10:55.1 01:10:34.6
125 CathalDalyM113M50-54 10City of Norwich AC52 01:10:52.4 01:10:35.1
126 PaulSpoonerM114MO 55584 01:10:58.4 01:10:50.5
127 BenTaylorM115M50-54 11Lowestoft Road Runners437 01:11:02.1 01:10:54.5
128 DeanHowardM116M50-54 12North Norfolk Beach Runners165 01:11:00.6 01:10:54.7
129 StevePenfieldM117M50-54 13Bungay Black Dog RC454 01:11:17.4 01:11:07.0
130 LewisWilkinsM118MO 56Wymondham AC270 01:11:27.9 01:11:15.6
131 KarimOuaddaneM119M55-59 5Waveney Valley AC404 01:11:25.6 01:11:21.0
132 RoystonThorneM120M45-49 2093 01:11:32.0 01:11:21.1
133 JonRowdenM121M55-59 6Tri-Anglia Triathlon Club1934 01:11:41.9 01:11:21.3
134 KatarzynaWlodarczykF13F40-44 2Tri-Anglia Triathlon Club95 01:11:48.5 01:11:21.8
135 AmyHannerF14F40-44 3Bungay Black Dog RC249 01:11:38.4 01:11:28.1
136 PaulParkerM122M60-64 7Coltishall Jaguars RC480 01:11:44.6 01:11:35.8
137 JasonCornerM123M45-49 21Tri-Anglia Triathlon Club203 01:12:19.9 01:11:45.2
138 TaraAdamsF15F50-54 1City of Norwich AC250 01:12:00.1 01:11:47.7
139 ChrisJohnsonM124MO 57Reepham Runners155 01:12:14.4 01:11:49.5
140 WayneRamsbottomM125M55-59 7Dereham Runners AC49 01:12:12.6 01:11:57.9
141 PerryLushingtonM126M65-69 2589 01:12:09.2 01:12:02.0
142 GregManterfield-IvoryM127MO 581921 01:12:44.8 01:12:09.2
143 PhilipPearsonM128MO 59Great Yarmouth Road Runners350 01:12:22.7 01:12:13.4
144 RyanMcNallyM129MO 60509 01:12:29.3 01:12:17.5
145 ReecePrenticeM130MO 61City of Norwich AC532 01:12:35.4 01:12:19.1
146 GraceLeavyF16FO 9Norfolk Gazelles AC524 01:12:31.7 01:12:19.4
147 LouiseHurrF17F55-59 1Norfolk Gazelles AC467 01:12:36.1 01:12:20.8
148 SarahCrockettF18FO 10Fulham Running Club355 01:12:43.1 01:12:22.0
149 ChrisGreenoughM131M40-44 20Wymondham AC10 01:12:38.6 01:12:27.7
150 HannahBarnettF19FO 1174 01:12:50.3 01:12:28.7
151 AndyPridmoreM132M55-59 8122 01:12:55.7 01:12:36.0
152 KevinSimpsonM133MO 62Wymondham AC274 01:12:51.0 01:12:36.5
153 IanThomasM134M65-69 3Norfolk Gazelles AC478 01:13:14.4 01:12:37.4
154 RoryHillM135MO 63Norfolk Gazelles AC298 01:12:51.1 01:12:39.10
155 NickRossM136M55-59 9Norfolk Gazelles AC85 01:12:57.0 01:12:43.2
156 LisaKnightsF20F50-54 2Vegan Runners UK412 01:13:09.8 01:12:53.4
157 MichaelFisherM137MO 64415 01:13:05.7 01:12:59.2
158 JasonPeckM138M45-49 22Norfolk Gazelles AC224 01:13:15.0 01:13:05.1
159 ChristopherGibbM139MO 651935 01:13:49.7 01:13:08.7
160 MarkWalpoleM140M55-59 10101 01:13:25.8 01:13:14.2
161 ShaunConwayM141M60-64 8281 01:13:28.4 01:13:15.4
162 AndrewThomasM142M45-49 23Great Yarmouth Road Runners402 01:14:06.9 01:13:23.1
163 KateGoodingF21F40-44 4Wymondham AC534 01:13:40.3 01:13:27.1
164 GrantKingM143M45-49 24Dereham Runners AC291 01:13:58.0 01:13:40.4
165 LucindaBullimoreF22F40-44 5Great Yarmouth & District AC378 01:14:00.7 01:13:44.2
166 OwenHudsonM144M50-54 1424 01:14:20.0 01:13:48.1
167 CraigBrownM145MO 66423 01:14:04.8 01:13:48.8
168 CatherineHeneryF23F60-64 1City of Norwich AC296 01:14:03.0 01:13:50.6
169 PaulaCarrF24F60-64 2Great Yarmouth Road Runners394 01:14:13.6 01:13:54.4
170 RobinBatchelorM146MO 67Dereham Runners AC280 01:14:24.5 01:14:00.5
171 TrevorKuhrtM147M40-44 21Norwich Road Runners570 01:14:31.2 01:14:04.0
172 DannyBurtonM148MO 68520 01:14:32.5 01:14:05.8
173 AaronGlenisterM149MO 69Lonely Goat RC177 01:14:21.4 01:14:06.0
174 CarolineYoungmanF25F45-49 4Norwich Road Runners482 01:14:29.0 01:14:07.4
175 CarolineHoughtonF26F50-54 3Wymondham AC90 01:14:22.0 01:14:07.8
176 GordanaSucur-HillsF27F45-49 5Runners-Next-the-Sea332 01:14:20.9 01:14:09.3
177 DaisyMattlessF28FO 12Dereham Runners AC50 01:14:19.4 01:14:09.6
178 MichaelMasonM150MO 70515 01:14:38.2 01:14:14.3
179 MeghanGrangeF29FO 13Norfolk Gazelles AC1937 01:14:50.7 01:14:14.4
180 CallumDavenportM151MO 71Norfolk Gazelles AC64 01:15:17.1 01:14:34.5
181 KevinFullerM152M40-44 22Great Yarmouth Road Runners386 01:14:57.2 01:14:40.0
182 StephenPantingM153M55-59 11566 01:15:06.0 01:14:42.6
183 JimFitchM154M50-54 151954 01:14:53.0 01:14:44.1
184 NickHubbardM155M50-54 16231 01:14:55.6 01:14:45.3
185 LouiseHudsonF30F45-49 6Dereham Runners AC319 01:15:06.7 01:14:46.5
186 PaulBanksM156M50-54 17Lowestoft Road Runners76 01:15:06.3 01:14:50.5
187 TessaKillingbeckF31F40-44 6City of Norwich AC357 01:15:23.7 01:14:54.3
188 MickCourtneyM157M60-64 9Great Yarmouth Road Runners377 01:15:10.0 01:14:58.3
189 ColinFishM158M60-64 10Norfolk Gazelles AC264 01:15:42.8 01:15:27.1
190 LauraGeorgeF32FO 14Aylsham Runners150 01:15:39.9 01:15:28.7
191 MarianneIngramF33F40-44 7Norfolk Gazelles AC1958 01:15:42.0 01:15:32.8
192 JamesBoolM159M55-59 12Great Yarmouth Road Runners391 01:17:13.7 01:15:39.6
193 GaryMcMorranM160M50-54 18117 01:16:42.6 01:15:49.3
194 KareanaSymondsF34F40-44 8Dereham Runners AC48 01:16:07.8 01:15:53.7
195 MemphisSymondsF35FO 15City of Norwich AC1926 01:16:08.0 01:15:53.7
196 EuanGatesM161MO 72187 01:16:29.9 01:16:00.6
197 AmyWrightF36FO 16Norfolk Gazelles AC522 01:16:14.1 01:16:02.1
198 RogerBarberM162M45-49 25503 01:16:35.9 01:16:06.6
199 WillAlexanderM163MO 73511 01:16:36.8 01:16:07.1
200 ZoeChaseF37F45-49 7Waveney Valley AC77 01:16:40.6 01:16:21.8
201 RolyCookM164M60-64 11Norwich Road Runners488 01:16:54.6 01:16:33.0
202 GarethThompsonM165M40-44 23262 01:16:55.5 01:16:39.8
203 CarolineWelchF38F50-54 4South London Harriers130 01:17:01.3 01:16:43.1
204 KirstyWheelerF39FO 17Lowestoft Road Runners411 01:17:16.6 01:17:00.0
205 ChrisAndrewsM166M40-44 24Norwich Road Runners491 01:17:21.4 01:17:09.3
206 SarahHaywardF40F55-59 2Dereham Runners AC9 01:17:43.2 01:17:15.0
207 StephenWoodM167M50-54 19Great Yarmouth Road Runners371 01:17:32.7 01:17:15.8
208 Antonio EduardoTorreM168M60-64 12Norwich Road Runners600 01:18:14.0 01:17:17.3
209 KathrynHeaneyF41FO 18Wymondham AC320 01:17:37.6 01:17:17.6
210 MattIsherwoodM169M45-49 26587 01:17:35.8 01:17:22.7
211 SamCosgroveM170MO 74345 01:18:17.0 01:17:23.1
212 KaiGibbonM171M50-54 20Bungay Black Dog RC83 01:18:01.1 01:17:29.8
213 DominicFrostM172MO 75110 01:17:56.0 01:17:37.6
214 MarkStoneM173M50-54 21Great Yarmouth Road Runners383 01:18:38.0 01:17:45.1
215 AlanBrailsfordM174M40-44 25Reepham Runners317 01:18:11.0 01:17:46.2
216 VickyTovellF42F50-54 5Coltishall Jaguars RC171 01:18:11.6 01:17:46.7
217 CharlotteHarris CookF43F40-44 9Bure Valley Harriers220 01:18:08.3 01:17:48.4
218 SteveAldridgeM175M40-44 261943 01:18:26.5 01:17:52.9
219 MacaulaySimondsM176MO 76458 01:18:34.4 01:17:57.9
220 AaronLeverettM177MO 77508 01:18:35.0 01:17:58.5
221 JasonBuckleyM178M40-44 27186 01:18:37.2 01:18:02.9
222 MayBrownF44FO 19Great Yarmouth Road Runners372 01:18:18.0 01:18:03.5
223 MarkTownsendM179M50-54 22Norwich Road Runners485 01:18:33.6 01:18:05.9
224 JessChappellF45F40-44 10113 01:18:32.2 01:18:13.1
225 PaulMeachenM180M45-49 27557 01:18:51.0 01:18:17.7
226 ChrisChorleyM181M60-64 13Bungay Black Dog RC47 01:19:08.2 01:18:20.9
227 DiosFernandezM182M55-59 13North Norfolk Beach Runners583 01:18:41.4 01:18:23.0
228 JackTaylorM183MO 78426 01:18:44.3 01:18:25.5
229 StuartPeggM184M45-49 28427 01:18:52.8 01:18:26.1
230 MarkWilliamsM185M55-59 14169 01:18:42.3 01:18:29.2
231 NicolaGreenoughF46F40-44 11Wymondham AC11 01:18:46.4 01:18:36.3
232 JoanneCoxF47F50-54 6Bungay Black Dog RC82 01:19:07.5 01:18:36.4
233 KarenEvansF48F45-49 8Lowestoft Road Runners434 01:18:58.3 01:18:36.8
234 JenniferBettinsonF49F45-49 9Norfolk Gazelles AC304 01:19:18.2 01:18:44.2
235 ClaireBaileyF50FO 20178 01:19:02.3 01:18:47.2
236 LeighWestM186MO 79North Norfolk Beach Runners1917 01:19:13.2 01:18:52.3
237 SamQuinnM187MO 8023 01:19:21.7 01:18:59.8
238 JohnWilsonM188M60-64 14594 01:19:42.9 01:19:07.5
239 LeeWicksM189MO 81Wymondham AC466 01:19:36.5 01:19:09.8
240 ImogenLeesF51F50-54 7Norfolk Gazelles AC305 01:19:40.7 01:19:11.5
241 ChristopherStonesM190MO 82199 01:19:46.8 01:19:12.0
242 DuncanSmithM191M65-69 4Reepham Runners1929 01:19:37.8 01:19:15.3
243 EmilyHaughanF52F45-49 10North Norfolk Beach Runners20 01:19:36.0 01:19:15.4
244 PeterRiceM192M55-59 15Norfolk Gazelles AC247 01:19:39.7 01:19:18.8
245 KimberleyPowlesF53F40-44 12Wymondham AC97 01:19:59.0 01:19:21.7
246 AndyHenmanM193M45-49 29100 01:19:37.8 01:19:23.8
247 AdrianHollisM194M55-59 16Dereham Runners AC284 01:19:49.4 01:19:25.6
248 RachelMillerF54F50-54 8Norwich Road Runners560 01:19:57.5 01:19:29.3
249 ChrisBrowneM195M50-54 23397 01:20:33.3 01:19:52.3
250 SteveDugganM196M45-49 30400 01:20:40.6 01:19:55.1
251 JordanSewardM197MO 831912 01:20:17.3 01:19:57.2
252 MichaelPersichM198M70-74 1Beccles & Bungay Harriers445 01:20:15.8 01:19:57.9
253 JakeStaggM199MO 84Dereham Runners AC42 01:20:30.6 01:20:02.3
254 SarahRussellF55FO 21Norwich Road Runners218 01:20:56.0 01:20:06.9
255 HelenScothernF56F55-59 3Dereham Runners AC108 01:20:51.6 01:20:11.7
256 MelanieWiddowsF57F50-54 9243 01:20:51.4 01:20:13.7
257 HeidiPearsonF58FO 22595 01:20:57.0 01:20:21.6
258 MartinScothernM200M60-64 15Dereham Runners AC109 01:21:04.0 01:20:23.8
259 JamesRichardsonM201MO 85Norwich Road Runners196 01:20:59.2 01:20:24.2
260 KarlCasonM202MO 86547 01:20:47.9 01:20:29.3
261 AlisonSmithF59F50-54 10Great Yarmouth Road Runners396 01:20:46.0 01:20:31.0
262 AndyBaxterM203MO 87Wymondham AC251 01:21:12.5 01:20:45.7
263 PeterLaddimanM204M65-69 5Norfolk Harriers RC556 01:21:07.8 01:20:48.5
264 AnnaCoulbornF60F60-64 3Great Yarmouth Road Runners393 01:21:41.2 01:20:50.5
265 BillKingabyM205M70-74 2Waveney Valley AC1939 01:21:11.1 01:20:50.5
266 LeeSymondsM206M40-44 28Great Yarmouth Road Runners593 01:21:37.6 01:20:55.6
267 NathanRaceM207M45-49 31Great Yarmouth Road Runners72 01:21:37.9 01:20:55.7
268 GrahamWalshM208M75+ 1Wymondham AC261 01:21:15.5 01:20:56.7
269 AndrewHammondM209M65-69 6Norfolk Gazelles AC276 01:21:28.4 01:20:58.6
270 RobertGrovesM210MO 88Reepham Runners590 01:21:47.3 01:21:21.9
271 JohnMorganM211M60-64 16Aylsham Runners162 01:21:33.5 01:21:22.2
272 IanHawkesM212M65-69 7Waveney Valley AC429 01:21:52.4 01:21:24.7
273 RachelJacksonF61F45-49 111945 01:22:01.3 01:21:25.3
274 HannahTaylorF62FO 23Waveney Valley AC78 01:22:00.3 01:21:26.0
275 JackHockenM213MO 89571 01:22:00.8 01:21:26.6
276 MichaelAnnakinM214M40-44 29286 01:22:16.2 01:21:28.1
277 WayneHallamM215M45-49 32Fordy Runs Running Club189 01:21:57.5 01:21:34.3
278 RobertLastM216M45-49 33Dereham Runners AC322 01:22:14.0 01:21:35.5
279 PennyStudleyF63F50-54 11Great Yarmouth Road Runners1948 01:22:28.4 01:21:42.4
280 LouiseGardinerF64F50-54 12354 01:22:17.9 01:21:44.7
281 NessDentF65F40-44 13North Norfolk Beach Runners17 01:21:58.0 01:21:46.9
282 KevinDenmarkM217M65-69 8Wymondham AC290 01:22:03.6 01:21:48.5
283 KatieWoodcockF66FO 24Fenland Running Club549 01:22:17.1 01:21:52.8
284 AndrewHaywardM218M55-59 17Dereham Runners AC7 01:22:34.6 01:21:56.2
285 RichardHancockM219M45-49 34192 01:22:10.8 01:22:00.6
286 LouiseRoweF67F40-44 14Dereham Runners AC282 01:22:40.6 01:22:04.4
287 MatthewGildingM220M40-44 30Dereham Runners AC324 01:22:38.9 01:22:10.5
288 JoSilverF68F55-59 4275 01:22:36.9 01:22:10.6
289 RobertLeeM221M50-54 24Dereham Runners AC321 01:22:50.1 01:22:21.5
290 JenRuddF69F50-54 13Wymondham AC1911 01:23:03.2 01:22:24.8
291 LindaCusackF70F70-74 1Thetford AC120 01:22:40.8 01:22:25.0
292 NeilRiversM222M50-54 25Dereham Runners AC294 01:23:06.4 01:22:27.7
293 EmmaPotter-CampbellF71F55-59 5Dereham Runners AC124 01:23:15.5 01:22:35.5
294 JosephStaceyM223MO 90Aylsham Runners54 01:23:16.9 01:22:36.4
295 PhilBeecherM224MO 91519 01:22:57.3 01:22:43.1
296 SamuelHaywardM225MO 92Dereham Runners AC8 01:23:23.6 01:22:44.6
297 DesVanhinsberghM226M50-54 26Tri-Anglia Triathlon Club104 01:23:18.5 01:22:46.6
298 RhiannonEvansF72FO 25Norfolk Gazelles AC36 01:23:21.2 01:22:52.5
299 RichardLaceyM227MO 93457 01:23:32.5 01:22:59.9
300 BenSnellingM228M50-54 27Fordy Runs Running Club370 01:23:39.9 01:23:09.3
301 PaulFrenchM229M40-44 31379 01:23:58.3 01:23:25.1
302 NicolaGrimesF73F45-49 12523 01:24:00.2 01:23:27.2
303 RebeccaLangfordF74F45-49 13Lowestoft Road Runners1940 01:23:51.7 01:23:31.3
304 DavidBigginsM230MO 94356 01:23:59.0 01:23:39.6
305 JamieCarpenterM231MO 95483 01:24:12.8 01:23:44.1
306 BethKingF75F45-49 14Bure Valley Harriers461 01:24:09.5 01:23:49.5
307 PeterSwalesM232M60-64 17Dereham Runners AC316 01:24:34.0 01:23:53.4
308 MichelleHoddsF76F40-44 15Great Yarmouth Road Runners384 01:24:12.1 01:23:57.5
309 CarolineFletcherF77F40-44 16Dereham Runners AC287 01:24:38.7 01:24:02.8
310 RuthGainsfordF78F60-64 4Coltishall Jaguars RC174 01:24:39.8 01:24:14.4
311 SteveRushM233M60-64 18Aylsham Runners57 01:24:41.0 01:24:19.7
312 PhilipCarrM234M45-49 35490 01:25:01.6 01:24:29.6
313 AmyFulcherF79F40-44 17Coltishall Jaguars RC153 01:25:14.8 01:24:31.9
314 AntonyCroucherM235MO 96Great Yarmouth Road Runners408 01:24:50.0 01:24:33.3
315 JadeAndersonF80FO 26Great Yarmouth Road Runners586 01:24:49.4 01:24:33.4
316 PaulWitcherM236M60-64 19193 01:25:24.2 01:24:36.6
317 RubyHutchinsF81F40-44 18Norfolk Gazelles AC306 01:25:21.8 01:24:39.7
318 MarianCostelloF82F60-64 5Coltishall Jaguars RC170 01:25:09.6 01:24:44.9
319 MatthewFreezerM237MO 97Runners-Next-the-Sea548 01:25:28.4 01:25:01.1
320 RalfPageM238MO 98154 01:25:59.0 01:25:02.2
321 PeterBarrettM239M55-59 18Attleborough Athletics Academy1952 01:25:40.1 01:25:08.6
322 PatrickSwinleyM240MO 991956 01:25:36.9 01:25:14.7
323 StevenRixM241M40-44 32Dereham Runners AC1938 01:25:56.7 01:25:16.4
324 PhilHenryM242M60-64 20198 01:25:48.0 01:25:16.6
325 MalcolmHugginsM243M55-59 19419 01:26:09.4 01:25:29.6
326 ShaunParkinsonM244M40-44 33293 01:25:59.5 01:25:32.1
327 LeePavettM245M50-54 28449 01:26:01.6 01:25:33.9
328 GaryJonesM246M70-74 3Waveney Valley AC80 01:26:24.1 01:25:35.1
329 StuartWardropeM247M50-54 29Coltishall Jaguars RC18 01:26:22.0 01:25:38.9
330 ScottAndrewsM248MO 100181 01:25:53.0 01:25:40.8
331 SonjaWhiteF83F45-49 15Coltishall Jaguars RC157 01:26:25.3 01:25:42.1
332 SamChappellM249MO 1011922 01:26:19.0 01:25:43.0
333 JenniferBakerF84FO 27Great Yarmouth Road Runners1923 01:25:59.1 01:25:43.1
334 BenGiacomelliM250M40-44 341942 01:25:58.0 01:25:44.3
335 SteveCrossM251M55-59 20Waveney Valley AC580 01:26:22.7 01:25:49.8
336 SethRowdenM252MO 102Wymondham AC245 01:26:48.7 01:26:01.8
337 KellyMurkinF85F45-49 16Great Yarmouth Road Runners382 01:26:17.9 01:26:03.0
338 CharlotteWickhamF86F45-49 17228 01:26:38.2 01:26:06.1
339 LeslieHillM253M60-64 21Norfolk Gazelles AC265 01:26:26.7 01:26:07.2
340 HayleyHurstF87FO 28233 01:26:58.7 01:26:28.0
341 RichardCollyerM254M55-59 21Aylsham Runners581 01:26:52.9 01:26:29.5
342 DawnCollyerF88F45-49 18Aylsham Runners163 01:26:53.0 01:26:29.7
343 StephaniePimlottF89F40-44 19Waveney Valley AC422 01:26:56.6 01:26:32.5
344 ChristineHaylettF90F45-49 19380 01:27:11.6 01:26:38.8
345 GrainnePurvisF91F55-59 6Waveney Valley AC450 01:26:58.3 01:26:40.1
346 TasarlaLaganF92FO 2969 01:27:35.1 01:26:50.6
347 MarkJollyM255M55-59 22390 01:27:35.3 01:26:50.6
348 KathleenAlywardF93FO 30Great Yarmouth Road Runners1924 01:27:18.4 01:27:02.4
349 CarlPigottM256M45-49 3689 01:27:15.7 01:27:04.9
350 DarrenTameM257M40-44 351944 01:27:58.7 01:27:08.5
351 RacheleKelsallF94F55-59 7Wymondham AC254 01:27:56.0 01:27:15.7
352 StephenReadM258M65-69 9Bungay Black Dog RC225 01:27:42.0 01:27:21.0
353 AnnabelBrownF95FO 31Bure Valley Harriers32 01:28:09.6 01:27:34.6
354 RobertBlackM259M55-59 23City of Norwich AC1949 01:27:52.0 01:27:35.2
355 KatieLingwoodF96FO 321916 01:28:26.9 01:27:48.5
356 EdwardLaytonM260MO 1031955 01:28:18.9 01:27:50.0
357 JohnAlgarM261M40-44 36Great Yarmouth Road Runners399 01:28:49.4 01:27:56.8
358 HayleyEyreF97F45-49 20Runners-Next-the-Sea546 01:28:51.3 01:28:00.6
359 BarneyPigottM262MO 10488 01:28:15.9 01:28:05.0
360 DianeLainF98F50-54 14Reepham Runners156 01:28:39.7 01:28:05.6
361 AliceBishopF99FO 33347 01:28:36.1 01:28:08.4
362 DanielleCraneF100F45-49 21Norwich Road Runners486 01:28:35.0 01:28:16.2
363 ElaineHudsonF101F65-69 1Norfolk Gazelles AC309 01:29:09.0 01:28:35.2
364 DerekSadlerM263M70-74 4North Norfolk Beach Runners339 01:29:10.6 01:28:45.5
365 PaulaMcGrathF102F50-54 15Tri-Anglia Triathlon Club1928 01:29:38.0 01:28:50.9
366 JaneAshbyF103F75+ 1Ryston Runners544 01:29:24.0 01:29:02.3
367 AmyRibbansF104FO 34Great Yarmouth Road Runners60 01:29:22.3 01:29:05.9
368 LeanneWadsworthF105F40-44 20Great Yarmouth Road Runners409 01:29:23.8 01:29:06.5
369 HelenHolmesF106F45-49 22Dereham Runners AC325 01:29:45.0 01:29:07.0
370 EmmaSharplesF107F40-44 21214 01:29:28.4 01:29:08.8
371 DanielHawkingM264M45-49 37Dereham Runners AC279 01:29:54.5 01:29:16.6
372 SamBeM265MO 105504 01:29:49.5 01:29:19.6
373 DawnProtheroeF108F55-59 8Dereham Runners AC292 01:29:57.7 01:29:23.3
374 SophieHudsonF109F55-59 925 01:30:02.0 01:29:29.6
375 LucyVanhinsberghF110F50-54 16105 01:30:25.4 01:29:39.0
376 DavidGoodwinM266M75+ 2Norfolk Gazelles AC528 01:30:25.5 01:30:12.4
377 GuyShearwoodM267M65-69 10Tri-Anglia Triathlon Club239 01:30:56.8 01:30:14.2
378 StephenCunninghamM268M60-64 22185 01:30:53.5 01:30:15.1
379 LucieHerwinF111FO 35Dereham Runners AC43 01:30:55.9 01:30:21.5
380 RoyBrownM269M65-69 11Great Yarmouth Road Runners376 01:31:42.8 01:30:26.0
381 VickyBaileyF112F40-44 22Norwich Road Runners493 01:30:53.7 01:30:34.7
382 LynneHowlettF113F65-69 2Ryston Runners568 01:31:04.7 01:30:34.9
383 RobertMayorM270M45-49 38460 01:31:33.3 01:30:51.9
384 JuliaKennellyF114F50-54 17Wymondham AC269 01:31:38.0 01:30:58.6
385 CalvinDickM271MO 10634 01:31:47.8 01:31:00.4
386 MartinFarrimondM272M60-64 23564 01:31:50.0 01:31:03.3
387 ShanonHodgsonF115FO 36Aylsham Runners346 01:31:34.0 01:31:05.6
388 ChristerLawrenceM273M50-54 3035 01:31:55.1 01:31:08.0
389 LeanneEmmettF116F40-44 23368 01:31:52.0 01:31:18.5
390 DhinashaBalachandreF117FO 37494 01:31:52.7 01:31:19.5
391 SamanthaWhiteF118F55-59 10Great Yarmouth Road Runners349 01:31:59.7 01:31:29.5
392 KieranMacsweeneyM274M55-59 24Great Yarmouth Road Runners577 01:32:00.6 01:31:30.5
393 DaveEvansM275M60-64 24Wymondham AC297 01:31:59.0 01:31:35.9
394 KimBlazerF119F55-59 11194 01:32:31.7 01:31:43.1
395 LizCluesF120F50-54 18Tri-Anglia Triathlon Club202 01:32:32.1 01:31:43.6
396 ChristieWilliamsonF121FO 38Norwich Road Runners1930 01:32:34.2 01:31:44.7
397 RowanYork-SmithF122F45-49 23206 01:32:33.8 01:31:45.1
398 KevinWilloughbyM276M55-59 25Norwich Road Runners527 01:32:14.4 01:31:45.7
399 RuthGauntF123F55-59 12Norwich Road Runners367 01:32:37.8 01:31:47.9
400 BobbieSauerzapfF124F65-69 3Bungay Black Dog RC46 01:32:39.6 01:31:50.9
401 JasonThodayM277M40-44 37373 01:32:33.9 01:31:51.5
402 EdwardPinchM278M55-59 26Tri-Anglia Triathlon Club496 01:32:41.6 01:31:57.5
403 PeterPennyM279M50-54 31Tri-Anglia Triathlon Club242 01:32:41.2 01:31:57.5
404 MartinTaylorM280M45-49 39Tri-Anglia Triathlon Club103 01:32:50.3 01:32:02.6
405 PhilippaRuddF125F60-64 6Tri-Anglia Triathlon Club240 01:32:45.9 01:32:03.8
406 GrahamKempM281M45-49 40Bungay Black Dog RC448 01:33:37.7 01:32:54.1
407 TimWoodsM282M60-64 25Norfolk Gazelles AC323 01:33:23.4 01:33:03.8
408 PaulCorinaM283M60-64 26536 01:34:10.0 01:33:15.4
409 SueStirlingF126F55-59 13Wymondham AC234 01:34:07.0 01:33:25.9
410 RachaelLockwoodF127F50-54 19Wymondham AC574 01:34:09.5 01:33:28.8
411 LinusMarray-WoodsM284M55-59 27541 01:34:24.3 01:33:46.6
412 TracieDraegerF128F60-64 7Wymondham AC1947 01:34:39.3 01:33:47.0
413 JohnBurtonM285M70-74 5Tri-Anglia Triathlon Club567 01:34:18.3 01:34:00.6
414 LizCoxF129F45-49 24Great Yarmouth Road Runners395 01:34:26.6 01:34:09.4
415 PeterKeenM286M55-59 281951 01:34:45.0 01:34:22.3
416 RobynCurryF130FO 39Norwich Road Runners314 01:35:29.7 01:34:34.3
417 NathanGeeM287MO 107471 01:35:47.4 01:34:46.2
418 SimonBestM288M45-49 41Attleborough Athletics Academy257 01:35:25.0 01:34:58.7
419 SarahNelisF131F50-54 20Wymondham AC538 01:35:24.9 01:34:58.7
420 JoanneBatesF132F50-54 2126 01:35:44.3 01:35:13.1
421 KaraPullF133F40-44 2427 01:35:44.6 01:35:13.5
422 JohnSaggersM289MO 108Great Yarmouth Road Runners381 01:36:04.6 01:35:13.6
423 JacobKnightsM290MO 109168 01:35:38.3 01:35:14.1
424 AndyWalterM291M55-59 29Norfolk Gazelles AC307 01:36:09.4 01:35:38.8
425 RachelTarkenterF134F45-49 25Dereham Runners AC288 01:36:22.0 01:35:42.4
426 LucyCallabyF135FO 40Dereham Runners AC539 01:36:22.0 01:35:43.0
427 LucyMccallumF136F40-44 25Runners-Next-the-Sea331 01:36:46.7 01:35:56.4
428 HelenRichardson-HulmeF137F45-49 26Norfolk Gazelles AC464 01:36:48.3 01:36:06.2
429 RosemaryTerryF138F40-44 26531 01:37:11.8 01:36:27.0
430 SimonAlcockM292M55-59 30Bure Valley Harriers359 01:37:01.6 01:36:27.1
431 StuartSmithM293M65-69 12Waveney Valley AC444 01:37:11.8 01:36:32.7
432 AmandaMorrisF139F60-64 81915 01:36:56.7 01:36:34.6
433 OdetteGoldsmithF140F55-59 14Waveney Valley AC418 01:37:10.4 01:36:46.2
434 LouiseHarrodF141F55-59 15Waveney Valley AC433 01:37:11.7 01:36:48.1
435 LilyPowerF142FO 4166 01:37:40.7 01:36:48.1
436 MatthewParkhouseM294M45-49 42Norwich Road Runners67 01:37:40.8 01:36:48.4
437 PippaWrightF143FO 42336 01:37:12.9 01:36:48.7
438 JenineGillett-ThomasF144F40-44 27Norwich Road Runners569 01:37:36.5 01:36:49.2
439 PaulRichardsonM295M65-69 13Norwich Road Runners597 01:37:28.6 01:36:54.6
440 KateCloverF145F50-54 22253 01:37:47.2 01:36:55.8
441 JohnWalsheM296M70-74 6Road Runners Club540 01:37:04.4 01:36:56.3
442 VickyWardropeF146F50-54 23Coltishall Jaguars RC19 01:37:43.1 01:36:59.5
443 BarneyGoodrumM297M55-59 31Norfolk Gazelles AC582 01:37:49.4 01:37:05.8
444 PeterSavageM298M65-69 14Holme Pierrepont RC132 01:38:05.2 01:37:15.5
445 VickyJonesF147F45-49 27Norwich Road Runners146 01:38:10.9 01:37:21.0
446 LizJonesF148F45-49 28Norwich Road Runners501 01:38:11.0 01:37:21.5
447 CatherineSayerF149FO 43Norfolk Gazelles AC84 01:37:57.0 01:37:23.5
448 JuliePeacockF150F65-69 4115 01:38:10.7 01:37:35.3
449 AmeliaHillF151F45-49 29302 01:38:39.7 01:38:08.5
450 LukeFrostM299MO 110111 01:38:59.0 01:38:09.4
451 ZanetaCegielskaF152F40-44 28512 01:38:56.6 01:38:10.2
452 MichelleYoungsF153FO 44Norwich Road Runners510 01:38:58.4 01:38:11.6
453 EmilyMurley-LownF154F40-44 29North Norfolk Beach Runners343 01:38:42.9 01:38:16.9
454 JohnCauserM300M75+ 3Norwich Road Runners148 01:39:06.3 01:38:21.1
455 StephanieEvansF155FO 45Norfolk Gazelles AC37 01:39:03.6 01:38:30.6
456 AndrewChargeM301M50-54 32Great Yarmouth Road Runners413 01:39:29.0 01:38:38.0
457 KellyBancroftF156F40-44 30Great Yarmouth Road Runners221 01:39:29.9 01:38:38.6
458 AmyDuxburyF157FO 46Norfolk Gazelles AC473 01:39:27.9 01:38:54.8
459 JadeManterfield-IvoryF158FO 471920 01:39:33.2 01:38:57.2
460 LukeJinkersonM302MO 111222 01:40:47.0 01:39:53.6
461 BridgetInyangF159F60-64 9Great Yarmouth Road Runners389 01:40:52.9 01:40:07.3
462 AngelaSmithF160F60-64 10Waveney Valley AC430 01:40:55.8 01:40:23.2
463 ClaireOwenF161F45-49 30Coltishall Jaguars RC92 01:40:55.5 01:40:28.7
464 LornaJermynF162F45-49 31Wymondham AC102 01:41:42.0 01:41:23.9
465 JanTotterdaleF163F60-64 11Dereham Runners AC137 01:42:08.0 01:41:29.0
466 MillieStephenF164FO 48342 01:42:29.4 01:41:35.7
467 OllyMatthewsM303MO 1121933 01:42:22.1 01:41:36.7
468 AngelaWakeleyF165F60-64 12Great Yarmouth Road Runners401 01:42:28.1 01:41:42.4
469 LindaHawesF166F45-49 32Reepham Runners330 01:42:41.0 01:41:53.9
470 SarahKeenF167F50-54 24North Norfolk Beach Runners340 01:43:13.7 01:42:21.9
471 TessaMorganF168F55-59 16Aylsham Runners585 01:42:56.8 01:42:27.0
472 EamonnMcCuskerM304M70-74 7Ryston Runners550 01:43:26.7 01:42:54.2
473 ChloeWardF169FO 49Norwich Road Runners62 01:43:27.1 01:43:01.5
474 EmmaWardF170F50-54 25Norwich Road Runners63 01:43:27.6 01:43:01.9
475 OliviaHodgsonF171FO 50Aylsham Runners55 01:44:22.2 01:43:39.6
476 Charlotte LucyHodgsonF172FO 51Norwich Road Runners362 01:44:23.7 01:43:40.9
477 MartinBlackburnM305M65-69 15Ryston Runners543 01:44:49.9 01:44:13.0
478 SusanSmithF173F50-54 26474 01:45:04.3 01:44:17.7
479 ClaireMingayF174F50-54 27310 01:45:04.9 01:44:18.4
480 MayaAldridge-HobbsF175FO 5241 01:45:09.8 01:44:23.5
481 HeatherDagracaF176F45-49 33Norfolk Gazelles AC469 01:45:29.4 01:44:32.3
482 MeganOramF177F45-49 34Dereham Runners AC277 01:45:32.9 01:44:51.1
483 RosieHarrisonF178F40-44 31195 01:45:49.0 01:44:54.5
484 StevenLloydM306M50-54 33348 01:45:49.5 01:44:54.9
485 GeorginaCleereF179F40-44 32Fordy Runs Running Club1914 01:45:51.6 01:44:58.4
486 KarlLakeM307M50-54 3486 01:46:14.9 01:45:35.8
487 AdamLambM308MO 113558 01:46:51.5 01:46:29.1
488 LynOttawayF180F50-54 28Wymondham AC533 01:47:23.9 01:46:37.8
489 JacquieWoodF181F70-74 2Dereham Runners AC285 01:47:26.4 01:46:44.7
490 ClareSuterF182F45-49 35Wymondham AC258 01:47:35.7 01:46:49.5
491 JenniferChildF183F60-64 13Aylsham Runners56 01:47:27.1 01:46:55.2
492 HannahMackF184FO 53180 01:48:39.0 01:47:38.7
493 KirstyParadotF185F45-49 36410 01:49:05.5 01:48:13.1
494 RuthAngraveF186F45-49 37112 01:49:05.8 01:48:13.5
495 HollyLutkinF187FO 541953 01:49:15.2 01:48:19.0
496 PaulDurrantM309M40-44 38211 01:48:56.9 01:48:26.4
497 KarlJermynM310M50-54 35Tri-Anglia Triathlon Club238 01:48:54.3 01:48:36.1
498 MeganHydeF188FO 55190 01:49:09.1 01:48:41.1
499 HenriettaGreenF189F45-49 38Dereham Runners AC327 01:49:23.6 01:48:42.0
500 AlisonBilyardF190F50-54 29Great Yarmouth Road Runners374 01:49:19.7 01:49:02.1
501 PaulElliottM311M60-64 27Reepham Runners31 01:49:45.1 01:49:02.5
502 KarenWestF191F60-64 14North Norfolk Beach Runners58 01:50:23.7 01:49:56.9
503 NualaMotel-CaseyF192FO 56311 01:50:41.8 01:49:57.3
504 RichardWestM312M55-59 32North Norfolk Beach Runners59 01:50:24.0 01:49:57.9
505 TheresaJonesF193F60-64 15Waveney Valley AC81 01:50:58.9 01:50:09.8
506 JoRaynerF194F55-59 17Wymondham AC273 01:51:18.6 01:50:24.0
507 CatherineGarrardF195F50-54 30131 01:51:25.5 01:50:27.2
508 HelenaShawF196F50-54 31Totton RC552 01:51:57.9 01:50:57.7
509 EmmaCopperwheatF197FO 57191 01:52:01.7 01:51:07.5
510 GayeDemirsoyF198F45-49 39Dereham Runners AC326 01:52:12.8 01:51:31.4
511 DaleSmithF199FO 58363 01:52:47.6 01:51:54.6
512 BridieLewisF200F70-74 3588 01:52:43.4 01:52:05.3
513 RichardHassettM313M55-59 33235 01:53:41.6 01:52:45.3
514 JoannaAndrewsF201F40-44 33446 01:53:14.4 01:52:46.1
515 IsobelAbbottF202FO 59Benfleet RC553 01:54:41.0 01:53:40.5
516 MelanieElliottF203F50-54 32Reepham Runners30 01:54:40.3 01:53:57.5
517 ChristinaSundalsklievF204FO 601 01:54:29.7 01:54:07.7
518 JennaThompsonF205F40-44 342 01:54:31.6 01:54:08.2
519 CharlotteBallF206FO 61143 01:55:05.0 01:54:17.0
520 CathyTooleyF207F60-64 16Great Yarmouth Road Runners70 01:55:07.8 01:54:22.4
521 JodieSundalsklievF208F40-44 353 01:54:57.6 01:54:34.5
522 ZoeyMathewsF209F40-44 361918 01:56:01.2 01:55:09.6
523 KathrynTiveyF210FO 621919 01:56:07.0 01:55:15.3
524 JanineDaynesF211F50-54 33Wymondham AC256 01:56:49.9 01:56:00.6
525 TrevorPotterM314M70-74 8Norwich Road Runners479 01:56:58.0 01:56:06.9
526 MitzyO'LoughlinF212F60-64 17Bungay Black Dog RC246 01:56:56.9 01:56:19.3
527 KirstySturmanF213F45-49 40Lonely Goat RC352 01:57:20.5 01:56:23.2
528 TrudiSmithF214F55-59 1887 01:57:54.8 01:57:16.9
529 AmandaGrayF215F65-69 5Wymondham AC252 01:58:13.9 01:57:19.0
530 JulieLondonF216F55-59 19Norfolk Gazelles AC1931 01:59:23.7 01:58:27.3
531 StephanieBrightonF217F40-44 37Norfolk Gazelles AC1932 01:59:24.0 01:58:27.5
532 AlanSmithM315M65-69 16Wymondham AC259 02:00:36.8 01:59:47.7
533 SamanthaPeachmentF218F55-59 20184 02:05:22.9 02:04:21.9
534 KarenDayF219F65-69 6183 02:05:23.0 02:04:22.0
535 TerryMarshallF220F75+ 2555 02:06:36.4 02:05:34.6
536 MenzileMkizaF221F40-44 381957 02:06:36.5 02:05:38.3
537 ChristineMooneyF222F45-49 41106 02:07:46.8 02:06:51.1
538 GeorgeMooneyM316MO 114107 02:08:47.6 02:07:51.5
539 JamesStaceyM317MO 115209 02:09:15.0 02:08:13.7
540 Kerri - AnneWatsonF223FO 63179 02:09:14.7 02:08:14.2
541 TraceyGoodrumF224F55-59 21Norfolk Gazelles AC147 02:13:55.2 02:12:55.5
542 AmberleyFitzalan-CramF225F45-49 42Norfolk Gazelles AC14 02:15:37.4 02:14:37.4
543 JustineWennF226F50-54 34Norfolk Gazelles AC65 02:15:37.7 02:14:37.7
544 MarkThorpeM318M60-64 28Norfolk Gazelles AC15 02:15:37.9 02:14:38.7